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Aantal resultaten: 17( DE:"transgender gezinnen" )


Protecting transgender families : strategies for advocates  / Taylor Flynn.

Human Rights, 30 (2003) 3 (summer)
bron: Human Rights jaargang: 30 (2003) 3 (summer)

signatuur: dgb artikelen (flynn#pro)

Protecting transgender families : strategies for advocates
dgb artikelen (flynn#pro)
Taylor Flynn.
Human Rights

Translove : transgender persons and their families  / Gianna E. Israel.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 1 (2005) 1, p. 53-67
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 1 (2005) 1 , p. 53-67
samenvatting: For the academician, clinician or other person interested in transgender issues, this article defines populations and identity issues. Then, it solicits the reader's empathy by linking transgender survival experiences which are similar to critical GLB lives. In the face of hostility a transgender person's success hinges on receiving critical care, family and social support. Discussion includes those outcomes when these support systems fail, and how having even 'one' supportive family member can garner a successful transition and social adjustment. Challenging questions provoke the reader to think through the human experience of transgender men and women. Discussion also focuses on the changing face of transgender politics and social constructs, and how these effect both adults and children of transgender parents. The article summarizes basic coming out and relationship issues for transgender persons, including parents with minor children. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA].

signatuur: ts.

Translove : transgender persons and their families
Gianna E. Israel.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

I Now Pronounce You...: Transgender and Transsexual Access to Marriage and Family Rights Since the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage in the Netherlands  / Sara Cole.

Amsterdam: School for International Training [SIT], 2007 - 46 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : School for International Training [SIT], 2007 - 46 p.
  1. transgender
  2. partnerschap/huwelijk
samenvatting: The purpose of this study was to look at the effect of the legalization of same-sex marriage, in conjunction with the ability to have one's legal gender changed, on transgender and transsexual individuals in partnerships, marriages, and families in the Netherlands.

signatuur: cat. (cole-s/ipro) g

I Now Pronounce You...: Transgender and Transsexual Access to Marriage and Family Rights Since the Legalization of Same Sex Marriage in the Netherlands
cat. (cole-s/ipro) g

Transgender families : a new reality and already a political issue  / Laura Leprince ; [transl. from the French].

[Paris]: MAG, HES, 2009 - 25, [6] bl.: ill.
uitgave: [Paris] : MAG, HES, 2009 - 25, [6] bl.: ill.
  1. ouderschap/kinderwens
  2. transgender
samenvatting: Gender Identity and transsexuality matters are the kind of subjects that collide and upset lots of human references and social codes. In France the opinion on these matters is very rigid and conservative when sexuality, fertility, and parenthood are in debate. This paper gives information about transgender families lives and the situation of transgender families in France.

signatuur: cat. (lepri/tra)

dgb grijs

Transgender families : a new reality and already a political issue
cat. (lepri/tra)dgb grijs

Tsjechisch gezin geheel transseksueel.

AD 06-01-2011
bron: AD 06-01-2011
samenvatting: Een Tsjechisch gezin blijkt geheel uit transseksuelen te bestaan. Dominik Sedja was vroeger een vrouw, Andrea was een man en Dominiks zoon Radim is een meisje aan het worden.

signatuur: full_text

Tsjechisch gezin geheel transseksueel.

Nonmetropolitan GLBTQ Parents : When and Where Does Their Sexuality Matter?  / Elizabeth G. Holman, Ramona F. Oswald.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 7 (2011) 5 (oct-dec), p. 436-456
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 7 (2011) 5 (oct-dec), p. 436-456
samenvatting: Twenty-two parents, representing 15 GLBTQ-parent families living in nonmetropolitan communities in Illinois, were interviewed about their interactions with others in community settings. A total of 345 interactions were coded by sexual orientation salience (no, yes) and setting (private, public, organizational). Roughly half of the interactions (N = 156, 45%) were those in which parents said that their sexual orientation did not matter; nonsalience was more likely to occur in private or organizational settings rather than public. Regarding salience, parents described a slightly higher proportion of interactions in which their sexual orientation did matter (N = 189, 55%). Of these, salience was most likely to occur in organizational settings rather than public or private. Parents most commonly described salience that occurred in organizational settings as negative rather than positive. Regarding desired resources, parents prioritized support and socialization for their children rather than for themselves, but they desired resources that clearly identified their children as having GLBTQ parents (i.e., resources where parental sexual orientation was salient). These findings suggest a strong recommendation for improving organizational policies related to education, health care, employment, and family services so that GLBTQ parents and their children are openly acknowledged by staff without negative overtones. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Nonmetropolitan GLBTQ Parents : When and Where Does Their Sexuality Matter?
Elizabeth G. Holman, Ramona F. Oswald.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

'Dubbelleven was niet vol te houden'; Interview Carolien van de Lagemaat, voorzitter Transgender Netwerk Nederland  / Jannetje Koelewijn ; Carolien van de Lagemaat.

