Nederland was het eerste land in de wereld waar mensen van gelijk geslacht wettelijk in het huwelijk mochten treden. De eerste vier huwelijken werden voltrokken op 1 april 2001 door de toenmalige burgemeester van Amsterdam Job Cohen. De hele wereldpers was toegestroomd.
Inmiddels is er een hele generatie kinderen en jongeren die niet beter weten dan dat twee mannen of twee vrouwen gewoon met elkaar kunnen trouwen. Maar er is lang voor gestreden om dit in Nederland mogelijk te maken.
Na Nederland volgden schoorvoetend andere landen. Inmiddels zijn er zesentwintig landen, and counting, waar het homohuwelijk is toegestaan.
Tijd voor een boekenfeestje.

Wij gaan ons echt verbinden: verbintenisceremonies voor homoseksuele en lesbische stellen
Allerlei soorten verbintenisceremonies in diverse tradities – van christelijk, joods tot boeddhistisch – komen aan de orde. Bevat twaalf uitgebreide relatieportretten en veel praktische informatie over onder andere juridische, ambtelijke en feestelijke kanten van verbintenisceremonies.
Wij gaan ons echt verbinden : verbintenisceremonies voor homoseksuele en lesbische stellen
/ Tineke Kalk en Corrie Rikkers.
– Amsterdam : Schorer, 2002. – 190 p. : ill.
ISBN: 9073341159
Bibliogr.: p. 181 – 182

Love around the world
Fleur and Julian are two women very much in love. When they decide to get married, however, they discover that in most countries, a man cannot marry a man and a woman cannot marry a woman. In fact, out of 195 countries in the world, they can only marry in 26 of them.
Fleur and Julian want to make other people aware of that. They think that love is love-not only between a man and a woman! So Fleur goes down on one knee and asks the love of her life, Would you like to marry me in all 26 countries? Julian
answers, Yes!
Thus begins an incredible trip around the world for our two heroes, Fleur and Julian, who travel to each nation that celebrates marriage equality. In Love Around the World, Fleur and Julian get married in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and the United States, where they learn about the customs and traditions of each place and make special memories that will last forever.
Love around the world
/ Fleur Pierets ; ill. Fatinha Ramos.
– Houston, TX : Six Foot Press, 2019. – 40 p. : ill.
ISBN: 9781644420058

The essential guide to lesbian and gay weddings
Gids voor homo- en lesbische paren die van hun huwelijksdag een onvergetelijke dag willen maken.
Recensie/Review in: Deneuve, (1994) (nov/dec), p. 28. – Scotsgay, (1995) 4.
The essential guide to lesbian and gay weddings
/ Tess Ayers and Paul Brown.
– [Repr.]. – Los Angeles, CA : Alyson, 1999. –
ISBN: 1555834841
Oorspr. uitg.: San Francisco, CA : Harper SanFrancisco, 1994.

Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships: a study of national, European and international law
Chapters cover legal developments in the USA, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Japan, China, India, Israel, and thirteen European countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Kees Waaldijk tells the story of “How the Road to Same-Sex Marriage Got Paved in the Netherlands”.
The final chapters examine European Community law, the European Convention on Human Rights, and United Nations human rights law.
Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships : a study of national, European and international law
/ ed. by Robert Wintemute and Mads Andenæs.
– Oxford [etc.] : Hart, 2001. – xvi, 790 p
ISBN: 1841131385

The limits to union: same-sex marriage and the politics of civil rights
A trip to the “alter” — Sovereign rites, civil rights — The status of status — Laboring for rights — Hawaiian wedding song — Global wedding bells — Conclusion: the mourning after.
Recensie/Review in: GLQ, 11 (2005) 4, p. 627-629.
The limits to union: same-sex marriage and the politics of civil rights
/ Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller.
– Ann Arbor, MI : University of Michigan Press, cop. 2002. – x, 290 p. : ill. – (Law, meaning, and violence).
ISBN: 0472112236
Bibliogr.: p. 265-283.

