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Aantal resultaten: 13( DE:"ontvoeringen" )


What they did to Princess Paragon  / 

Robert Rodi.New York, NY: Dutton, 1994 - 281 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Dutton, 1994 - 281 p.
annotatie: Hardcover.
samenvatting: Roman spelend in homo/lesbisch uitgevers-circuit.

signatuur: cat. (rodi/wha) fb

What they did to Princess Paragon
cat. (rodi/wha) fb
Robert Rodi.

Light at dusk  / 

Peter Gadol.New York, NY: Picador, 2000 - 277 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Picador, 2000 - 277 p.
samenvatting: Will Law, a rising star in the U.S. Foreign Service, mysteriously walks away from his post and, in Paris, falls into the arms of his onetime lover Pedro. When the child of a mutual friend is kidnapped by a Nationalist gang, Will is reluctantly drawn back to the diplomatic world he abandoned. Fighting against a rising tide of French anti-immigrant hatred, the Americans launch a deperate search across the city. In the process, Will must challenge the moral burdens of his past, and in an attempt to rescue the child, he must also find a way to redeem himself.

signatuur: cat. (gadol/lig) fb

Light at dusk
cat. (gadol/lig) fb
Peter Gadol.

The true detective  / 

Theodore Weesner.New York, NY: Summit Books, cop. 1987 - 383 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Summit Books, cop. 1987 - 383 p.
samenvatting: The True Detective, Gil Dulac, is a small town police investigator who sees his sleepy city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, being infested with a sexual pathology that, in its breadth of depravity, is breaking out like a pandemic. It's no surprise to Dulac then, when a twelve-year-old boy turns up missing. Child abduction grips the city, along with Dulac's obsessive sense of justice.

signatuur: cat. (weesn/tru) fb

The true detective
cat. (weesn/tru) fb
Theodore Weesner.

Looking for Rachel Wallace : a Spenser novel  / 

Robert B. Parker.New York, NY: Delacorte Press / Lawrence, cop. 1980 - 219 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Delacorte Press / Lawrence, cop. 1980 - 219 p.
samenvatting: In the sixth Spenser novel by Robert B. Parker, private investigator Spenser searches for the kidnappers of a lesbian writer who hired him as her bodyguard.

signatuur: cat. (parke/loo) fb

Looking for Rachel Wallace : a Spenser novel
cat. (parke/loo) fb
Robert B. Parker.

8th Day ; a Cassidy James Mystery  / 

Kate Galloway.Ferndale, MI: Bella Books, 2001 - 263 p.
uitgave: Ferndale, MI: Bella Books, 2001 - 263 p.
samenvatting: A troubled child is abducted while a beloved teacher disappears. A deadly conspiracy threatens to destroy everything it touches. And the lesbian PI Cassidy James sure picked one hell of a time to fall in love.

signatuur: cat. (gallow-k/8th) fb

8th Day ; a Cassidy James Mystery
cat. (gallow-k/8th) fb
Kate Galloway.

Verdwijnende aarde  / 

Julia Phillips ; vert. uit het door Els de Roon Hertoge, Annelies de Hertogh.Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2020 - 336 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Meulenhoff, 2020 - 336 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Disappearing earth. - Knopf Doubleday, 2019.
samenvatting: The woman who lives the freest life is a lesbian who defies Russia’s dangerous homophobia and shares an apartment in St. Petersburg with her lover. After a painful break up, she returns to Kamchatka for a New Year’s Eve party, where she reconciles with a girlhood friend whom she has never forgotten—and to whom she has never before confided her homosexuality. Be careful, the friend whispers. The police can hurt you.

signatuur: hvat

Verdwijnende aarde
Julia Phillips ; vert. uit het door Els de Roon Hertoge, Annelies de Hertogh.

De burgemeester  / 

Yves Peirsman.Antwerpen: Houtekiet, 2020 - 304 p.
uitgave: Antwerpen: Houtekiet, 2020 - 304 p.
samenvatting: Net op de dag dat zijn partij haar verkiezingslijst wil voor stellen, verdwijnt de burgemeester van de grootste stad van Vlaanderen. Terwijl de politie zich blindstaart op de tegen standers van de controversiële politicus, groeit de onrust in de stad. Vooral de allochtone bevolking voelt zich geviseerd. Uit onvrede met het speurwerk van de politie beslist de sinds kort homoseksuele Bas Michiels zelf op onderzoek uit te trekken. Als werkloze journalist is hij toch op zoek naar een nuttige bezigheid. Hij krijgt daarbij hulp uit onverwachte hoek: zijn ex-vriendin Emma wil als dochter van de plaatsvervangend burgemeester weten welk gevaar haar vader loopt. Emma en Bas hebben zo hun eigen ideeën over de verdwijning van de burgemeester. Terwijl Bas in stilte Emma’s vader verdenkt, richt Emma haar aandacht op de linkse organisaties in de stad. Toch brengt hun zoektocht de twee dichter bij elkaar dan Bas ooit had durven te denken...

signatuur: hvat

De burgemeester
Yves Peirsman.

"Have You Considered Your Parents' Happiness?" : Conversion Therapy Against LGBT People in China.

