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Aantal resultaten: 10( DE:"zuidafrika" )


Nie vir kinders nie  / 

François Bloemhof.Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 2005 - 108 p.
uitgave: Kaapstad: Tafelberg, 2005 - 108 p.
annotatie: Hierdie boek is bekroon met die Goue Sanlam-prys vir Jeuglektuur 2005.
samenvatting: Tim Marais is op die vooraand van matriek. Op die oog af het hy alles wat hy wil hê - aantreklikheid, gewildheid en akademiese sukses - maar daar is by hom 'n ontevredenheid met sy voorstedelike bestaan wat hy nie mooi kan verstaan of beskryf nie. Die mense om hom dra by hiertoe - soos tannie Trisa, sy sangdosent, vir wie hy meer voel as wat hy behoort te voel - veral aangesien sy die ma is van sy beste vriend, Ruan. Op sy beurt is Ruan se rol in Tim se lewe nie meer so positief soos vroeër nie. Hy is al hoe minder die oorgewig hanswors wat hy eers was: hy verloor gewig en is meer selfversekerd, maar nie sonder "hulp" nie en Tim is in 'n stadium waar hy al oper raak vir oortuiging. Maar hy voel hy het hulp nodig. Tim se ouers, as voorbeelde van hoe hy nie wil word nie, dra daartoe by dat hy in 'n sekere rigting beweeg. Wanneer dinge deur 'n sameloop van omstandighede erg skeef loop, slaan Tim met mening daardie rigting in. Nie vir kinders nie is 'n uitdagende titel waarin reguit gekyk word na hedendaagse vraagstukke, soos dit waarmee jong mense hulself in hul vrye tyd besig hou - en dit wat by sommiges 'n manier van bestaan raak. Wie hulle is en waar hulle inpas, die reëls van die wêreld waarin hulle hul voete moet vind, seks en godsdiens - dit is maar 'n paar van die vraagstukke waarmee van die jong mense hier worstel.

signatuur: cat. (bloemh/nie)

ihlia data, map tdk fictie

Nie vir kinders nie
cat. (bloemh/nie) ihlia data, map tdk fictie
François Bloemhof.

The Official Treatment of White, South African, Homosexual Men and the Consequent Reaction of Gay Liberation from the 1960s to 2000  / Rebecca Sinclair.

