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Sri Lankan gay group provides disaster relief  / Rex Wockner.

Queerplanet (2005) 06-01-2005, p. 9
bron: Queerplanet (2005)06-01-2005, p. 9
samenvatting: De zeebeving, tsunami, in december 2004 in grote delen van Azië, heeft veel slachtoffers gemaakt onder de homogemeenschap van Sri Lanka. Van de leden van de Companions on a Journey-groep zouden er 36 zijn omgekomen, 9 verdwenen en 131 dakloos geworden. De groep geeft zoveel mogelijk hulp aan, meestal door familie verstoten, homoslachtoffers.

signatuur: ts.

Sri Lankan gay group provides disaster relief
Rex Wockner.

Homogemeenschap Azië zwaar getroffen : moslimleider: 'Homo's oorzaak van tsunami'  / Sherman de Rose, Koen de Goeij.

Gay Krant, 26 (2005) 523 (15 jan), p. 9
bron: Gay Krant jaargang: 26 (2005) 523 (15 jan), p. 9
samenvatting: De zeebeving, tsunami, in december 2004 in grote delen van Azië, heeft veel slachtoffers gemaakt onder de homogemeenschap van Sri Lanka en evenals in de bij homo's populaire Thaise badplaats Phuket; een interview hierover met de directeur van Srilankaanse homo-organisatie Companions on a Journey, die zwaar getroffen is. En met een medewerker van de hulporganisatie Hivos, die homo-organisaties adviseert als ze steun nodig hebben. Moslimleider sheik Al-Fawzan legt de schuld van de ramp bij 'perverse' homo's.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Homogemeenschap Azië zwaar getroffen : moslimleider: 'Homo's oorzaak van tsunami'
ts. dgb periodieken
Sherman de Rose, Koen de Goeij.
Gay Krant
(15 jan)

Beyond Invisibility : Great East Japan Disaster and LGBT in Northeast Japan  / Azusa Yamashita.

Focus, 69 (2012) (sep)
bron: Focus jaargang: 69 (2012)(sep)
samenvatting: The Great East Japan Disaster on 11 March 2011 caused death to an incredible number of people with many more still missing, destroyed a huge amount of properties, and displaced numerous communities. On top of this there were gender-insensitive and gender-unequal evacuations, relief and reconstruction processes that added further damage. But equally shocking was the dearth of information about and voices of different groups of so-called social minorities such as people with disabilities, non-Japanese speaking residents, children, the elderly, and those who are lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender (LGBT). Among them, the LGBT people are probably the most invisible. Having been born and raised in Iwate prefecture, one of the prefectures affected by the disaster, I know that my prefecture is not an inclusive place for people of diverse communities. The fact that we hardly hear anything from LGBT survivors in coastal towns in the prefecture even after having established Iwate's first LGBT group is appalling. The disaster highlighted the invisibility of LGBT survivors and the difficulties they have faced in Japan's rural towns. The disaster made the invisibility, marginalization, silent prejudice and stigmatization suffered by LGBT people visible.

signatuur: full_text

Beyond Invisibility : Great East Japan Disaster and LGBT in Northeast Japan
Azusa Yamashita.

Queer Inhumanisms.  / Edited by Mel Y. Chen and Dana Luciano

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 21 (2015) 2-3 (june), p. 275-384
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 21 (2015) 2-3 (june), p. 275-384
samenvatting: - Introduction : Has the Queer Ever Been Human? / Dana Luciano and Mel Y. Chen- p. 183-207. - Little Monsters : Race, Sovereignty, and Queer Inhumanism in Beasts of the Southern Wild / Tavia Nyong'o. - p. 249-272. - Feelings and Fractals: Woolly Ecologies of Transgender Matter / Jeanne Vaccaro. - p. 273-293. - Unbecoming Human: An Ethics of Objects / Eunjung Kim. - p. 295-320. - Being Cellular: Race, the Inhuman, and the Plasticity of Life / Jayna Brown p. 321-341. - Pit Bull Promises: Inhuman Intimacies and Queer Kinships in an Animal / Harlan Weaver. - p. 343-363. - Intimate Atmospheres: Queer Theory in a Time of Extinctions / Neel Ahuja. - p. 365-385. - TransMaterialities: Trans*/Matter/Realities and Queer Political Imaginings / Karen Barad. - p. 387-422. (Copies available : http://glq.dukejournals.org/content/current#content-block

signatuur: ts.

Queer Inhumanisms.
Edited by Mel Y. Chen and Dana Luciano
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Israël haalt homovaders op.

