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Aantal resultaten: 18( DE:"zwarte transgender personen" )


Trompet  / 

Jackie Kay ; vert [uit het Engels] door Anneke en Servaas Goddijn.Amsterdam: Prometheus, 1998 - 242 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Prometheus, 1998 - 242 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Trumpet. - London [etc.] : Picador, 1998. - 243 p.
samenvatting: Als de gevierde trompettist Joss Moody - zoon van een zwarte vader en een Schotse moeder - overlijdt, dompelt dat iedereen in diepe rouw. Tegelijk wordt een geheim openbaar dat Joss zijn hele leven met zich heeft meegedragen: de arts die de overlijdensakte opmaakt, moet constateren dat Joss geen man was maar een vrouw. Het verhaal werd geïnspireerd door het leven van de Amerikaanse jazzpianist Billy Tipton, van wie pas na zijn dood (op 75-jarige leeftijd) bekend werd dat hij een vrouw was.

signatuur: cat. (kay/tro) fb

cat. (kay/tro) fb
Jackie Kay ; vert [uit het Engels] door Anneke en Servaas Goddijn.

Resisting fragmentation, living whole : four female transgender students of color speak about school  / Nova Gutierrez.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 16 (2004) 3/4, p. 69-79
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 16 (2004) 3/4 , p. 69-79
samenvatting: This paper presents interviews with four male-to-female transgender students of color under the age of 21 at an alternative school in the Northeast. The interviews expose the need to advocate for education that acknowledges and addresses the ways that race, sexuality, class, ethnicity, and gender together inform life experience and identity, especially within the context of educational institutions. These interviews point to the need to include an activist-oriented curriculum in schools, a curriculum relevant to the lives of gay, lesbian, and transgender students of color. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Resisting fragmentation, living whole : four female transgender students of color speak about school
Nova Gutierrez.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Male-to-Female Transgender Individuals Building Social Support and Capital From Within a Gender-Focused Network  / Rogerio M. Pinto, Rita M. Melendez, Anya Y. Spector.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 20 (2008) 3, p. 203-220
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 20 (2008) 3 , p. 203-220
samenvatting: The literature on male-to-female transgender myriad problems such individuals face in their day-to-day lives, including high rates of HIV/AIDS, addiction to drugs, violence, and lack of health care. These problems are exacerbated for ethnic and racial minority MTFs. Support available from their social networks can help MTFs alleviate these problems. This article explores how minority MTFs, specifically in an urban environment, develop supportive social networks defined by their gender and sexual identities. Using principles of community-based participatory research (CBPR), 20 African American and Latina MTFs were recruited at a community-based health care clinic. Their ages ranged from 18 to 53. Data were coded and analyzed following standard procedure for content analysis. The qualitative interviews revealed that participants formed their gender and sexual identities over time, developed gender-focused social networks based in the clinic from which they receive services, and engaged in social capital building and political action. Implications for using CBPR in research with MTFs are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Male-to-Female Transgender Individuals Building Social Support and Capital From Within a Gender-Focused Network
Rogerio M. Pinto, Rita M. Melendez, Anya Y. Spector.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Girlfriends : Evaluation of an HIV-Risk Reduction Intervention for Adult Transgender Women  / Raekiela D. Taylor ... [et al.].

Aids Education and Prevention, 23 (2011) 5 (oct), p. 469-478
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 23 (2011) 5 (oct), p. 469-478
samenvatting: This study evaluated Girlfriends, a behavioral HIV intervention, developed for male-to-female transgender persons, for whom there are few scientifically evaluated prevention programs. The Girlfriends intervention included four group-level sessions. We used a single group, pre-post test design to assess changes in sexual risk behaviors at 3-month follow-up. We enrolled 63 transgender women into the study. Forty-six percent were Hispanic and 35% were African American. Three months after the intervention, participants had fewer sexual partners (p = .043) and were less likely to have any unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) with male exchange partners (p = .013) and unprotected sex at last vaginal or anal sex episode with female and male partners (p = .039). The findings of this study are promising. We observed behavioral effects among a largely ethnic minority sample of transgender women. Replication with a larger sample and a control group is needed.

signatuur: ts.

