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Aantal resultaten: 16( DE:"ouders van biseksuelen" )


ASWH-onderzoek homo- en biseksuele jongeren en hun ouders.

[Amsterdam: ASWH], 1969 - 15, vii p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam : ASWH], 1969 - 15, vii p.
  1. jongeren
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Onderzoek naar coming-out van homojongeren tegenover hun ouders en reacties van de ouders.

signatuur: cat. (aswh/hom) brochures kluis nl

dgb, map publicaties nl tot 1970

ASWH-onderzoek homo- en biseksuele jongeren en hun ouders.
cat. (aswh/hom) brochures kluis nldgb, map publicaties nl tot 1970

Finding Out : a resource for people working with young gay and bisexual men  / Leigh Rampton and Paul Kinder.

[Auckland etc.]: New Zealand AIDS Foundation [NZAF], 1992 - 25 p.: ill.
uitgave: [Auckland etc.] : New Zealand AIDS Foundation [NZAF], 1992 - 25 p.: ill.
  1. jongeren
  2. hiv/aids
  3. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Handleiding voor sociaal werkers, decanen, hulpverleners etc. die met jongens werken, om te helpen ervoor te zorgen dat de omgeving voor jonge flikkers en bisexuelen zo wordt, dat ze zich er thuis voelen en zonder angst uit kunnen komen voor hun gevoelens.

signatuur: cat. (rampt/kin) g

Finding Out : a resource for people working with young gay and bisexual men
cat. (rampt/kin) g

Hoe je ook bent geaard, thuis word je aanvaard : aanvaarding van homoseksuele, lesbische of biseksuele kinderen in het gezin.

Brussel: Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen, [1999] - 1 vouwblad.
uitgave: Brussel : Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen, [1999] - 1 vouwblad.
  1. familiebetrekkingen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Voorlichtingsbrochure t.b.v. ouders van homo/biseksuele kinderen.

signatuur: cat. (hoe/je) k

Hoe je ook bent geaard, thuis word je aanvaard : aanvaarding van homoseksuele, lesbische of biseksuele kinderen in het gezin.
cat. (hoe/je) k

Sie liebt sie, er liebt ihn : eine Studie zur psychosozialen Situation junger Lesben, Schwuler und Bisexueller in Berlin  / 

Red.: Lela Lähnemann ; Fotos: Heidi Schern.Berlin: Senatsverwaltung für Schule, Jugend und Sport, Fachbereich für gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen, 1999 - 96, [4] p.: ill.
uitgave: Berlin: Senatsverwaltung für Schule, Jugend und Sport, Fachbereich für gleichgeschlechtliche Lebensweisen, 1999 - 96, [4] p.: ill.
annotatie: 1e dr. 1999.
samenvatting: Verslag van een kwalitatief onderzoek naar het zich welbevinden van lesbische, homo- en biseksuele jongeren tot 27 jaar. Alhoewel zij in het algemeen blijk geven van een positieve en zelfverzekerde instelling wat betreft hun eigen seksualiteit, heeft een groot percentage een poging tot zelfdoding gedaan of overweegt een poging tot zelfdoding te doen. Maar liefst 18% heeft geprobeerd zelfmoord te plegen, veelal vanwege eenzaamheid of problemen met de ouders. Ook wordt veel melding gemaakt van negatieve reacties op de coming out; 10% kreeg zelfs te maken met fysiek geweld. De situatie op school is verre van ideaal: de ondersteuning door leerkrachten laat te wensen over en goed voorlichting wordt nauwelijks gegeven.

signatuur: cat. (sie/lie) b

Sie liebt sie, er liebt ihn : eine Studie zur psychosozialen Situation junger Lesben, Schwuler und Bisexueller in Berlin
cat. (sie/lie) b
Red.: Lela Lähnemann ; Fotos: Heidi Schern.

Out of the closet, into our hearts : celebrating our gay family members  / 

ed. by Laura Siegel and Nancy Lamkin Olson.San Francisco, CA: Leyland, 2001 - 157 p.: ill.
uitgave: San Francisco, CA: Leyland, 2001 - 157 p.: ill.
samenvatting: True personal accounts written by the families (parents, siblings, grandparents, children and extended family) of glbt people.

signatuur: cat. (out/of/clo) b

Out of the closet, into our hearts : celebrating our gay family members
cat. (out/of/clo) b
ed. by Laura Siegel and Nancy Lamkin Olson.

Activist Parenting and GLBTQ Families  / K. L. Broad ... [et al.].

