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Aantal resultaten: 1( DE:"turken marokkanen" )


Immigranten vlak na migratie en de verandering in de houding ten aanzien van homoseksualiteit : Bulgaren, Polen, Marokkanen, Turken, Antillianen en Surinamers in Nederland  / Dirk-Jan Janssen, Marcel Lubbers.

Mens en Maatschappij, 91 (2016) 1, p. 5-26
bron: Mens en Maatschappij jaargang: 91 (2016) 1 , p. 5-26
samenvatting: In this study we investigate the changes in the attitude towards homosexu- ality among immigrants to the Netherlands in the first years after migration. We test possible explanations for an attitude change related to dynamics in integration in the Netherlands: the extent to which social contact, media use and church attendance are associated to changes in attitudes towards homosexuality. We used the NORFACE funded Dutch panel data ?Causes and Consequences of Social and Cultural Integration Process among recent immigrants to Europe ?(SCIP). Bulgarian, Polish, Moroccan, Turkish, Antillean and Surinamese immigrants are included in this study. An unexpected finding is that recent immigrants generally became more negative regarding homo- sexuality during their stay in the Netherlands. There is quite some between- and within-migrant group variation: the Bulgarians have become more positive in contrast to the other migrant groups. Watching Dutch television and a decline in church attendance have a positive effect on the change in attitude towards homosexuality. The increase in church attendance can explain why immigrants, in general, became more negative. No support was found for the expected impact of changes in social contact

signatuur: dgb artikelen (janssen-d/lub)

Immigranten vlak na migratie en de verandering in de houding ten aanzien van homoseksualiteit : Bulgaren, Polen, Marokkanen, Turken, Antillianen en Surinamers in Nederland
dgb artikelen (janssen-d/lub)
Dirk-Jan Janssen, Marcel Lubbers.
Mens en Maatschappij


( DE:"turken marokkanen" )

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&q=( DE:"turken marokkanen" )&start=0&rows=10&facet=on&facet.field=W1&facet.query=jaar_vz:[* TO 1959]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1960 TO 1969]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1970 TO 1979]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1980 TO 1989]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1990 TO 1999]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[2000 TO 2009]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[2010 TO *]&facet.query=DC:OpenUp&facet.field=LA&facet.field=VO&facet.field=VO_EN&facet.field=TH&facet.field=TA&facet.field=TA_EN&facet.mincount=1&hl=on&hl.fl=BS,IR,BIO&hl.simple.pre=&hl.simple.post=&sort=B desc

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