Girlfriends : Evaluation of an HIV-Risk Reduction Intervention for Adult Transgender Women
Raekiela D. Taylor ... [et al.].
Aids Education and Prevention

Trans exploits : trans of color cultures and technologies in movement  / 

Jian Neo Chen.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019 - xiii, 184 p.: ill.
uitgave: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2019 - xiii, 184 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 157-172.
samenvatting: In Trans Exploits Jian Neo Chen explores the cultural practices created by trans and gender-nonconforming artists and activists of color. They argue for a radical rethinking of the policies and technologies of racial gendering and assimilative social programming that have divided LGBT communities and communities of color along the lines of gender, sexuality, class, immigration status, and ability. Focusing on performance, film/video, literature, digital media, and other forms of cultural expression and activism that track the displaced emergences of trans people of color, Chen highlights the complex and varied responses by trans communities to their social dispossession. Through these responses, trans of color cultural workers such as performance artist Yozmit, writer Janet Mock, and organizer Jennicet Gutiérrez challenge dominating perceptions and institutions that kill, confine, police, and discipline trans people.

signatuur: cat. (chen-j/tra) b


Trans exploits : trans of color cultures and technologies in movement
cat. (chen-j/tra) b ODE3
Jian Neo Chen.

Report on The Experiences of Black Respondents : 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey  / Sandy James, Carter Brown, Isaiah Wilson.

Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality [NCTE], 2017 - 26 p.
uitgave: Washington, DC : National Center for Transgender Equality [NCTE], 2017 - 26 p.
  1. etnische groepen
  2. transgender
samenvatting: Abstract: The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS) is the largest survey examining the experiences of transgender people in the United States, with 27,715 respondents nationwide. The USTS was conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality in the summer of 2015, and the results provide a detailed look at the experiences of transgender people across a wide range of issues, such as education, employment, family life, health, housing, and interactions with the criminal justice system. The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey documented the experiences of USTS respondents, including differences based on demographic and other characteristics. Among the most important findings was that many respondents were impacted by the compounding effects of multiple forms of discrimination, and transgender people of color who completed the survey experienced deeper and broader forms of discrimination than white USTS respondents and people in the U.S. population overall. This report focuses on the unique experiences of the 796 USTS respondents who identified as Black or African American, highlighting disparities between the experiences of Black transgender people, other USTS respondents, and the U.S. population. While the findings in this report reflect a range of Black transgender people in the United States, the survey likely did not fully capture the experiences of those who were most affected by factors that may limit access to online surveys, such as factors related to education, economic and housing stability, and disabilities. All findings in this report are presented as weighted percentages.

signatuur: cat. (report/exp/bla) 2015

dgb grijs

Report on The Experiences of Black Respondents : 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey
cat. (report/exp/bla) 2015dgb grijs

T4t Love-Politics: Monica Roberts's TransGriot and Love as a Theory of Justice  / V. Jo Hsu.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 1 (feb), p. 101-118
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 1 (feb), p. 101-118
samenvatting: This essay considers Monica Roberts's long-standing blog, TransGriot, as a model of T4t love-politics. Drawing from Jennifer Nash's work on Black feminism, the author argues that TransGriot centers interpersonal and intra- and intercommunal relationships as driving forces of social and systemic change. This approach to t4t enabled Roberts to center trans voices, trans needs, and trans thriving while also demanding accountability from all communities that intersect with the lives of Black trans women. What emerges is an understanding of justice as built and sustained by the difficult work of relating - of making ourselves vulnerable to, and bearing witness to, one another.

signatuur: ts.

T4t Love-Politics: Monica Roberts's TransGriot and Love as a Theory of Justice
V. Jo Hsu.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

Macht der Bilder, Macht der Mythen : 50 Jahre "Stonewall Riots"  / Hans-Peter Weingand.