Johannesburg: Rand Afrikaans University, 2004 - xii, 387 p.
uitgave: Johannesburg : Rand Afrikaans University, 2004 - xii, 387 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: This dissertation is the product of research into white, South African masculinities. It is concerned with the official treatment of white, gay men in this country by the governments of the day from the 1960s to 2000 and the government?s control of hegemonic masculinity in order to maintain power. By looking at gay masculinities the threat to hegemonic masculinity was ascertained as well as the different versions of heterosexual masculinities. This thesis also analyses the degree of change in the toleration or acceptance of white homosexuality in South Africa from churches, society, and elements within the SAP and the SADF as well as within gay organisations. Legislative achievements in the Constitutional Court show the most extreme changes in the perceptions of gay masculinities. This dissertation primarily begins in the 1960s, looking at why it was necessary to set up the 1968 Select Committee. This committee investigated criminalising all male homosexual acts, including those in private and also aimed to dictate societal norms and maintain white, privileged, hegemonic masculinity established and defined by the NP government. The state had always repressed homosexuality through law; even colonial legislation proved this. It was the creation and maintenance of hegemonic masculinity that advocated such legislation. 1966 was the focal year where white homosexuality became a recognisable problem. A gay party was held at a Johannesburg residence, which made white homosexuality visible and alerted the police to this alternative masculinity. The Select Committee, however, did not fulfil its initial aims. Once elements within the SAP were faced with the visibility of white homosexuality, their power thereby being challenged, Major van Zyl set about requesting stricter legislation by proposing amendments to the Minister of Justice regarding the 1957 Immorality Act and submitting evidence to the Select Committee. However, numerous submissions to and interviews by the Select Committee proved that it was unnecessary and illogical to criminalise private homosexuality. Such submissions showed white homosexuality was no societal threat and that some in white society recognised gay masculinities and challenged hegemonic masculinity. Consequently the Select Committee did not propose stricter legislation regarding homosexuality. Furthermore, repressive official treatment of white, male homosexuals was evident in the SADF in the 1970 and 1980s. Through a military perception of masculinity, that is, aggressive masculinity, most in the SADF were intent on conforming its white soldiers to the traditional definition of masculinity, the NP government?s definition of white masculinity, which did not include homosexual men. Dr Levine used electro-shock therapy to ?cure? gay conscripts at 1 Military Hospital. This extreme practice of ensuring conformity was no longer utilised by the 1980s and there was also some unofficial acceptance of white homosexuality within the SADF by some white commanders and soldiers. There was no gay liberation movement to speak of until the 1980s. GASA, a white gay organisation, led the movement but it was to be unsuccessful in that it supported the NP government, that is, it benefited from hegemonic masculinity because GASA?s membership was predominantly white men. Because of this GASA was seen to support the government?s policy of apartheid and there ensued the consequent debate between gay essentialism and gay rights as part of the broader struggle. GASA was purely reactionary, because in effect it did not really want change and was therefore ineffective. The gay movement grew but it did not unify. This failure to unify meant the gay liberation movement, as a movement had failed, even though, later, liberation and much change was achieved, mainly through the work of the NCGLE. Like the 1968 Select Committee, the President?s Council was set up in 1985 to once again investigate stricter penalties against homosexuality. The ANC was still very quiet on the issue of gay rights, supporting heterosexist hegemony and not recognising gay masculinities. The President?s Council did not recommend stricter legislation against homosexual men but the 1988 Sexual Offences Act retained the penalties against homosexuality as stipulated by the 1969 Immorality Amendment Act. Gay essentialism damaged any headway regarding gay rights, especially when it came to gaining the support of progressive organisation in the broader political struggle because there was so much in-fighting regarding defining gay masculinities. Race could not be discounted in this equation and the RGO, a black gay organisation, challenged GASA?s support of the NP government. New gay organisations only contributed to the failure of the gay liberation movement because again there was no unity. In 1989 Albie Sachs of the ANC met with a liberal gay organisation, OGLA, and finally gay rights were beginning to be taken seriously, culminating in the protection of gay rights in the 1996 Constitution. This was due to individual members of the ANC and Kevan Botha, the lawyer hired by the NCGLE to represent gay rights at CODESA. Once sexual orientation was retained in the equality clause of the Constitution it was left to the NCGLE to fight for the legal practice of equality for gay men and lesbians. There was also greater toleration and even acceptance of homosexuality by the South African society at large, both black and white, the churches, and the SAP, especially officially. Hence, although the gay liberation movement had failed, gay rights had been entrenched and change allowed for potential equality, the last of which would be legal gay marriage, which remains to be seen.

signatuur: cat. (sincl/off)

dgb grijs map

The Official Treatment of White, South African, Homosexual Men and the Consequent Reaction of Gay Liberation from the 1960s to 2000
cat. (sincl/off)dgb grijs map

The country we want to live in : Hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans  / Nonhlanhla Mkize ... [et al.].

Cape Town: HSCR Press, 2010 - xii, 66 p.
uitgave: Cape Town : HSCR Press, 2010 - xii, 66 p.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Based on a Roundtable seminar, held during the 2006 16 Days of Activism for no Violence against Women and Children, the text engages the heteronormative focus of the campaign, profiles aspects of the dynamic conversations, and builds strong arguments about violence against lesbians. It also profiles the voices of women who are central to the activism around hate crimes and homophobia. In capturing key aspects of the lively discussion of 2006, an update of subsequent events that have bearing on the original seminar is provided, concluding with recommendations that have relevance for research, policy and practice.

signatuur: cat. (country/we)

dgb grijs

The country we want to live in : Hate crimes and homophobia in the lives of black lesbian South Africans
cat. (country/we)dgb grijs

De ondraaglijke blankheid van het bestaan : Een bewogen leven in het land van Mandela  / 

Marianne Thamm ; voorwoord Tom Lanoye.Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, 2018 - 352 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, 2018 - 352 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Marianne Thamm is de dochter van een ongeletterde Portugese communiste en een Duitse nazi-krijgsgevangene. Ze trouwden na de oorlog in Engeland en emigreerden later naar Pretoria, waar Marianne moest opgroeien in de hoogtijdagen van Apartheid. Haar moeder kreeg afasie, haar vader bleef nazi, tot wanhoop van Marianne. Totdat zij, in het Zuid-Afrika van Nelson Mandela, samen met haar vriendin twee zwarte weesmeisjes adopteerde. De nazi werd verliefd op zijn kleindochters en kwam tegenover zijn dochter eindelijk in het reine omtrent zijn oorlogsverleden.

