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Opening exhibition Protest2Pride

Marian’s photos act as a nuanced historical record, a public service to our collective memory and understanding. They invite us to step into their world and consider how today’s activism, and the ways we document it, compares.  

You too can contribute to the cultural memory of future generations by adding your personal moments of activism to the exhibition. Expanding the ways we understand LGBTIQ+ protests and Pride.

At the opening of the exhibition we invite you to engage with the intersection of activism, photography, and memory through conversation and hands-on creative work.

Before the 12th of July, share with us your digital copies of personal photos that represent moments of activism to you. Take this as broadly as you’d like! We will print photos* and place them in paper frames where we will write captions and decorate, making meanings however feels best. 

With your consent, we will add your photos, along with their frames, to the exhibit as well as the IHLIA archive—contributing to the cultural memory of our community in all its diversity for future generations. 

* On-site if you can’t upload them before the event

It is not a requirement to submit a photo to be present at the opening

To engage with the intersection of activism, photography, and memory
We capture our lives through photos, taking and sharing pictures thoughtfully, but also automatically, all day long. It can be hard to imagine what becomes of this huge volume of pictures, of memories. Carefully curated we share our pictures, but most of the time they just live on our phones, unseen, until we run out of storage.

Does the proliferation of images make them less powerful, or does it amplify more diverse perspectives? Is sharing a protest photo on social media the same as adding it to a public archive? How can a photo shift from an individual, personal, memory to part of a larger historical or political narrative?

Together we will reflect on what it means to protest or advocate, and the different ways we can make sense of, or “frame” our captured moments. Sharing a drink, at this collaborative event we take the time to discuss how we make and record change. 


Visiting address IHLIA
OBA Oosterdok
Oosterdokskade 143, 3rd floor
1011 DL Amsterdam

Tel: 020-5230837

Exhibits on the IHLIA Plaza
Free to visit every day, follow OBA opening times