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Pride Amsterdam 2022

After two years of restrictions, it’s back! From July 30 to August 7, 2022 you can enjoy about 300 activities in Amsterdam during Pride. IHLIA is of course also present. We organize an exhibition in the OBA, but we also work together with Kunstfort at Vijfhuizen.

Below is our overview. In addition, you will also find links to programs organized by other organizations that IHLIA visitors will also find interesting.

Memories of Gay Games Amsterdam 1998

IHLIA Plaza, 3rd floor OBA

On August 1, 2023, it will be 25 years since the largest LGBTI+ event ever took place in Amsterdam. During Gay Games Amsterdam 1998, the city turned pink. This will be commemorated in Pride Week with a mini exhibition at IHLIA.

Pablo Lerma with Breaths Between

Kunstfort Vijfhuizen

Homing in on liq­uids and hu­midity in the fortress’ ar­chi­tec­tural ecosystem and building upon its la­tent en­er­gies, Pablo Lerma fab­u­lates a story about hu­midity shared be­tween mil­i­tary men who might have in­hab­ited the > Kunstfort.

Lerma has previously researched the concept of masculinity at IHLIA for the exhibition > It Doesn’t Stop at Images in the past three years.

Lerma dove into the Gerrit Jan Vos col­lec­tion of IHLIA LGBTI Her­itage. Gerrit Jan Vos col­lected about 4000 photos of mostly men in uni­form. Many of the photos are dated around World War II. Some of the com­pan­ion­ships shown in the photos could be in­ter­preted as having a ho­mo­erotic or ho­moso­cial un­der­tone.

Queer Theater Festival

OBA Theater

Through various theater productions, stories are told from different perspectives of the queer community. The Queer Theater Festival is an initiative of the OBA in collaboration with Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Theater van de Heelheid, foundation Zou jij het zijn, De Gemeenschap.

Senior Pride


You can find the activities in the context of Senior Pride 2022 on the Oud Roze Agenda website. The residential care centers have created a nice program so that residents of the houses, but also interested parties can visit them.


Visiting address IHLIA
OBA Oosterdok
Oosterdokskade 143, 3rd floor
1011 DL Amsterdam

Tel: 020-5230837

Exhibits on the IHLIA Plaza
Free to visit every day, follow OBA opening times