Fifty years of queer history on T-shirts

LGBTshirtQIA+ showcases an extensive sampling of IHLIA LGBTI Heritage’s T-shirt collection. Five masterpieces are highlighted – each from different periods, areas and (sub)cultural backgrounds – and provided with context in the form of interviews, essays, images and poems.
Photographer Ari Versluis places these stories in the present, so history is carried by LGBTQ+ people of today.
All the shirts say something about and are part of important moments in LGBTQ+ history. LGBTshirtQIA+ invites you to look at, fantasize about, and zoom in on the various important stories carried by all 327 T-shirts in the IHLIA collection with an open mind.
The photographs, shirts and in-depth perspectives are a sketch of a moment, time, movement, community, individual or place in LGBTQI+ history. With this exhibition, we do not attempt to offer a complete overview of this history, but we do give a concise impression of fifty years of queer culture in development.
Location: IHLIA Plaza, Oosterdokskade 143, 3rd floor (OBA Oosterdok)
When: 30 July – 2 November 2020
Photo: ACT UP, Albany 1990. Robin Ramos gefotografeerd door Ari Versluis 2020
Photography exhibition at IHLIA Plaza: Fabian Landewee
> ‘Open Closet’ met meer T-shirts uit de IHLIA-collectie [in Dutch]
> T-shirts from the IHLIA collection on the website Wearing Gay History
> Artikel NRC: ‘Een T-shirt met Pride’ [in Dutch]
> Artikel ‘Tentoonstelling LGBTshirtQIA+ opent vandaag’ [in Dutch]