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Aantal resultaten: 1408( DE:"politici" )


Constance D. : roman  / 

Christian Combaz.Paris: Seuil, 1982 - 298 p.
uitgave: Paris: Seuil, 1982 - 298 p.
samenvatting: De echtgenoot van Constance leidt een dubbelleven: parlementariër en homo.

signatuur: cat. (comba/con) fb

Constance D. : roman
cat. (comba/con) fb
Christian Combaz.

Queer fear  / 

by Neville Corbett.San Diego, CA: Publisher's Export, cop. 1970 - 159 p.
uitgave: San Diego, CA: Publisher's Export, cop. 1970 - 159 p.
annotatie: "He became the "First Lady" of Capitol Hill."--Cover
samenvatting: Homo-erotische pulproman over een homosexuele Amerikaanse senator en zijn vriend.

signatuur: cat. (corbe-n/que) fp

Queer fear
cat. (corbe-n/que) fp
by Neville Corbett.

The dinner party  / 

Howard Fast.New York, NY: Dell, 1987 - [III], 358 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Dell, 1987 - [III], 358 p.
samenvatting: Roman waarin een verliefde Amerikaanse senator en zijn homozoon centraal staan.

signatuur: cat. (fast/din) fb

The dinner party
cat. (fast/din) fb
Howard Fast.

Political poison  / 

Mark Richard Zubro.New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993 - 194 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1993 - 194 p.
samenvatting: Paul Turner, een weduwnaar met twee tienerzonen, is homo en politie-agent. Bij het onderzoek naar de moord op een wethouder van Chicago ontdekt Turner dat sommige professoren en politici iets hebben te verbergen.

signatuur: cat. (zubro/pol) fb

Political poison
cat. (zubro/pol) fb
Mark Richard Zubro.

Een ideale echtgenoot  / 

Oscar Wilde ; vert. [uit het Engels]: Laurens Spoor ; [red.: Alex Mallems].Amsterdam: International Theatre and Film Bookshop [etc.], 1991 - 159 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: International Theatre and Film Bookshop [etc.], 1991 - 159 p.: ill.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: An ideal husband. - 1895. - Bibliogr.: p. 16.
samenvatting: Toneelstuk over een gerespecteerde politicus, die plotseling geconfronteerd wordt met een misstap uit het verleden.

signatuur: cat. (wilde/ide/nl) fb

Een ideale echtgenoot
cat. (wilde/ide/nl) fb
Oscar Wilde ; vert. [uit het Engels]: Laurens Spoor ; [red.: Alex Mallems].

News Boy : A play in eight scenes  / 

Arch Brown.New York, NY: JH, cop. 1979 - 84 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: JH, cop. 1979 - 84 p.
samenvatting: Tim is coming out, only to be confronted by his mother running for senator on an anti-gay platform. What was private and personal is suddenly on the six o'clock news.

signatuur: cat. (brown-a/new) fb

News Boy : A play in eight scenes
cat. (brown-a/new) fb
Arch Brown.

The big smear  / 

by William R. Reardon.New York, NY: Crown, cop. 1960 - 293 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Crown, cop. 1960 - 293 p.
samenvatting: Senator Morrison was one of the leading contenders for the presidential nomination, then rumor started. The senator had an arty friend who was a frequent visitor to russia, the senator's wife had died under mysterious circumstances, the senator was homosexual. No one knew where the stories started. Karl Armandson offered a job by Associated Research, one of the great financial companies in the land who want to destroy Morrison, found about the smear campaign from the inside.

signatuur: cat. (reard/big) fb

The big smear
cat. (reard/big) fb
by William R. Reardon.

Indecent assault : a novel  / 

Martyn Goff.London: Deutsch, 1967 - 221 p.
uitgave: London: Deutsch, 1967 - 221 p.
samenvatting: David is the art-student son of Mark Coulsdon, Minister of Communications, an ambitious man with aspirations to be Prime Minister. But Coulsdon feels that his chances could be embarrassed by his brother Julian, a homosexual living with a flamboyant young actor. So David, deeply involved in his own affair with the girl Karen, is all the more astonished when his requests to live away from home are finally met, on condition that he moves in with the notorious uncle Julian. Against his will, David is drawn into Julian's ménage. Into a reputation-destroying plot. Into the screaming headlines of scandal. Into the merciless intriguing after the highest political office in the land.

signatuur: cat. (goff/ind) fb

Indecent assault : a novel
cat. (goff/ind) fb
Martyn Goff.

The crying game  / 

John Braine.New York, NY: Popular Library, cop. 1968 - 208 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Popular Library, cop. 1968 - 208 p.
samenvatting: The crying game is a satirical parable. Frank Batcombe, a conservative North County journalist newly arrived in London, works as a reporter for a national newspaper. A chance encounter changes his life. His stylish cousin, Adam Keelby, a successful public relations entrepreneur, insists Frank join him in his fashionable quarters in Hampstead. Suddenly doors open for Frank. Desirable women crowd around and he gets wind of a political scandal that can make his journalistic career.

signatuur: cat. (brain/cry) fb

The crying game
cat. (brain/cry) fb
John Braine.

The children of light  / 

Gerald Sykes.New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1955 - 303 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Young, 1955 - 303 p.
samenvatting: In this novel it is the son and not the father who is the conservative. A full-blooded international career of oil wildcatting, marital freewheeling and ambassadorial roving has left 52-year-old John Peyton Trimble irrepressibly convinced that "experimentation" is the first rule of behavior, "essential to the courage to be oneself." His politically gifted son rigidly practices a contrary rule: "Never bet against the house, don't be a sucker, be the house." Novelist Sykes cleaves right to the secret core of his characters, he hacked a plot from political headlines, and so blunted his aptest insights. When Ambassador Trimble refuses to back his son's campaign for Congress, son Hank starts nasty rumors about the old man.

signatuur: cat. (sykes/chi) fb

The children of light
cat. (sykes/chi) fb
Gerald Sykes.


( DE:"politici" )

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