Coming out churches – Dutch edition: gids voor kerk & homo
Kerkelijke veroordeling van homoseksualiteit kan rekenen op aandacht van de media. Maar hoe zit het met kerken waar homo’s en lesbo’s wel degelijk welkom zijn? Het is de hoogste tijd dat deze kerken uit de kast komen en het beeld doorbreken dat kerken en homo-emancipatie tegenover elkaar staan.
Deze gids biedt een helder overzicht: de kerkelijke gastvrijheid is gemeten aan de hand van de vraag in hoeverre paren van hetzelfde geslacht de mogelijkheid hebben om er te trouwen. Daarnaast geven interviews met bekende en onbekende Nederlanders een beeld van de rol die mensen in en rondom de kerk gespeeld hebben bij de emancipatie van homoseksuele mannen en vrouwen in ons land.
Coming out churches – Dutch edition : gids voor kerk & homo
/ Samengest. door Wielie Elhorst & Tom Mikkers.
– Zoetermeer : Meinema, 2011. – 116 p. : ill.
ISBN: 9789021143118

Love’s rite: same-sex marriage in India and the WestIsadora Duncan
This is the first book to examine same-sex weddings and same-sex couple suicides in India over the last two decades, discussing these phenomena in the context of the international debate on gay marriage, and in the context of past and present Indian and
Euro-American cultural representations of same-sex union.
Ruth Vanita explores a wide variety of same-sex unions, from fourteenth-century narratives about co-wives who miraculously produce a child together to nineteenth-century depictions of ritualized unions between women, and marriages today between gay men and lesbians, arranged over the internet.
Examining the changing legal, literary, religious, and social traditions within which same-sex unions are embedded, Love’s Rite brings a fresh perspective to the gay marriage debate, suggesting that same-sex marriage dwells not at the margins of society but at the heart of culture.
Love’s rite: same-sex marriage in India and the West
/ by Ruth Vanita.
– New Delhi : Penguin, 2005. – 370 p.
ISBN: 9780144000593

Same-sex marriage and the constitution
Following the widely reviewed success of the first edition, the updated and expanded second edition of Same-Sex Marriage and the Constitution argues that there is a long-standing constitutional protection of the right to marry that applies to same-sex couples.
Balancing strong advocacy of this position with respectful engagement with those who oppose same-sex marriage, Evan Gerstmann concludes not only that the Constitution protects same-sex marriage but that it is the proper role of the courts to enforce this right.
The book also takes on many of the same-sex marriage myths: that it will lead down that ‘slippery slope’ to such things as polygamy, that same-sex marriage has been a political albatross for liberals and progressives, and that courts are ‘usurping’ the democratic process. Without overheated rhetoric or legal jargon, Gerstmann makes the case for same-sex marriage as a constitutional guarantee.
Recensie/Review in: Journal of Homosexuality, 49 (2005) 1, p. 161-177.
Same-sex marriage and the constitution
/ Evan Gerstmann.
– 2nd [upd. and exp.] ed. – New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2008. – 231 p.
ISBN: 0521709132
1e dr. 2003. – Bibliogr.: p. 215-225.

Odd couples: a history of gay marriage in Scandinavia
The concept of marriage as a union of a man and a woman was fundamentally challenged by the introduction of registered partnership in Denmark in 1989. Odd Couples is the first comprehensive history of registered partnership and gay marriage in Scandinavian countries.
This book traces the origins of laws which initially caused great controversy but have since gained broad popular and political support. It also discusses both the positive effects and risks involved in state recognition of lesbian and gay couples.
Recensie/Review in: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 26 (2013) 1, p. 63-65. – Journal of the History of Sexuality, 23 (2014) 2, p. 322-324.
Odd couples : a history of gay marriage in Scandinavia
/ Jens Rydström.
– Amsterdam : Aksant, 2011. – 246 p. : ill.
ISBN: 9789052603810
Bibliogr.: p. 224-238.