samenvatting: Seit dem spontanen Widerstand von gays, lesbians, bisexuals und trans* (GLBT) 1969 in der New Yorker Kneipe Stonewall Inn sind immer wieder neue "queere Fiktionen von Stonewall" im Sinne Scott Bravmanns entworfen worden. Diese haben vor allem den sich stetig wandelnden Selbstdefinitionen queerer Communitys Rechnung getragen. Angesichts der nach wie vor aktuellen Themen der Identität und der Sichtbarkeit kommt dem Bilderpool zu den "Stonewall Riots" eine durchweg zentrale Bedeutung in der Geschichtsschreibung und im kollektiven Gedächtnis der GLBT-Bewegungen weltweit zu. Hans-Peter Weingand untersucht die Auseinandersetzungen um das historische Bildmaterial sowie um die nachträglich entstandenen Bilder und Filme über die "Stonewall Riots". Ein besonderer Fokus liegt dabei auf Nigel Finchs Dokudrama Stonewall (1995), Roland Emmerichs Spielfilm Stonewall (2015), David Frances Dokumentation The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (2017) und dem Kurzfilm Happy Birthday, Marsha! (2017) von Reina Gossett und Sasha Wortzel. Hier standen vor allem identitätsstiftende Motive für People of Color und Trans* innerhalb der GLBT-Bewegung im Vordergrund. Betrachtet werden ferner die Rezeption dieser Debatten in der Forschungsliteratur in den USA und in Westeuropa sowie der Umgang mit 50 Jahren "Stonewall" im Sommer 2019 in New York und in den deutschsprachigen Community-Medien.

signatuur: cat. art (invert/jah) xxIII b

Macht der Bilder, Macht der Mythen : 50 Jahre "Stonewall Riots"
cat. art (invert/jah) xxIII b
Hans-Peter Weingand.
In: Invertito : Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten : LSBT*-Bewegungen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre. 23. Jahrgang, 2021. - p. 12-52

Black Trans Feminism  / 

Marquis Bey.Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022 - xiv, 304 p.
uitgave: Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2022 - xiv, 304 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 263-281.
samenvatting: In Black Trans Feminism Marquis Bey offers a meditation on blackness and gender nonnormativity in ways that recalibrate traditional understandings of each. Theorizing black trans feminism from the vantages of abolition and gender radicality, Bey articulates blackness as a mutiny against racializing categorizations; transness as a nonpredetermined, wayward, and deregulated movement that works toward gender's destruction; and black feminism as an epistemological method to fracture hegemonic modes of racialized gender. In readings of the essays, interviews, and poems of Alexis Pauline Gumbs, jayy dodd, Venus Di'Khadija Selenite, and Dane Figueroa Edidi, Bey turns black trans feminism away from a politics of gendered embodiment and toward a conception of it as a politics grounded in fugitivity and the subversion of power. Together, blackness and transness actualize themselves as on the run from gender. In this way, Bey presents black trans feminism as a mode of enacting the wholesale dismantling of the world we have been given.

signatuur: cat. (bey-m/bla) b


Black Trans Feminism
cat. (bey-m/bla) b ODE3
Marquis Bey.

Transgender Black, Indigenous, and People of Color: Intersections of Oppression  / M. Paz Galupo & Jaymie Campbell Orphanidys

International Journal of Transgender Health, 23 (2022) 1-2 (jan-jun), p. 1-4
bron: International Journal of Transgender Health jaargang: 23 (2022) 1-2 (jan-jun), p. 1-4
samenvatting: Our special double issue is comprised of sixteen articles, representing authors from six countries (Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Spain, US), and seventeen disciplines (Counseling, Education, Family Studies, Gender, Sexuality and Women?s Studies, Global Public Health, Health Policy, Higher Education, Human Services, Population Behavioral Health, Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Psychology, Public Health, Nursing, Social Work, Sociology, Teacher Education and Leadership, Translational Health). The authors utilize a range of methodological approaches to explore the experiences of trans BIPOC including arts-based methods, autoethnography, case studies, community-based participatory research, focus groups, narrative interviews, photovoice, semi-structured interviews, and survey methodology. We introduce the articles below as they have been organized into four different sections: (1) Immigration and Migration; (2) Intersecting Dimensions of Oppression; (3) Health Disparities and Minority Stress; and (4) Perspectives on Healing. Immigration and migration

signatuur: ts.

Transgender Black, Indigenous, and People of Color: Intersections of Oppression
M. Paz Galupo & Jaymie Campbell Orphanidys
International Journal of Transgender Health


( DE:"zwarte transgender personen" )

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