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GenderQueer : voices from beyond the sexual binary  / 

ed. by Joan Nestle, Riki Wilchins, and Clare Howell.Los Angeles, CA [etc.]: Alyson, 2002 - 297 p.
uitgave: Los Angeles, CA [etc.]: Alyson, 2002 - 297 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.
samenvatting: Book Description Perhaps more than any other issue, gender identity has galvanized the queer community in recent years. The questions go beyond the nature of male/female to a yet-to-be-traversed region that lies somewhere between and beyond biologically determined gender. In this groundbreaking anthology, three experts in gender studies and politics navigate around rigid, societally imposed concepts of two genders to discover and illuminate the limitless possibilities of identity. Thirty first-person accounts of gender construction, exploration, and questioning provide a groundwork for cultural discussion, political action, and even greater possibilities of autonomous gender choices. Noted scholar Joan Nestle is joined by internationally prominent gender warrior Riki Wilchins and historian Clare Howell to provide a societal, cultural, and political exploration of gender identity. About the Author Joan Nestle is the cofounder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives in New York and the writer and editor of six books including the groundbreaking Women on Women series. Riki Anne Wilchins is the executive director of GenderPAC, the national gender advocacy group, and the cofounder of the Gender Identity Project of New York City's Lesbian and Gay Center. She is the author of Read My Lips: Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender. Clare Howell is a senior librarian at the Brooklyn Public Library.

signatuur: cat. (gende/voi) b


GenderQueer : voices from beyond the sexual binary
cat. (gende/voi) b ODE3
ed. by Joan Nestle, Riki Wilchins, and Clare Howell.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen"... "Okay, I Might As Well Walk Out of The Room Already" : Struggles and Victories of Gender Non-binary Individuals in the Netherlands  / Leonie Gijsen.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2018 - 68 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2018 - 68 p.
  1. genderidentiteiten
  2. taal
samenvatting: This study uses comparative literature review and narrative analysis to examine the experiences of non-binary individuals living in the Netherlands. The research involved in depth-interviews with twelve Dutch narrators who do not exclusively identify as male or female. Previous studies have mainly focused on binary transgender people with research from a medical perspective. Sociological research with non-binary individuals are scarce, especially research on non-binary individuals in the Netherlands is lacking. In this research it is shown how agender, genderqueer, femme, non-binary, non-binary and man, genderfluid and people who do not prefer a gender identity term make their identity heard in a gender binary society. Words that reflect their identity is much needed to make their identities visible. They invent language themselves, but a collective effort is to create new words is needed to make non-binary individuals in the Netherlands heard more rapidly. Awareness need to be raised about gender diversity and language needs to be created to reflect the identities of all genders.

signatuur: cat. (gijse/hel)

dgb grijs

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen"... "Okay, I Might As Well Walk Out of The Room Already" : Struggles and Victories of Gender Non-binary Individuals in the Netherlands
cat. (gijse/hel)dgb grijs

Queer sex : a trans and non-binary guide to intimacy, pleasure and relationships  / 

Juno Roche.London [etc.]: Kingsley, 2018 - 167 p.
uitgave: London [etc.]: Kingsley, 2018 - 167 p.
samenvatting: "In this frank, funny and poignant book, transgender activist Juno Roche discusses sex, desire and dating with leading figures from the trans and non-binary community. Calling out prejudices and inspiring readers to explore their own concepts of intimacy and sexuality, the first-hand accounts celebrate the wonder and potential of trans bodies and push at the boundaries of how society views gender, sexuality and relationships. Empowering and necessary, this collection shows all trans people deserve to feel brave, beautiful and sexy." -- back cover.

signatuur: cat. (roche/que) b

Queer sex : a trans and non-binary guide to intimacy, pleasure and relationships
cat. (roche/que) b
Juno Roche.

Non-binary and genderqueer: An overview of the field  / Surya Monro.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 126-131
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 126-131
samenvatting: The existence of gender variance is is widely documented both historically and cross-culturally. The term "genderqueer" emerged in the 1990's. It can be defined as "any type of trans identity that is not always male or female. it is also where people feel there is a mixture of male and female." The last few years we have seen a a shift in the possibilities afforde for gender expression in some countries, however fragile and contingent this devolpment might be. Estimates of the number of non-binary people vary.

signatuur: ts.

