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Archival art by seven artists

The exhibition Blooming Archive - features works by seven Dutch and international artists who have researched the IHLIA – LGBTQ collection through their respective practices. Each piece is driven by a different approach of dealing with archival documents: Some of them creatively reframe archival objects to reconstruct and revitalize fragmented histories, forgotten figures, and activist strategies. Others apply montage and collage strategies based on archival holdings, highlighting questions surrounding the ordering and preserving of subaltern heritage.

Together, the works engulf a wide medial range, spanning from textiles and books to sculpture, sound, and video installation. All displays date from the last few years, reflecting the continuously growing relevance of archival art. The exhibition thus offers an insight into contemporary artistic discourses renegotiating art’s access to and participation in LGBTQIA+ history.



september 2024

Discover LGBTIQ+ heritage at IHLIA

IHLIA is the heritage organisation with a socially relevant and indispensable collection.

IHLIA is an independent organisation located in OBA Oosterdok in Amsterdam. IHLIA is continuously involved in collecting information about the LGBTIQ+ community and making it accessible. LGBTIQ+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexe and queer persons. Anyone can turn to IHLIA for information about homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, interexe and queer persons, and about their history, everyday life and culture.

Search directly in the collection

The IHLIA plaza (3rd floor, OBA Oosterdok) has an exhibition space and an information desk.

The IHLIA collection contains rare documents. To safeguard the quality of our collection, you may peruse all the material, but only at our location. On your request, we prepare everything you need. 

A small part of our collection is >accessible online. We are working hard to expand this in the future.

The most recent and sought-after books in the collection are found in our book cabinets at the IHLIA plaza (3rd floor of the OBA in Amsterdam). We don’t lend out this material either, but feel free to grab a copy from the shelf and take a seat on a nice seat in the library. You’ll get a nice view of Amsterdam for free!

Open Up! the history of LGBTI emancipation and development, mainly in central, east and southeast Europe. Read more Historical magazines Featuring titles such as Der Eigene and Levensrecht Read more Buttons Online exhibition about the
IHLIA button collection
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T-shirts Wearing Gay History Read more

Latest news

Diego Galdo González awarded the IHLIA Thesis Award

Last Thursday, in a celebration at the Tolhuistuin, in Amsterdam, Diego Galdo González was awarded the IHLIA Thesis Prize. Titled Descendants of Sodom: A History of Pleasure in Lima (1950-1982), Galdo González (University of Amsterdam) wrote a...

English professor Richard Dyer comes to IHLIA

On 31 October we welcome British scholar Richard Dyer, whose writings on stardom, entertainment, and the representation of gender, sexuality and race have made a great impact in film and cultural studies.  The Richard Dyer Reader (2023), co-edited...


Visiting address IHLIA
OBA Oosterdok
Oosterdokskade 143, 3rd floor
1011 DL Amsterdam

Tel: 020-5230837

Exhibits on the IHLIA Plaza
Free to visit every day, follow OBA opening times