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Aantal resultaten: 125( DE:"sociale media" )


HIV and the social exclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse men who have sex with men  / Daniel Reeders.

HIV Australia, 9 (2011) 2, p. 23-25
bron: HIV Australia jaargang: 9 (2011) 2 , p. 23-25
samenvatting: In this article the author focuses on HIV among culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) men who have sex with men (MSM) in Australia, with reference to the "Double Trouble" consultation forum held in the country in 2009. It states that rapid growth of international student population in Victoria has contributed to increase in HIV in MSM. The Double Trouble calls for social media to challenge sexual racism in gay community and promotes their acceptance in ethnic community.

signatuur: ts.

HIV and the social exclusion of culturally and linguistically diverse men who have sex with men
Daniel Reeders.
HIV Australia

From social marketing to social change : a day in the life of an HIV-prevention campaign  / Paul Martin.

HIV Australia, 9 (2011) 3, p. 32-35
bron: HIV Australia jaargang: 9 (2011) 3 , p. 32-35
samenvatting: Paul Martin tracks the controversy and support surrounding Rip & Roll, a social marketing campaign for gay men. Condom social marketing has been a mainstay of gay men?s HIV prevention for over two decades. However, this form of health promotion still has the potential to cause controversy, as we saw earlier this year when gay men, sex, same-sex relationships and the Christian right all converged to create the perfect media storm around Rip & Roll, a safe-sex campaign produced by Healthy Communities. Ultimately, community support from across the country and successful engagement with social media meant that Healthy Communities came through these events stronger than ever.

signatuur: ts.

From social marketing to social change : a day in the life of an HIV-prevention campaign
Paul Martin.
HIV Australia

Ten Years After: How the Internet Has Changed Everything and British Bi Women  / Sue George.

Journal of Bisexuality, 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 426-433
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 11 (2011) 4 (oct-dec), p. 426-433
samenvatting: In this reflective essay, the author looks at the changes she has observed over the past 10 years on the subjects she wrote about in previous volumes of the Journal of Bisexuality. These subjects were "Bisexual Personal Ads in UK-based Publications" and "British Women and Bisexuality." The author concludes that there have been great changes in both, and these have been wrought by the Internet and, in particular, social media. Although some of these changes have been for the worse, the author argues that there have been great gains made too. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Ten Years After: How the Internet Has Changed Everything and British Bi Women
Sue George.
Journal of Bisexuality

Out Online : the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth on the internet

New York, NY: GLSEN, 2013 - xiii, 42 p.
uitgave: New York, NY : GLSEN, 2013 - xiii, 42 p.
  1. internet
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Out online documents the support that LGBT youth derive from their internet use, a critical resource about which educators, caretakers, policymakers and practicioners should be more aware. However, the report also highlights continues unmet needs for LGBT youth, who turn to the internet for information and support when their schools do not provide medically-accurate, age-appropriate health and sexuality information.

signatuur: cat. (out/onl)

dgb grijs

Out Online : the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth on the internet
cat. (out/onl)dgb grijs

Research methods and visualisation tools for online LGBT communities  / Pauline Oosterhoff.

Brighton: Institute of Development Studies [IDS], 2014 - 18 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brighton : Institute of Development Studies [IDS], 2014 - 18 p.: ill.
  1. theorieën/onderzoek
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Online research methods and tools are interesting instruments for researchers and activists who work with LGBT communities. In countries where same-sex relations are criminal, such as in the Middle East and North Africa region, online communities can be the only way for LGBT people to relate to peers (ILGA 2014). Even in countries where access to social media and publishing on the internet is legally restricted, LGBT people have large online communities (Oosterhoff, Hoang and Quach 2014). This methodology brief outlines the main steps and considerations for choosing research methods and data visualisation among LGBT individuals in resource-poor settings.

signatuur: cat. (oosterhoff/res)

dgb grijs

Research methods and visualisation tools for online LGBT communities
cat. (oosterhoff/res)dgb grijs

Woede na aftuiging Nederlandse homo.