The same-sex unions revolution in Western democracies: International norms and domestic policy change
This book examines the development of same-sex unions policy (SSU) in eighteen western democracies and seeks to explain why the overwhelming majority of these countries have implemented a national law to recognise gay and lesbian couples since 1989.
The author argues that this dramatic wave of SSU policy adoptions across Western Europe and North America is, to a significant degree, the product of international norm diffusion and socialisation. The first part of the study traces the creation of a norm for relationship recognition within the European polity, and describes how this norm has
catalysed policy change in many western democracies.
The second part examines these processes in greater depth using two comparative case studies (Germany and the
Netherlands; the United States and Canada) to identify how the norm has influenced domestic policy debates as well as which factors determine the power it can exert in different national settings.
Challenging much current theorising about the domestic translation of international norms that focuses on institutional factors, this analysis reveals that culture – especially religious values, international norm legitimacy and public conceptions of human rights – also profoundly influences how countries have received the SSU norm as well as their decisions about whether and what kind of SSU lawb to adopt; marriage, registered partnership or unregistered cohabitant.
The same-sex unions revolution in Western democracies: International norms and domestic policy change
/ Kelly Kollman.
– Manchester [etc.] : Manchester University Press, 2016. – xiv, 217 p.
ISBN: 9780719084539
Bibliogr.: p. 200-212.

When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
The summer of 2008 was the summer of love and commitment for gays and lesbians in the United States. Thousands of same-sex couples stood in line for wedding licenses all over California in the first few days after same-sex marriage was legalized. On the other side of the country, Massachusetts, the very first state to give gay couples marriage rights, took the last step to full equality by allowing same-sex couples from other states to marry there as well.
These happy times for same-sex couples were the hallmark of true equality for some, yet others questioned whether the very bedrock of
society was crumbling. What would this new step portend? In order to find out the impact of same-sex marriage, M. V. Lee Badgett traveled to a land where it has been legal for same-sex couples to marry since 2001: the Netherlands.
Badgett interviews gay couples to find out how this step has affected their lives. We learn about the often surprising changes to their relationships, the reactions of their families, and work colleagues. Moreover, Badgett is interested in the ways that the institution itself has been altered for the larger society. How has the concept of marriage changed? “When Gay People Get Married” gives readers a primer on the current state of the same-sex marriage debate, and a new way of framing the issue that provides valuable new insights into the political, social, and personal stakes involved.
The experiences of other countries and these pioneering American states serve as a crystal ball as we grapple with this polarizing issue in the American context. The evidence shows both that marriage changes gay people more than gay people change marriage, and that it is the most liberal countries and states making the first move to recognize gay couples.
In the end, Badgett compellingly shows that allowing gay couples to marry does not destroy the institution of marriage and that many gay couples do benefit, in expected as well as surprising ways, from the legal, social, and political rights that the institution offers.
Recensie/Review in: Journal of Homosexuality, 57 (2010) 3, p. 459-463.
– Journal of Homosexuality, 58 (2011) 8, p. 1154-1156.
– Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 17 (2013) 3, p. 361-363.
When Gay People Get Married : What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage
/ by M.V. Lee Badgett.
– New York, NY : New York University Press, 2009. – xi, 287 p.
ISBN: 081479114X

Tante Truus trouwt
Piens tante Truus gaat trouwen met haar lieve vriendin Marjon. Hè? Maar dat zijn toch twee vrouwen? Ze wist niet dat zoiets kon!
Zo begint het verhalende gedicht dat vertelt over Piens tante Truus, die gaat trouwen met haar vriendin Marjon. Pien leert dat een vrouw niet alleen met een man kan trouwen, maar ook met een vrouw, of een man met een man. Twee vrouwen kunnen ook moeders van een kindje zijn. Pien draagt een mooie jurk en make-up en mag bij de voltrekking de ringen aangeven. Dat valt nog niet mee, want wie geef je welke ring? ‘s Avonds is het feest, met slingers, ijs en taart!
Tante Truus trouwt
/ Trenke Riksten-Unsworth & Maria Riksten-Brouwer.
– [Breda] : Droomvallei, 2017. – 32 p. : ill.
ISBN: 9789491886775