Non-binary and genderqueer: An overview of the field
Surya Monro.
International Journal of Transgenderism

Breaking down barriers and binaries in trans healthcare: the validation of non-binary people  / Ben Vincent.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 132-137
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 132-137
samenvatting: The field of gender affirming medical interventions now rests on over one hunderd years of modern medical history, with the " masculinisation surgery" (and subsequent legal recognition as male by the state of Prussaia) of Herman Karl recorded in 1882. This history owes much to practitioners willing to challenge social and medical expectations regarding sex/gender, yet this was in parallel with the uglier legacy of infexible gatekeeping practices. For the sake of this editorial I define non-binary people as those who do not identify (exclusively) as male or female. I also use this as an unbrella term which is inclusive of people who identify as genderqueer, agender/neutrois, and culturally sepcific conceptualizations of gender that exist outside of the Westernized gender binary. Language and identity are in a constant of evolution, with many other terms used to capture particular experiences of (non-binary) gender. For example, genderfluidity indicates a sense of gender which varies over time. A bigender identity involves the experience of two gender identities ? either simultaneously or varying (and so therefore may be fluid, or not). Before addressing the ramifications of the history of trans medicine, and developments in gender affirming medicine that are associated with non-binary people, it is necessary to unpack the ontology of non-binary and the implications of the above definition in regards to community identity politics. This allows a rigorous foundation for nuanced, sensitive, and flexible medical practice.

signatuur: ts.

Breaking down barriers and binaries in trans healthcare: the validation of non-binary people
Ben Vincent.
International Journal of Transgenderism

The terminology of identities between, outside and beyond the gender binary - A systematic review  / Nat Thorne ...[et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 138-154
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 138-154
samenvatting: Recently, a multitude of terms have emerged, especially within North America and Western Europe, which describe identities that are not experienced within the culturally accepted binary structure of gender which prevails within those cultures. As yet, there is no clear single umbrella term to describe such identities and a mixture of words have been used in scholarly work to date. To explore the origins and track the emergence of newer terms and definitions for identities between, outside and beyond the gender binary, to outline current trends in descriptors within scholarly work and to suggest a term which is wide enough to encompass all identities. Methods: A comprehensive systematic review was made, following the PRISMA guidelines. Several relevant key terms were used to search Web of Science, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and the International Journal of Transgenderism. The descriptions each title gives for identities outside of the binary are extracted for analysis. Results: Several terms have been used over the years to describe identities outside of the binary. "Non-binary" and "genderqueer" are currently mostly used as umbrella terms. However, "gender diverse" is emerging as a more suitable wide-ranging inclusive term for non-male and non-female identities.

signatuur: ts.

The terminology of identities between, outside and beyond the gender binary - A systematic review
Nat Thorne ...[et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

Creating gender: A thematic analysis of genderqueer narratives  / Nova J. Bradford ...[et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 155-168
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 155-168
samenvatting: Increasingly, research is emerging on the subjective experience of genderqueer people. This study explored how genderqueer identities are understood and managed in both personal and social domains. Interview data from 25 genderqueer-identified American adolescents and emerging adults, aged 15 to 26 (M = 21.28, SD = 3.20), were pulled from a larger study of 90 transgender and genderqueer participants. The 90-minute semi-structured interviews included questions about gender identity, the developmental pathway of participants, and relationships with others regarding gender. Results: Participants described "genderqueer" as a sufficiently broad category to capture their diverse experiences, and descriptions of genderqueer identities were heterogeneous, directly contradicting binary understandings of gender identity. A thematic analysis of interview transcripts resulted in three themes: intrapsychic experience, descriptions of master narratives about gender identity, and the co-construction of identities. Discussion: Participants described navigating a series of master and alternative narratives, such that all transgender people transgress a cisnormative master narrative, but genderqueer people further transgress normative understandings of a medicalized, binary transgender identity. The experience of co-creating identities was the process by which participants actively navigated constraints of the master narrative experience. Participants described the integral role of language in crafting new narratives to legitimize genderqueer experiences, as well as the subsequent intragroup conflict resulting from conflicting relationships to narratives in the transgender community. This study highlights genderqueer identities as a source of strength and positivity, and the importance of expanding beyond the hegemonic gender binary within research and clinical practice.

signatuur: ts.

Creating gender: A thematic analysis of genderqueer narratives
Nova J. Bradford ...[et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism

Queer ethics and fostering positive mindsets toward non-binary gender, genderqueer, and gender ambiguity  / Lucy Nicholas.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 169-180
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 169-180
samenvatting: Alongside the growth in visibility of gender identities and presentations such as genderqueer, non-binary and gender neutral, there is ridicule and backlash in wider culture, as well as more subtle invisibility and misgendering. While there exists social psychology research about negative and positive attitudes to trans people, this is restricted to those whose gender identity is at odds with their sex assigned at birth, and who identify with binary gender. Social psychology has extended to the more subtle workings of transphobia, but there is little consideration of the distinctiveness of attitudes and responses to those whose genders cannot be attributed in binary ways, and thus how these may be challenged. Methods: In keeping with the methods of social theory, this article brings together a diverse and complementary range of conceptual fields in new ways to diagnose a novel cause and solution to these negative attitudes. Using queer theory, feminist ethics, and empirical studies in post-tolerance sociology and social psychology, it argues that negative social responses to genderqueerness stem not only from overt prejudice in the form of transphobia but from binary genderism, the conviction that there are only two genders. Results and conclusion: This article proposes fostering greater diversity-literacy and empathy for difference as a more effective approach than minority identity-based 'prejudice reduction' approaches. A norm-critical approach to deconstructing gender norms is proposed, thus fostering positive attitudes to genderqueerness. It is therefore demonstrated how best to foster enabling social contexts for genderqueerness, with positive implications for the physical and social health and wellbeing of gender variant people. This approach can be applied in organizations, institutions, and by service providers who interact with genderqueer individuals, in that it can inform a shift to approaching diversity positively in ways that are not restricted to pre-determined and binary identity categories.

signatuur: ts.

Queer ethics and fostering positive mindsets toward non-binary gender, genderqueer, and gender ambiguity
Lucy Nicholas.
International Journal of Transgenderism

Navigating identity: Experiences of binary and non-binary transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) adults  / Chassitty N. Fiani & Heather J. Han.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 181-194
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 181-194
samenvatting: Emerging research and colloquial dialogues increasingly point to an uptick in non-binary gender identity endorsement, however research has failed to parallel this increase. For example, existing literature often conflates gender identity with sexual orientation, lumping TGNC people under the LGBTQ umbrella, thus rendering the 'T' silent in the process. Further, extant research adheres to a binary (i.e., dichotomous male/female) conceptualization of gender, thus excluding individuals who identify as genderqueer, gender non-conforming, or otherwise non-binary as well as those who do not identify with the construct of gender at all (e.g., agender). Method: This qualitative investigation utilized individual interviews with 15 TGNC adults. Data analysis employed two data-driven phases, first identifying themes consistent across the 15 transcripts to identify nuances in TGNC identity formation often missed by theory-driven models and second, establishing similarities and differences between binary and non-binary narratives. Results: Results indicated that various helpful and challenging factors played a stronger role than chronology, physical transition, or activism across all participants which contrasts findings in extant literature. Further, while binary and non-binary narratives were similar in many regards, several noteworthy distinctions emerged. For example, the concepts of 'passing or blending', intersections of gender identity with sexual orientation, and navigating identity presentation and disclosure were described differently for binary and non-binary participants. Conclusions: Historically, the 'T' in 'LGBTQ' has often been rendered silent. These results indicate that non-binary narratives have been rendered doubly silent. Given the increasing preponderance of non-binary identifications and the unique needs and experiences of non-binary participants, it is crucial that professional and lay communities alike begin to take two steps moving forward: 1) explicitly acknowledge the existence of non-binary TGNC identities and 2) work to achieve fluency regarding the unique needs and experiences of this population.

signatuur: ts.

Navigating identity: Experiences of binary and non-binary transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) adults
Chassitty N. Fiani & Heather J. Han.
International Journal of Transgenderism

An exploration of the lived experiences of non-binary individuals who have presented at a gender identity clinic in the United Kingdom  / Jessica Taylor ...[et al.].

International Journal of Transgenderism, 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 195-204
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 20 (2019) 2-3 (apr-sep), p. 195-204
samenvatting: Despite an increased awareness of non-binary identity in the current social landscape, the experiences and needs of this heterogeneous community are poorly understood and represented in the research literature. Evidence indicates that social exclusion is not uncommon for individuals expressing a non-binary gender identity, with reflections in the literature that this may in turn have an impact on their psychological wellbeing. Aim: As non-binary individuals are increasingly presenting at UK gender identity clinics and requesting medical interventions, the aim of this study was to better understand their experiences and needs. Method: Two focus groups were run consisting of eight service users of a National Health Service (NHS) gender identity clinic in the United Kingdom. The transcripts of these focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: Five themes were identified: Invisibility, Managing non-binary gender identity in a binary world, Individuality, Gender dysphoria and Seeking interventions. Discussion: Clinical implications are discussed, with the recommendation for an affirmative approach that offers space for the non-binary individual to articulate their desires and come to terms with their identity. This exploration must take into consideration the person's place within a social world that can be transphobic and limited in terms of potential medical interventions. Further research is needed to better understand this marginalised community.

signatuur: ts.

An exploration of the lived experiences of non-binary individuals who have presented at a gender identity clinic in the United Kingdom
Jessica Taylor ...[et al.].
International Journal of Transgenderism


( DE:"non-binaire personen" )

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