Nederlands Dagblad 09-04-2013
bron: Nederlands Dagblad 09-04-2013
samenvatting: In Parijs is woede over de aftuiging van een homopaar. Wilfred de Bruijn, een Nederlander die in Parijs woont en werkt, werd zwaar toegetakeld. Hij plaatste een foto van zijn gehavende gezicht op Facebook, wat veel reacties teweeg bracht. In Le Monde zegt hij een verband te zien met het huidige politieke klimaat in Frankrijk, waar het homohuwelijk op het punt staat te worden gelegaliseerd.

signatuur: full_text

Woede na aftuiging Nederlandse homo.
Nederlands Dagblad

Het leven van homo's in Egypte verandert radicaal  / Monique Samuel.

Trouw 07-09-2013
bron: Trouw 07-09-2013
samenvatting: Slot van een serie over sociale veranderingen in het Midden-Oosten. In het Midden-Oosten vindt een sociale revolutie plaats. Homo's organiseren zich in Egypte, de gay-community doet zich gelden. Sociale media hebben hierbij een grote impact, er zijn virtuele omtmoetingsplekken op internet. In 2010 wordt 'Bedayaa' gelanceerd, een lgbtq-Facebook-gemeenschap voor Egypte en Soedan.

signatuur: full_text

Het leven van homo's in Egypte verandert radicaal
Monique Samuel.

'Blij dat daders zijn opgepakt'  / Frank Renout, Tonny van der Mee.

AD 21-09-2013
bron: AD 21-09-2013
samenvatting: In Parijs zijn de daders, 17, 18 en 20 jaar oud, van de mishandeling van de Nederlander Wilfred de Bruijn aangehouden en voorgeleid aan de rechter. De mishandeling, waarvan de Bruijn nu herstelt, kwam volop in het nieuws. Hij plaatste kort na het incident een foto van zijn gehavende gezicht op Facebook. Het gebeuren viel samen met de protesten tegen het homohuwelijk in Frankrijk.

signatuur: full_text

'Blij dat daders zijn opgepakt'
Frank Renout, Tonny van der Mee.

'Ik durf meer met camera dan zonder'  / Loes Reijmer ; Tim den Besten.

Volkskrant 28-09-2013
bron: Volkskrant 28-09-2013
samenvatting: Interview met mediamaker Tim den Besten, hij gaat op tv onderzoeken hoe het is om als homo heteroseks te hebben. Hij heeft dingen gedaan op internet, voor de VPRO of voor zichzelf: het twittertypetje Dushi Kimberley bijvoorbeeld. De tweets trokken tussen 2009 en 2012 bijna vijfduizend volgers. Hij is van de nieuwe generatie mediamakers die een format bedenken en dan kijken welk platform daar het best bij past: internet, facebook of een tv-documentaire.

signatuur: full_text

'Ik durf meer met camera dan zonder'
Loes Reijmer ; Tim den Besten.

Diversity of commercial sex among men and male-born trans people in three Peruvian cities  / César R. Nureña ... [et al.].

Culture, Health and Sexuality, 13 (2011) 10, p. 1207-1221
bron: Culture, Health and Sexuality jaargang: 13 (2011) 10 , p. 1207-1221
samenvatting: In Peru, commercial sex involving men and male-born travestis, transgenders and transsexuals (CSMT) is usually represented as a dangerous practice carried out on the streets by people experiencing economic hardship and social exclusion. However, in reality little is known about the complexities of this practice in Peru. This paper presents findings from an ethnographic study of the characteristics, patterns and sociocultural aspects of CSMT in three Peruvian cities. The study included participant observation in sex work venues and interviews with 42 sex workers and 25 key informants. We found that CSMT in Peru takes many forms (some not previously described in the country) and is practised in different places by people from various socioeconomic levels. In many cases, the practice appears linked to ideals of social mobility, migratory experiences and other economic activities. In addition, the increasing use of the Internet and mobile phones has changed patterns of sex work in Peru. We review the implications of these findings for future research and public health interventions.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (nuren/div)

Diversity of commercial sex among men and male-born trans people in three Peruvian cities
dgb artikelen (nuren/div)
César R. Nureña ... [et al.].
Culture, Health and Sexuality


( DE:"sociale media" )

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