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Number of results: 19( emiel maliepaard )


Biseksualiteit : 10 keer vraag en antwoord  / Hanneke Felten & Emiel Maliepaard.

Utrecht: Movisie, 2015 - 12 p.: ill.
edition: Utrecht : Movisie, 2015 - 12 p.: ill.
  1. biseksualiteit
resume: Wat is biseksualiteit en hoe vaak komt het voor? Wat kun je doen zodat biseksuelen de ruimte krijgen om zichzelf te zijn? Deze handreiking geeft antwoord op deze en andere vragen. De feiten hebben we op een rij gezet. We geven gemeenten concrete tips over wat zij kunnen doen om meer bi-inclusief te zijn. Daarnaast geven we handvatten aan professionals en vrijwilligers van maatschappelijke organisaties zoals hulpverleners, leden van sociale wijkteams, sociaal werkers, onderwijzend personeel en actieve burgers in WMO-raden, platforms en belangenorganisaties.

signature: cat. (felte/mal)

dgb grijs

Biseksualiteit : 10 keer vraag en antwoord
cat. (felte/mal)dgb grijs

Bisexuals in space and geography : more-than-queer?  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Fennia : International Journal of Geography, 193 (2015) 1, p. 148-159
source: Fennia : International Journal of Geography year: 193 (2015) 1 , p. 148-159
resume: Geographies of sexualities mainly focusses on the lived experiences and sexual identity negotiations of gay men and lesbian women in a society based upon binary divisions of sex, gender, and sexualities. This review article wants to consider a more theoretically informed relational approach to understand the creation and sustaining of the binary system, and the everyday lived experience of bisexuals. This article will review contemporary studies on queer space and studies on the intersections of bisexual theory and queer theory. Drawing inspiration from queer theory, speech act theory, and relational geographies, I propose a focus on encounters, language, embodied practices, and embodied experiences to understand the lives of sexual minorities, and bisexuals in particular. While heteronormativity and monosexuality are important factors (or contexts) in the everyday lived experience, they are not all determining for the everyday experiences of people who desire more-than-one gender.

signature: dgb artikelen (malie/bis/geo)

Bisexuals in space and geography : more-than-queer?
dgb artikelen (malie/bis/geo)
Emiel Maliepaard.
Fennia : International Journal of Geography

Bisexual citizenship in the Netherlands : On homo-emancipation and bisexual representations in national emancipation policies  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Sexualities, 18 (2015) 4 (jun), p. 377-393
source: Sexualities year: 18 (2015) 4 (jun), p. 377-393
resume: Studies in sexual citizenship have been successful in revealing heteronormative assumptions that underlie most mainstream models on sexual citizenship and contemporary sexual politics. Discussions about sexual citizenship, however, focus on heterosexuals and homosexuals, and less on bisexual citizenship. This article aims to discuss the in/exclusion of bisexuals in Dutch sexual citizenship as described in Dutch national LGBT emancipation policies (known as ?homo-emancipation?). The analysis of policy documents shows that bisexuality is rendered invisible in multiple ways. Based on this analysis I argue that bisexual representation within sexual citizenship discourses and public policy documents is important to realize claims of self-identification, self-expression, and self-realization for bisexual citizens.

signature: ts.

Bisexual citizenship in the Netherlands : On homo-emancipation and bisexual representations in national emancipation policies
Emiel Maliepaard.

Bisexual Safe Space(s) on the Internet : Analysis of an Online Forum for Bisexuals  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 17 (2017) 3 (mrt), p. 318-330
source: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie year: 17 (2017) 3 (mrt), p. 318-330
resume: Discussions on bisexual safe space(s) and online bisexual spaces are limited. This paper explores the potential of an online forum for bisexuals, their partners, and people who are interested in bisexuality to function as an online safe space. To understand whether the analysed forum is successful as a bisexual safe space, as conceptualised by Jo Eadie, I focus on the practices, as manifold of doings and sayings, that create the forum as well as on the embodied experiences of the participants. I conclude that oppressive regimes that are rooted in offline practices, that is, mononormative ideals, value, and orthodoxies, are repeatedly introduced by participants in their stories, questions, and replies. At the same time, sharing experiences and empowerment are core practices and have an impact beyond the forum itself. Finally, by focusing on emotions, moods, and ends we can understand why people take part in the practices that constitute the forum.

signature: cat. art. (geogr/sex) b

Bisexual Safe Space(s) on the Internet : Analysis of an Online Forum for Bisexuals
cat. art. (geogr/sex) b
Emiel Maliepaard.
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie

Bisexuality in the Netherlands : Connecting bisexual passing, communities, and identities  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Journal of Bisexuality, 17 (2017) 3, p. 325-348
source: Journal of Bisexuality year: 17 (2017) 3 , p. 325-348
resume: This article explores bisexual passing and participants' perceptions of (and, sometimes, experiences with) the Dutch organized bisexual community and other bisexual communities in The Netherlands. On the basis of 21 interviews with bisexual women and 10 with bisexual men, the author discusses firstly why people often pass as heterosexual, lesbian, or gay in everyday situations, activities, and encounters, and secondly why people do not take part in the Dutch organized bisexual community. After engaging with bisexual theorising, the author use Schatzki's theory of practice to better explore and link bisexual passing and bisexual communities by focusing on how people, via participating in practices, relate to others and the social world. This theory shows not only that people find disclosing their bisexuality not relevant, appropriate, or acceptable in everyday practices, but also that this affects people's position towards the organized bisexual community.

signature: ts.