New York, NY: Human Rights Watch [HRW], 2017 - 70 p.
uitgave: New York, NY : Human Rights Watch [HRW], 2017 - 70 p.
  1. psyche
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Although China decriminalized homosexuality in 1997, and in 2001 the Chinese Society of Psychiatry removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders, public hospitals and private clinics across the country continue to offer so-called "conversion therapy." This "treatment" aims to change an 'sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual, based on the false assumption that homosexuality is a disorder that needs to be remedied. Based on interviews with 17 LGBT people who underwent conversion therapy, and with parents and rights activists, this report documents multiple abusive aspects of conversion therapy, including coercion and threats, physical abduction, arbitrary confinement, forced medication and injection, and use of electroshocks. The report also find that the practice of conversion therapy in itself violates China's Mental Health Law.

signatuur: cat. (have/you)

dgb grijs

"Have You Considered Your Parents' Happiness?" : Conversion Therapy Against LGBT People in China.
cat. (have/you)dgb grijs

Travelling Sexualities, Circulating Bodies, and Early Modern Anglo-Ottoman Encounters  / Abdulhamit Arvas.

[East Lansing, MI]: Michigan State University, 2016 - xii, 286 p.
uitgave: [East Lansing, MI] : Michigan State University, 2016 - xii, 286 p.
  1. geschiedenis
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Abstract: This dissertation explores intricate networks and connections between early modern English and Ottoman cultures. In particular, it traces connected sexual histories and cultures between the two contexts with a focus on the abduction, conversion, and circulation of boys in cross-cultural encounters during the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. It argues that the textual, aesthetic template of the beautiful abducted boy - i.e. Ganymede, the Indian boy of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream, the Christian boy in Ottoman poetry - intersects with the historical figure of vulnerable youths, who were captured, converted, and exchanged within the global traffic in bodies. It documents the aesthetic, erotic, and historical deployments of this image to suggest that the circulation of these boys casts them as subjects of servitude and conversion, as well as objects of homoerotic desire in the cultural imaginary. The project thereby uncovers the tensions and dissonances between the aestheticized eroticism of cultural representations and the coercive and violent history of abductions, conversions, and enslavements of the boys. Traveling Sexualities also highlights the significance of the Ottomans to the project of queering the Renaissance in early modern studies. It uncovers connected histories between seemingly different spaces and cultures with discursive and material crossings, cross-cultural transferences, movements, interactions, and encounters with a focus on the figure of the boy through queer-historicist contrapuntal readings of multiple genres (English plays, poems, travelogues, chronicles, maps, and paintings; Ottoman poems, historical chronicles, prose works, festival accounts, miniatures) from mid-fifteenth to early seventeenth centuries. Ultimately, the project enriches our understanding of the global Renaissance by disrupting binaries (self/other, Islam/Christian, European/Ottoman), thereby provoking a reimagination of what the East and the West signify, as the lines between the two worlds are blurred and rendered permeable. Looking afresh at early modern sexualities through a global perspective, it offers additional queer and postcolonial methodologies for a historicist contrapuntal analysis. The transcultural and the queer converge through the figure of the boy as he circulates within the aesthetic, commercial, and erotic economies shaping Anglo-Ottoman interactions, which in turn highlights a Renaissance without fixed cultural borders. This, therefore, brings to our attention a queerer Renaissance that provides us with valuable insights into our contemporary problems regarding sexuality, gender, race, Islamophobia, orientalism, and cultural imperialism.

signatuur: cat. (arvas/tra)

dgb grijs

Travelling Sexualities, Circulating Bodies, and Early Modern Anglo-Ottoman Encounters
cat. (arvas/tra)dgb grijs

It's Torture, Not therapy : A Global Overview of Conversion Therapy: Practices, Perpetrators, and The Role of States : Thematic Report 2020  / Josina Bothe.

Copenhagen: International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), 2020 - 23 p.
uitgave: Copenhagen : International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), 2020 - 23 p.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Conversion therapy - also known as sexual orientation change effort (SOCE), reparative therapy, reintegrative therapy, reorientation therapy, ex-gay therapy, and gay cure - proclaims to change, "repair" or "cure" an individual's sexual orientation or gender identity. Most major medical and mental health associations have condemned it due to evidence that it's harmful and its lack of scientific basis. The objective of this research was to compile detailed information on the practices, practitioners and role of the state in conversion therapy, which according to the Independent Forensic Expert Group is "likely to cause individuals significant or severe physical and mental pain and suffering with long-term harmful effects." This information is meant to support an examination of the practice through the lens of state obligations to prevent and punish torture and ill-treatment. This review shows that conversion therapy is prevalent worldwide and encompasses a wide range of discriminatory practices, which are often also intended to punish the victim. To illustrate what this means in the lives of individual victims, the report provides detailed description of the most common practices identified. The report also demonstrates that conversion therapy is often provided, financed, or encouraged by states or by individuals acting in an official capacity or executing a state function, such as providing health and education services. In other instances, conversion therapy is performed in the private sphere, e.g., by family members and spiritual leaders. Nevertheless, the state may be responsible for acquiescing in these cases due to its failure to exercise due diligence to eliminate this harmful and discriminatory practice. In addition, when the police refuse to investigate complaints of corrective violence, the state becomes complicit in these acts.

signatuur: cat. (bothe/its)

dgb grijs

It's Torture, Not therapy : A Global Overview of Conversion Therapy: Practices, Perpetrators, and The Role of States : Thematic Report 2020
cat. (bothe/its)dgb grijs


( DE:"ontvoeringen" )

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