NRC 17-11-2012
bron: NRC 17-11-2012
samenvatting: Interview met Carolien van de Lagemaat die als man-naar-vrouw-transgender haar ervaringen bevestigd ziet in het recente onderzoek van het SCP. Haar gezin accepteerde het gelukkig. Ze vertelt over barrières die ze ondervond in haar gezin, haar werk en omgeving. Ze doet een oproep aan verzekeraars alle operaties te vergoeden.

signatuur: full_text

'Dubbelleven was niet vol te houden'; Interview Carolien van de Lagemaat, voorzitter Transgender Netwerk Nederland
Jannetje Koelewijn ; Carolien van de Lagemaat.

The International Family Equality Day (IFED) Network : Annual report 2015

Tel-Aviv: IFED Network, 2015 - 34 p.: ill.
uitgave: Tel-Aviv : IFED Network, 2015 - 34 p.: ill.
  1. ouderschap/kinderwens
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Regardless of different legal, political and social circumstances around the world, the dramatic increase in the numbers of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) people choosing to raise children is a global phenomenon. The International Family Equality Day (IFED) was launched as a sign of solidarity and strength and to promote equality for all families. On 6 May 2012, several events were held throughout Europe, Canada, Israel and the U.S. Families, friends, interested parties, experts from government agencies and other institutions as well as politicians and representatives of all parties were invited to celebrate the rainbow of families in our world. This annual report introduces the organizations involved in IFED as well as the work done by the IFED Committee, and highlights the activities that were held in the different countries to celebrate this day. The annual report aims to serve as an inspiration for the Fourth International Family Equality Day, which will take place on May 1st 2016.

signatuur: cat. (international/fam)

dgb grijs

The International Family Equality Day (IFED) Network : Annual report 2015
cat. (international/fam)dgb grijs

'Dit is mijn vader. Hij is nu een meisje.'  / Rob Pietersen.

Trouw 03-11-2014
bron: Trouw 03-11-2014
samenvatting: Het verhaal van transgender moeder in een klein Limburgs dorp. Iedereen op het schoolplein kende haar als Rob. Haar 'vorige leven' als Rob sloot ze drie jaar geleden af, sindsdien hebben de kinderen twee moeders. Zij blijft voor hun pappa. In het dorp weet iedereen het, maar daarbuiten kan het lastiger voor de kinderen worden.

signatuur: full_text

'Dit is mijn vader. Hij is nu een meisje.'
Rob Pietersen.

Parenting and Australian trans and gender diverse people : An exploratory survey  / Damien W. Riggs, Jennifer Power and Henry von Doussa.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 17 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 59-65
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 17 (2016) 2 (apr-jun), p. 59-65
samenvatting: Growing numbers of Australian trans and gender diverse people desire to become parents, yet many who do so experience a lack of support and recognition. This article reports on an online survey completed by 160 trans or gender diverse people. The survey included general demographic questions, in addition to questions related to (1) current parenting arrangements, (2) modes of family formation, (3) the desire to have children in the future, and (4) support or discrimination from families of origin. In regard to the findings, only a minority of participants (39) were already parents; however 21 participants indicated that they desired to have children in the future. Participants who were already parents were older than those who were not, and conversely, participants who desired to have children in the future were younger than those who did not. Discrimination from family of origin was negatively correlated with support for parenting, while support from family of origin was positively correlated with desire to have children. The paper concludes by suggesting that support from service providers is important for this potentially vulnerable group who may not experience support from their families of origin and who may perceive themselves as having limited pathways to parenthood. (Copies are available http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15532739.2016.1149539)

signatuur: ts.

Parenting and Australian trans and gender diverse people : An exploratory survey
Damien W. Riggs, Jennifer Power and Henry von Doussa.
International Journal of Transgenderism


( DE:"transgender gezinnen" )

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