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Aantal resultaten: 58( DE:"transgender activisme" )


MTF transgender activism in the Tenderloin and beyond, 1966-1975 : commentary and interview with Elliot Blackstone  / Elliot Blackstone.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 4 (1998) 2, p. 349-372
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 4 (1998) 2 , p. 349-372
samenvatting: Ingeleid en becommentarieerd interview met een van de voorvechters in San Francisco van het politieke activisme onder de 'queens': een groep mensen waarbij de grenzen vervagen tussen homomannen, man/vrouw-transseksuelen en niet-transseksuele vrouwen.

signatuur: ts.

MTF transgender activism in the Tenderloin and beyond, 1966-1975 : commentary and interview with Elliot Blackstone
Elliot Blackstone.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

License to be yourself : Laws and advocacy for legal gender recognition of trans people  / Ed. by David Scamell and Sebastian Krueger.

New York, NY: Open Society Foundations, 2014 - 54 p.
uitgave: New York, NY : Open Society Foundations, 2014 - 54 p.
  1. transgender
samenvatting: Resource of progressive and rights-based laws and policies for activists working on human rights issues for trans people and for policy makers who are considering developing laws, policys, or regulations on legal gender recognition that uphold the rights of trans people.

signatuur: cat. (licen/to)

dgb grijs

License to be yourself : Laws and advocacy for legal gender recognition of trans people
cat. (licen/to)dgb grijs

Oh, Canada! : Transgender Archives and Research Center Arises  /  Dana Beyer.

Huffington Post 24-09-2013
bron: Huffington Post 24-09-2013
samenvatting: The Transgender Archives at the University of Victoria is committed to the preservation of the history of pioneering activists, community leaders, and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of transgender people anywhere in the world. The UVic Transgender Archives began actively acquiring documents, rare publications, and memorabilia of persons and organizations associated with transgender activism in 2007.

signatuur: full_text

Oh, Canada! : Transgender Archives and Research Center Arises
Dana Beyer.
Huffington Post

Transgender activism in Russia  / Yana Sitnikova.

[S.l.: s.n., 2013 - 10 p.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n., 2013 - 10 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
samenvatting: LGBT issues in Russia receive a lot of attention from the media worldwide. However not all groups that are included in LGBT, or even broader LGBTQI, abbreviation are covered equally. While problems faced by Russian lesbian and gay people are considered in detail, queer, bisexual, transgender and intersex issues remain almost invisible. This article is aimed at filling this gap by describing the situation that Russian trans* people live in and our struggle as trans* activists. I will start with the current trans* related legislation, then I will move to the history of Russian trans* movement. I will proceed to the current debates among trans* activists and within trans* community as a whole. Then I will look at possibilities of cooperation with other social movements, participation of trans* people in politics and separately standing trans* organizations. I will mention the attitude of people from trans* community to activism and the type of activism that I call non-political. I will conclude with discussing the participation of Russian trans* activists in the international trans* movement and explain why this article is one of the few that I write in English.

signatuur: cat. (sitni/tra)

dgb grijs


Transgender activism in Russia
cat. (sitni/tra)dgb grijsfull_text

Introduction : 'n Inevitably Political Craft"  / K.J. Rawson.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 553-564
bron: TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 553-564
samenvatting: Addressing a gathering of archival professionals in 1970, Howard Zinn asserted that '[archives are] biased towards the important and powerful people of the society, tending to ignore the impotent and obscure: we learn most about the rich, not the poor; the successful, not the failures; the old, not the young; the politically active, not the politically alienated; men, not women; white, not black; free people rather than prisoners; civilians rather than soldiers; officers rather than enlisted men' (Zinn 1977: 21). While these observations may have been received as an indictment when he delivered this speech, our growing awareness of archival biases has catalyzed a great deal of archival activism. Indeed, those of us who champion archives of oppressed communities can rightfully claim that things have certainly improved in the decades since Zinn's address. Yet his overarching point remains no less profound: leveraging the power of archives is not 'the politicization of a neutral craft, but the humanizing of an inevitably political craft'. The humanization of the archival craft is particularly compelling for transgender-related archives and archiving. As attention to transgender phenomena continues to increase, the need for thoughtfully conceived and ethically executed trans archival practices becomes all the more pressing. Yet the very basis of this undertaking relies on a daunting definitional and epistemological challenge: in the context of archives, what counts as transgender.. (full text available: http://tsq.dukejournals.org/content/2/4/544.full)

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (rawso/int)

Introduction : 'n Inevitably Political Craft"
ts. dgb artikelen (rawso/int)
K.J. Rawson.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly

Moving Transgender Histories : Sean Dorsey's Trans Archival Practice  / Maxe Crandall and Selby Wynn Schwartz.

