Onlangs is de subsidieaanvraag van IHLIA voor het project ‘Homoseksualiteit in en rond de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Digitalisering en ontsluiting collectie IHLIA LGBTI Heritage’ door het Mondriaan Fonds toegekend. Uit onderzoek is het nodige bekend over...
© SHOT BY MARV — Marvin Duiker Nicole Moolhuisen, who did an internship at IHLIA last year, wrote for the special edition of the platform Root Routes about Fluid Heritage an article: ‘Queer identities and heritage: Current developments and hopes for...
Dear students, Bet you didn’t think about Corona when you bought that ‘The future is queer’ t-shirt. You imagined a 2020 of Marches and Milkshakes, not a digital mint tea in old sweatpants. But here you are, queerantining with housemates, lover(s)...
In celebration of Prof. dr. Kai Jonas’ position as the chair Applied Social Psychology with special focus on LGBTQI+ Diversity and Health at Maastricht University, The Flemish-Dutch Network LGBTI Research conducted a mini-interview to hear his...