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From 19 May: new exhibition Kin.

This exhibition presents us with an inside look at Amsterdam’s first Drag King House – The House of Løstbois. Born out of a drag king academy set up by drag educator and mother ‘Taka Taka’ and artist ‘Father Julius’ in March 2019. The House of...

Robbe Himpe winner of the first IHLIA Thesis Prize

Over the past six months, we have been looking for the best thesis in the field of LGBTQI+ history in Flanders and the Netherlands. During the Queer History Month, the prize was awarded to Robbe Himpe on March 22. The winner received a check worth...

House of HIV asks for input for exhibition

A number of organisations, including IHLIA, are working on plans for an exhibition about the stories behind 40 years of community initiatives around HIV and AIDS in our country. Do you have another story you’d like to share? Maybe you want to...


Visiting address IHLIA
OBA Oosterdok
Oosterdokskade 143, 3rd floor
1011 DL Amsterdam

Tel: 020-5230837

Exhibits on the IHLIA Plaza
Free to visit every day, follow OBA opening times