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 4 (2008) 4, p. 499-520
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 4 (2008) 4 , p. 499-520
samenvatting: This article utilizes examples from four different feminist, constructionist, sociological research projects to illustrate the centrality of activist parenting to current understandings of GLBTQ-related parenting and GLBTQ family studies. Specifically, we suggest that GLBTQ-related parenting can be better understood if we pay attention to how it is political, relational, and specific. We begin the article by reviewing key work about activist mothering. Next, we discuss research about parents in PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) to show how a form of activist parenting is central to their narratives. We then briefly discuss three other research examples of GLBT-related parenting to further illustrate how different forms of GLBTQ-related parenting today are political, race/class/gender/sexuality specific, and related to each other. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Activist Parenting and GLBTQ Families
K. L. Broad ... [et al.].
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

Mom and Dad Come Out : The Process of Identifying as a Heterosexual Parent with a Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual Child  / Kristopher M. Goodrich.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 3 (2009) 1, p. 37-61
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 3 (2009) 1 , p. 37-61
samenvatting: Currently, there is a dearth of literature regarding the experiences of heterosexual parents with lesbian, gay, or bisexual identified sons or daughters. This manuscript will explore the experiences of 13 parents in 9 separate families who have adult sons or daughters who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual. A qualitative study using grounded theory was conducted to investigate their experiences toward the "successful integration of their identity." All parents in this study were defined as successful by their lesbian, gay, or bisexual identified child. Both the research results as well as the emergent model for parent success are presented in this article. Implications for clinical practice and future research are also discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Mom and Dad Come Out : The Process of Identifying as a Heterosexual Parent with a Lesbian, Gay, or Bisexual Child
Kristopher M. Goodrich.
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling

Graag gezien : een brochure voor ouders van homo's, lesbiennes en bi's  / [auteur Beatrijs Peters].

Brussel: Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen (Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap), 2003 - 37 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brussel : Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen (Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap), 2003 - 37 p.: ill.
  1. familiebetrekkingen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Voorlichtingsbrochure t.b.v. ouders van homo/biseksuele kinderen met antwoorden op concrete vragen rond homoseksualiteit en adressen en telefoonnummmers.

signatuur: cat. (peters-b/gra) k

Graag gezien : een brochure voor ouders van homo's, lesbiennes en bi's
cat. (peters-b/gra) k

Factors Associated with Parents' Knowledge of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths' Sexual Orientation  / Anthony R. D'Augelli ... [et al.].

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 6 (2010) 2 (apr-jun), p. 178-198
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 6 (2010) 2 (apr-jun), p. 178-198
samenvatting: This study examined factors associated with gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) youths' parents' knowledge of their children's sexual orientation. Over a 2-year period, we studied 196 youths whose parents were aware or unaware of their children's sexual orientation, and youths whose sexual orientation became known to their parents. Differences between youths in their sexual orientation development, psychosocial adjustment, support, victimization by parents, and involvement in GLB social activities were considered. Youths whose parents were aware of their sexual orientation indicated that they were more same-sex oriented and reported less internalized homophobia than youths in the other two groups. Youths whose sexual orientation became known had poorer parental relationships and also feared parental harassment and rejection. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Factors Associated with Parents' Knowledge of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youths' Sexual Orientation
Anthony R. D'Augelli ... [et al.].
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

How Depressed and Suicidal Sexual Minority Adolescents Understand the Causes of Their Distress  / Gary M. Diamond ... [et al.].

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 15 (2011) 2 (april-june), p. 130-151
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 15 (2011) 2 (april-june), p. 130-151
samenvatting: This study examined how lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents reporting clinically significant depressive and suicidal symptoms understand the causes of their psychological distress. The role of the quality of the adolescent-parent relationship as a risk or protective factor was explored. Ten qualitative interviews were analyzed using the Consensual Qualitative Research method. Results showed that adolescents viewed family rejection of sexual orientation, extra-familial LGB related victimization, and non-LGB related negative family life events as the most common causes of their psychological distress. Most of the adolescents also reported experiencing support from at least one family member, and half reported experiencing significant extra-familial (e.g., peers, school counselor) support. Almost all of the adolescents reported wishing that their relationships with their parents were closer and characterized by more acceptance, as well as a willingness to participate in family therapy to improve their relationships with their parents. Clinical implications are discussed. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

How Depressed and Suicidal Sexual Minority Adolescents Understand the Causes of Their Distress
Gary M. Diamond ... [et al.].
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health


( DE:"ouders van biseksuelen" )

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