signatuur: cat. (thamm-m/ond) b


dgb wo2

De ondraaglijke blankheid van het bestaan : Een bewogen leven in het land van Mandela
cat. (thamm-m/ond) b ODE3 BIO dgb wo2
Marianne Thamm ; voorwoord Tom Lanoye.

South Africa : a country context analysis on the human rights and health situation of LGBT  / Renugan Raidoo.

[Amsterdam]: COC Netherlands, 2016 - 25 p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam] : COC Netherlands, 2016 - 25 p.
  1. rechtspositie
samenvatting: Hoewel LHBTI-rechten opgenomen zijn in de Zuidafrikaanse grondwet en LHBTI's in Zuid-Afrika dus gelijke rechten hebben, is de sociale acceptatie hierbij achtergebleven en lopen veel LHBT's o.a. in de gezondheidszorg en bij de politie tegen discriminatie en vooroordelen aan. Meer dan 61 % van de Zuidafrikanen vindt dat de maatschappij homoseksualiteit niet moet tolereren. Dit is wel aanzienlijk minder dan in andere Afrikaanse landen.

signatuur: cat. (raido/sou) g

South Africa : a country context analysis on the human rights and health situation of LGBT
cat. (raido/sou) g

Button 'African National Congress Womens Section'  / Unknown

1970-2000. - M00692
beschrijving: Gele button met zwartgele afbeelding van een donkere vrouw met gebalde vuist. In de rand in groene letters de tekst: 'African National Congress Womens Section'.
trefwoord: anc
formaat/maat Doorsnee: 3
land: zuid-afrika

Button 'African National Congress Womens Section'

T-shirt 'HIV positive'  / Unknown

2003. - T0132
beschrijving: Wit t-shirt met aan de voorzijde de tekst: 'HIV positive'. Aan de achterzijde de tekst: 'The International Treatment Preparedness Summit Cape town, South Africa March 13-16, 2003. Treatment for all HIV+ People!' White t-shirt with purple text: "HIV positive". On back: "The International Treatment Preparedness Summit Cape town, South Africa March 13-16, 2003. Treatment for all HIV+ People!".
formaat/maat Maat: M
land: zuidafrika

T-shirt 'HIV positive'

T-shirt 'We Care'  / Unknown

1990-2010. - T0134
beschrijving: Zwart t-shirt met aan voorzijde afbeelding roze driehoek en de tekst 'We Care'. Aan de achterzijde de tekst: 'A Community Program By Pink Triangle'. Black shirt with image of pink triangle and text: "We Care". On the back: "A Community Program By Pink Triangle".
trefwoord: pink triangle
organisatie: Pink Triangle
formaat/maat Maat: [L]
land: zuidafrika

T-shirt 'We Care'

T-shirt 'Black Lesbian'  / Unkown

1980-2010. - T0203
beschrijving: Blauw t-shirt met tekst: 'Black Lesbian'. Blue t-shirt with white text: "Black Lesbian".
formaat/maat Maat: L
land: zuidafrika

T-shirt 'Black Lesbian'

T-shirt 'National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality'

1998. - T0351
beschrijving: Wit shirt met logo in roze/zwart van de 'National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality'. Aan de achterzijde een afbeelding van een handpalm in roze met de tekst: 'Lesbian & Gay People in Africa Demand Equality and Freedom'. National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Another v Minister of Justice and Others is a decision of the Constitutional Court of South Africa which struck down the laws prohibiting consensual sexual activities between men. Basing its decision on the Bill of Rights in the Constitution – and in particular its explicit prohibition of discrimination based on sexual orientation – the court unanimously ruled that the crime of sodomy, as well as various other related provisions of the criminal law, were unconstitutional and therefore invalid.
trefwoord: ncgle
organisatie: NCGLE
formaat/maat Maat: XL
land: zuidafrika

T-shirt 'National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality'


( DE:"zuidafrika" )

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