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 565-577
bron: TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 4 (nov), p. 565-577
samenvatting: This article explores the performance practices of Sean Dorsey, modern dance's first out transgender choreographer, in order to consider one embodied strategy for staging transgender histories. Utilizing extant LGBTQ archives, and then collecting oral histories himself, Dorsey develops a trans archival practice founded in collaboration, an ethic of care, and grassroots activism that he extends into live performance. Tracing the arc of Dorsey's practice in generating choreography from the archive, the authors ask how embodied artists move with history and consider his dance performance as a site of historical production.

signatuur: ts.

Moving Transgender Histories : Sean Dorsey's Trans Archival Practice
Maxe Crandall and Selby Wynn Schwartz.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly

A Paradigm Shift for Trans Funding : Reducing Disparities and Centering Human Rights Principles  / Masen Davis ... [et al.]

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 6 (2015-2016), p. 102-115
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 6 (2015-2016), p. 102-115
samenvatting: Trans movements have grown exponentially in the twenty-first century, yet trans organizing is deeply under resourced. By providing a snapshot of the state of trans organizing and funding, exploring the barriers of funding, and discussing a collaboration among activists and funders to counter these barriers, we argue that a shift in the funding paradigm must take place in order to sufficiently resource trans movements and advance trans rights. In addition to increasing funding for trans movements, funding decisions should be put in the hands of activists through participatory grant-making that enables them to decide how to resource their work. (Full text available at http://www.hkslgbtq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-LGBTQ.pdf

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

A Paradigm Shift for Trans Funding : Reducing Disparities and Centering Human Rights Principles
ts. dgb periodieken
Masen Davis ... [et al.]
LGBTQ Policy Journal

Human Rights Appropriation in the Development of Trans* Organizations' Membership : The Case of Honduras  / Enrique Restoy.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 6 (2015-2016), p. 33-44
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 6 (2015-2016), p. 33-44
samenvatting: Organizations in Honduras with trans* women as members play a significant role as promoters of human rights in a country ravaged by transphobia and impunity for crimes committed against trans* people. By appropriating human rights principles, members increase their self-esteem, while collectively demanding rights. Shared experiences of marginalization and human rights abuses explain the self-identification of members within their organizations as more than a sentiment of belonging to an LGBTQ community. As such, the government must end impunity around transphobia in Honduras, and supporters of LGBTQ rights should consider the unique human rights needs of trans* people. (Full text available at http://www.hkslgbtq.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/2016-LGBTQ.pdf

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Human Rights Appropriation in the Development of Trans* Organizations' Membership : The Case of Honduras
ts. dgb periodieken
Enrique Restoy.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

Progressive or Regressive? : An In-Depth Policy Analysis of the Decision to Include Gender Identity in the Federal Hate Crimes Law. Part I: Understanding the Critique  / Lisa Mottet.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 4 (2013-2014), p. 55-65
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 4 (2013-2014), p. 55-65
samenvatting: The decision to advocate for, and achieve, the inclusion of the term 'gender identity' in the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act has been criticized by some scholars and activists as a mistake in strategy for the transgender movement. This article first examines the reasoning and strategies of transgender advocates behind adding gender identity to this legislation. It then analyzes the following critiques of the hate crimes law: that people of color and those with low income are likely to be targeted by these laws for prosecution; that hate crimes laws increase the resources available to law enforcement, empowering them to do more harm to marginalized communities; that sentence enhancement makes those imprisoned leave prison with increased rage and thus more likely to commit more violent crimes; that hate crimes laws do not result in a decrease in hate crimes; and that supporting these laws lends credibility to law enforcement as an appropriate societal response to crime in general, as opposed to law enforcement being viewed as a perpetrator of crimes itself.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Progressive or Regressive? : An In-Depth Policy Analysis of the Decision to Include Gender Identity in the Federal Hate Crimes Law. Part I: Understanding the Critique
ts. dgb periodieken
Lisa Mottet.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

'Bathroom Panic' and Antidiscrimination Laws : The Role of Activists in Securing Gender Identity Protections in Gendered Public Spaces in Washington, DC  / Jody L. Herman.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 2 (2011-2012), p. 25-34
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 2 (2011-2012), p. 25-34
samenvatting: The designers of our built environment have created public facilities that are segregated by gender, such as public restrooms, prisons, and shelters. People who are transgender or gender nonconforming may face denial of access, harassment, and violence in these gendered spaces. Despite organized opposition, some U.S. jurisdictions have adopted laws that seek to address these problems. This first-of-its-kind case study of the policy process in Washington, DC, outlines the key activities and strategies employed by activists and advocates who worked to create and enact the strongest regulatory language on gendered spaces in the country. Findings of this case study inform hypotheses suggested for future research.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

'Bathroom Panic' and Antidiscrimination Laws : The Role of Activists in Securing Gender Identity Protections in Gendered Public Spaces in Washington, DC
ts. dgb periodieken
Jody L. Herman.
LGBTQ Policy Journal


( DE:"transgender activisme" )

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