You are kindly invited to join us for a discussion on the life and work of Dutch photographer Frank Scholten and what his work could mean in a
You are kindly invited to join us for a discussion on the life and work of Dutch photographer Frank Scholten and what his work could mean in a contemporary context.
For this program we are collaborating with Sary Zananiri, an artist and cultural historian at Leiden University, who works with Scholten’s extensive archive of work owned by NINO.
Scholten (1881-1942) is best known for his travels to Palestine in the early 1920s, travels he made in part to evade prosecution in The Netherlands for homosexual activity with young men. This was in a time in which the age of consent for gay and straight activity was different under law 248bis.
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25 februari 2021 18:30 - 20:30
Bezoekadres IHLIA
OBA Oosterdok
Oosterdokskade 143, 3e verdieping
1011 DL Amsterdam
Tel: 020-5230837
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