Bisexuality in the Netherlands : Connecting bisexual passing, communities, and identities
Emiel Maliepaard.
Journal of Bisexuality

Bisexual Spaces : Exploring Geographies of Bisexualities  / Emiel Maliepaard.

ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, 14 (2015) 1 (jun), p. 217-234
source: ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies year: 14 (2015) 1 (jun), p. 217-234
resume: Since the 1990s, geographies of sexualities have evolved into a body of work which is able to provide an overview of everyday life experiences of sexual minorities, especially of gay men and lesbians. A review of the literature, however, observes that bisexuality is often neglected. I argue that this is the result of an approach to sexualised space that immediately links the sexual coding of space with the dominant sexual identity. This paper aims to theorise bisexual spaces as a result of bisexual practices, which are derived from the Klein Sexual Orientation Grid. I will also stress the importance of linguistic practices in practicing (or doing) bisexuality. This paper concludes with a call to investigate bisexual geographies in the mundane, everyday realities of bisexual citizens.

signature: dgb artikelen (malie/bis/spa)

Bisexual Spaces : Exploring Geographies of Bisexualities
dgb artikelen (malie/bis/spa)
Emiel Maliepaard.
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies

Seksuele interacties in het nachtleven : Case study uit Brighton & Hove (UK)  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Vrijetijdstudies, 31 (2013) 2, p. 23-33
source: Vrijetijdstudies year: 31 (2013) 2 , p. 23-33
resume: Het uitgaansleven is een belangrijke vorm van vrijetijdbesteding. In onderzoek naar uitgaansleven en uitgaansgedrag wordt vaak een onderscheid gemaakt naar seksuele voorkeur: men spreekt van 'normaal' en homo-nachtleven. Participerende observatie met homoseksuele studenten in Brighton & Hove (VK) in 'normaal' nachtleven laat zien dat een groot scala aan opmerkelijke maar vooral niet-opmerkelijke gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden die een dynamiek aan seksuele codering van clubs oplevert: clubs zijn niet heteroseksueel of homoseksueel van nature, maar een tijdenruimtespecifieke dynamiek van verschillende seksuele interacties. Een nadruk op deze niet-opmerkelijke interacties en de zintuigelijke ervaring van deze interacties laten een nieuwe werkelijkheid zien die vaak wordt vergeten in sociaal onderzoek, maar juist belangrijk blijken te zijn in de beleving van een clubbing night out in de nachtclub. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar alledaagse ervaringen van mensen kan profiteren van een focus op deze niet-opmerkelijke gebeurtenissen.

signature: dgb artikelen (malie/sek)

Seksuele interacties in het nachtleven : Case study uit Brighton & Hove (UK)
dgb artikelen (malie/sek)
Emiel Maliepaard.

Homo's nemen de wijk  / Emiel Maliepaard.

Agora, 31 (2013) 1, p. 22-25
source: Agora year: 31 (2013) 1 , p. 22-25
resume: De wenselijkheid van 'homowijken' staat in binnen- en buitenland stevig ter discussie: wijken met een concentratie van (woon)voorzieningen voor homoseksuele mannen en vrouwen. Via een mix van theorie en persoonlijke ervaringen wordt dit herboren fenomeen aan een kritische analyse onderworpen.

signature: dgb artikelen (malie/hom)

Homo's nemen de wijk
dgb artikelen (malie/hom)
Emiel Maliepaard.

Amsterdam Gay Capital af  / Martin Zebracki & Emiel Maliepaard.

Geografie, 21 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 24-25
source: Geografie year: 21 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 24-25
resume: Amsterdam geniet een historische reputatie van internationale homohoofdstad. Die wordt echter bedreigd door toenemend antihomogeweld. Met homowijken wil de stad haar gayfactor versterken. Een onzalig idee.

signature: dgb artikelen (zebra/ams)

Amsterdam Gay Capital af
dgb artikelen (zebra/ams)
Martin Zebracki & Emiel Maliepaard.

Geographies of Sexualities : Bodies, Spatial Encounters and Emotions  / Guest editor: Valerie De Craene.

Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108 (2017) 3 (july), p. 261-360
source: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie year: 108 (2017) 3 (july), p. 261-360
resume: Table of Contents: Introduction - Geographies of Sexualities: Bodies, Spatial Encounters and Emotions / Valerie De Craene. - p. 261-274. Original Articles - Affects, Bodies and Desire: 'Queering' Methods and Methodologies to Research Queer Migration / Cesare Di Feliciantonio and Kaciano B. Gadelha. - p. 275-288. - Feeling Bodies of Knowledge: Situating Knowledge Production Through Felt Embeddedness / John Paul Catungal - p. 289-301. - Affective Inequality and Heteronormative Discomfort / Maria Rodó-De-Zárate. - p. 302-317. - Bisexual Safe Space(s) on the Internet: Analysis of an Online Forum for Bisexuals / Emiel Maliepaard. - p. 318-330. - Contesting 'Traditional' Masculinity and Men's Sexuality in Kwadukuza, South Africa / Kopano Ratele. - p. 331-344. Window on the Netherlands - Homomonument as Queer Micropublic: An Emotional Geography of Sexual Citizenship / Martin Zebracki. - p. 345-355. Commentary - Embodied Emotions in the Geographies of Sexualities / Andrew Gorman-Murray. - p. 356-360.

signature: cat. (geogr/sex) b

Geographies of Sexualities : Bodies, Spatial Encounters and Emotions
cat. (geogr/sex) b
Guest editor: Valerie De Craene.
Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie


( emiel maliepaard )

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