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Aantal resultaten: 15( DE:"syriërs" )


Stroom asielzoekers neemt sterk toe : 'Als ik terug moet, pleeg ik zelfmoord'  / Malika Sevil ; Elia, Hamid, Aziz.

Gay Krant, 17 (1996) 305 (26 apr), p. 13
bron: Gay Krant jaargang: 17 (1996) 305 (26 apr), p. 13
samenvatting: Interview met 3 homoseksuele asielzoekers.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Stroom asielzoekers neemt sterk toe : 'Als ik terug moet, pleeg ik zelfmoord'
ts. dgb periodieken
Malika Sevil ; Elia, Hamid, Aziz.
Gay Krant
(26 apr)

Betreft: Veiligheid LHBT-asielzoekers in de noodopvang  / Tanja Ineke.

Amsterdam: COC Nederland, 2015 - 3 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : COC Nederland, 2015 - 3 p.
  1. migratie/vluchtelingen/asiel
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Brief van Tanja Ineke van COC Nederland aan staatssecretaris Klaas Dijkhof van het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie over de veiligheidssituatie van lhbt-vluchtelingen in de noodopvang naar aanleiding van recente meldingen.

signatuur: cat. (ineke/vei)

dgb grijs

Betreft: Veiligheid LHBT-asielzoekers in de noodopvang
cat. (ineke/vei)dgb grijs

Enkeltje Nederland : De reis van een homoseksuele Syrische vluchteling = Fleeing homo-phobia : The journey of a Syrian gay refugee  / Martijn Tulp.

Gay and Night (2015) 212 (nov), p. 14-17
bron: Gay and Night (2015) 212 (nov), p. 14-17
samenvatting: Het verhaal van Sarjon (19) die in Syrië opgroeide en naar Nederland kwam om de oorlog en homofobie in zijn thuisland te ontvluchten.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Enkeltje Nederland : De reis van een homoseksuele Syrische vluchteling = Fleeing homo-phobia : The journey of a Syrian gay refugee
ts. dgb periodieken
Martijn Tulp.
Gay and Night

Narrating Syrian queer flight yourneys : A narrative approach to identify the motivations of young gay Syrian males to leave Syria and apply for asylum in The Netherlands.  / Valentijn Ebbers.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2016 - 90 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2016 - 90 p.
  1. migratie/vluchtelingen/asiel
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: The focus of this research is on the identity and the trajectory of Syrian male refugees. The identity aspect concerns sexual orientation, since the research addressed 'same-sex attracted' males from Syria. The trajectory was central in the research, because the trajectory is part of every refugee story. The main question of this research focused on how the migration trajectory influenced the decision of same-sex attracted male refugees from Syria to leave Syria and come to the Netherlands to apply for asylum. In order to answer the main question, this research used a narrative approach, in which the gay male Syrian refugees were asked to elaborate on their lives and migration trajectories, which started in Syria and ended in the Netherlands. The individual narratives were transformed in a storyline and a migration map. Homosexuality in the Syrian society is linked with femininity and the homosexual identity is based upon non-masculine appearance and behavior. Therefore, gay Syrians who are open about their sexuality or who are too feminine in their behavior face difficulties in the country, in particular persecution by society and the police. Oppression of homosexuality was a reason for three of the five interviewees addressed in this thesis to leave Syria. For them it was impossible to leave until the war started, since they could not facilitate their own journey and could not justify their departure to their families. For this group, the war has had three functions regarding their flight. It legitimized the flight out of Syria to their families. It enabled the flight out of Syria by obtaining the necessary amount of money. It also motivated the flight out of Syria, because they did not want to serve in the military. The other two gay Syrians in this research argued that they did not want to leave Syria, because of persecution based on their sexuality. They left as a direct consequence of the war. The research has shown that the claim that migration would not take place in a linear pattern, as argued by Schapendonk (2011; 2012), is invalid. The linearity of the trajectory depends much on the type of refugee movement, either acute or anticipatory. The anticipatory refugees in this research determined their decision of the Netherlands as destination before leaving Syria. They were well informed about the shortest and cheapest routes available and their trajectories were consequently as linear as possible. The interviewees who did not decide their country of asylum before departure were experiencing indeed a zig/zag and multi-directional trajectories. For this group the trajectory has influenced the decision to come to the Netherlands to apply for asylum, in the sense that they were facilitated along their journey with information about the Netherlands. This information was related to firstly the freedom and state protection of LGBTs in the Netherlands. Secondly, the information concerned the asylum procedures in the Netherlands, which are regarded as 'easy' for LGBTs by Syrian gay refugees who already obtained their residence permit and by international organizations like the UNHCR.

signatuur: cat. (ebber/nar)

dgb grijs

Narrating Syrian queer flight yourneys : A narrative approach to identify the motivations of young gay Syrian males to leave Syria and apply for asylum in The Netherlands.
cat. (ebber/nar)dgb grijs

Mooi klaar mee  / Haroon Ali.

L'Homo Linda Magazine (2016) (zomer), p. 125-131
bron: L'Homo Linda Magazine (2016)(zomer), p. 125-131
samenvatting: Portret van zes homovluchtelingen uit Syrië, Libanon en Koeweit, die naar Nederland vluchtten. Ze kwamen in asielzoekerscentrum terecht maar werden door andere vluchtelingen uitgescholden, bespuugd, bedreigd en aangevallen.

signatuur: ts.

Mooi klaar mee
Haroon Ali.
L'Homo Linda Magazine

Sexualizing & Villainizing Male Syrian Refugees in Lebanon  / Adriana A. Qubaia, Mathew Gagné.

Muftah 15-12-2014
bron: Muftah 15-12-2014
samenvatting: In late 2013 and 2014, several media stories rapidly circulated about alleged sexual violence, harassment, and rape perpetrated by Syrians living in Lebanon against Lebanese citizens. The retelling of these stories often included discussions about groups of Syrian men on the loose and ready to repeat their crimes. Stories about brutal attacks by Syrians against Lebanese civilians have never been clarified, addressed, or corrected. Where Syrians have been found to be innocent, state agencies and most media bodies have failed to publically release the information or facilitate justice for those falsely accused. Stories of alleged sexual violence produce moral and sexual panics, regardless of their accuracy. The sexual vilification of Syrian refugees, combined with economic and ethno-national marginalization, have also helped to reproduce imagined national differences between Lebanese and Syrians. Part of this process involves defending social boundaries and values based on a sexual moral order that justifies the use of violence by Lebanese men against Syrians. At the top of this hierarchical order are Lebanese citizens, particularly heterosexual men, who may use violence to defend the nation?s socio-sexual boundaries against offenders. Syrian male refugees are at the bottom of this order, and viewed as dangerously sexual and hypermasculinzed, rapacious, morally bankrupt, and flat out criminal.

signatuur: full_text

Sexualizing & Villainizing Male Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
Adriana A. Qubaia, Mathew Gagné.

Eindelijk thuis : Syrische vluchteling Sarjon heeft zijn plek gevonden  / Martijn Tulp.

Gay and Night (2017) 226 (jan), p. 16-18
bron: Gay and Night (2017) 226 (jan), p. 16-18
samenvatting: In 2015 interviewde Gay & Night Sarjon, een Syrische homo die zonder familie en vriendje naar Nederland was gevlucht. Nu woont Sarjon (20) met zijn vriend in Arnhem, in een eigen huisje.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Eindelijk thuis : Syrische vluchteling Sarjon heeft zijn plek gevonden
ts. dgb periodieken
Martijn Tulp.
Gay and Night

Wasim liet alles achter, behalve zijn stem  / Charlot Spoorenberg.

Hello Gorgeous (2017) 18 (lente), p. 20-23
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2017) 18 (lente), p. 20-23
samenvatting: Gerrit (61) had een kamertje over in zijn appartment in hartje Amsterdam en heeft besloten om Syrische vluchteling Wasim (27) in huis te nemen. Gerrit is vanaf het begin open geweest over zijn geaardheid maar vindt het onnodig om over zijn hiv status open te zijn.

signatuur: ts.


dgb periodieken

Wasim liet alles achter, behalve zijn stem
ts. full_text dgb periodieken
Charlot Spoorenberg.
Hello Gorgeous

Syrische homo doet zelfmoordpoging  / Michiel Couzy.

Parool 02-01-2016
bron: Parool 02-01-2016
samenvatting: Een homovluchteling uit de noodopvang in Alphen aan den Rijn is opgevangen in een Amsterdams gastgezin, na een poging tot zelfmoord.

signatuur: full_text

knipsel (migranten)

Syrische homo doet zelfmoordpoging
full_text knipsel (migranten)
Michiel Couzy.

Vrienden voor het leven  / Marlies de Moor.

Parool 15-02-2016
bron: Parool 15-02-2016
samenvatting: Omar Abdulghani werd gepest en bedreigd in het azc in Zaandam. Toen hij dat deelde op Facebook, besloot Lianda van der Schilden hem in huis te nemen.

signatuur: knipsel (asielzoekers)

Vrienden voor het leven
knipsel (asielzoekers)
Marlies de Moor.


( DE:"syriërs" )

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