Volkskrant 28-04-2015
bron: Volkskrant 28-04-2015
samenvatting: Nepal is de laatste jaren een nieuwe Aziatische bestemming geworden voor westerlingen die een draagmoeder willen huren. Na de aardbeving heeft de Israëlische regering actief meegeholpen om een deel van de baby's en de veelal homovaders vanuit Nepal naar Israël te brengen.

signatuur: full_text

Israël haalt homovaders op.

Disasters, Queer Narratives, and the News : How Are LGBTI Disaster Experiences Reported by the Mainstream and LGBTI Media?  / Scott McKinnon, Andrew Gorman-Murray, Dale Dominey-Howes.

Journal of Homosexuality, 64 (2017) 1 (jan), p. 122-144
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 64 (2017) 1 (jan), p. 122-144
samenvatting: The media plays a significant role in constructing the public meanings of disasters and influencing disaster management policy. In this article, we investigate how the mainstream and LGBTI media report - or failed to report - the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) populations during disasters in Brisbane, Australia and Christchurch, New Zealand. The implications of our work lie within recent disasters research suggesting that marginalized populations- including LGBTI peoples - may experience a range of specific vulnerabilities during disasters on the basis of their social marginality. In this article, we argue that LGBTI experiences were largely absent from mainstream media reporting of the Brisbane floods and Christchurch earthquake of 2011. Media produced by and about the LGBTI community did take steps to redress this imbalance, although with uneven results in terms of inclusivity across that community. We conclude by raising the possibility that the exclusion or absence of queer disaster narratives may contribute to marginality through the media's construction of disasters as experienced exclusively by heterosexual family groups. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2016.1172901 ]

signatuur: ts.

Disasters, Queer Narratives, and the News : How Are LGBTI Disaster Experiences Reported by the Mainstream and LGBTI Media?
Scott McKinnon, Andrew Gorman-Murray, Dale Dominey-Howes.
Journal of Homosexuality

From Deviant to Bakla, Strong to Stronger : Mainstreaming Sexual and Gender Minorities into Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines  / Alice McSherry ... [et al.].

Forum for Development Studies (2014) (nov), p. 1-14
bron: Forum for Development Studies (2014)(nov), p. 1-14
samenvatting: Disaster risk reduction (DRR), and indeed development at large, has traditionally been reluctant to acknowledge and accept the issue of gendered and sexual diversity in its mainstream policy design and practice. Recent forays into mainstreaming gender and sexual minorities into DRR have, however, highlighted the crucial role that these minorities play in bigger development aspirations of participation and empowerment. This debate article explores the notion of 'queering development' in DRR, and by drawing upon a recent DRR project in a rural area of the Philippines that is at high risk of natural hazards, we suggest a new framework for conceptualizing and 'doing' DRR.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (mcshe/fro)

From Deviant to Bakla, Strong to Stronger : Mainstreaming Sexual and Gender Minorities into Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines
dgb artikelen (mcshe/fro)
Alice McSherry ... [et al.].
Forum for Development Studies

Postcolonial Disablement and/as Transition Trans* Haitian Narratives of Breaking Open and Stitching Together  / Erin Durban-Albrecht.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 4 (2017) 2 (may), p. 195-207
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 4 (2017) 2 (may), p. 195-207
samenvatting: This article brings together black transgender studies and postcolonial studies to consider the possibility for trans* narratives of Haiti, known as the 'Black Republic.' Based on ethnographic research with trani, trans*, and transgender Haitians, this article focuses on how one woman - "Kelly' has built a life between Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the United States. As the author argues, the 7.0 earthquake on January 12, 2010, is the most prominent transition in Haitian transgender lives because of the ways that it reorganized bodies and social relations. The author draws from black, queer, trans*, and crip theories to consider how Kelly's life herstory creates possibilities for elaborating the effects of breaking open the tectonic shifts in gender embodiment and social life that have taken place in Haiti alongside the earth's movements. More specifically, the author illustrates that antiblack postcolonial disablement of the earthquake produced transing effects. Kelly's remasculinization through sustaining injuries and receiving medical interventions resulted in the most profound dysphoria of Kelly's life. The disaster also amplified the fractures in MSM organizations because of how they paid lip service to supporting transgender women. In exploring the question of what the forms of black trans* self-authorization look like in this context of antiblack postcolonial disablement, the author proposes stitching together as a strategy geared toward black trans* futures through (imperfect) reparation and survival.

signatuur: ts.

Postcolonial Disablement and/as Transition Trans* Haitian Narratives of Breaking Open and Stitching Together
Erin Durban-Albrecht.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

'Trots op de onzen in deze helse ogenblikken' : Ervaringen van lhbti-personen tijdens 1953 en overstromingen wereldwijd  / 

Marc van Velzen; Zinzi Kok (red.).Ouwerkerk: Watersnoodmuseum, 2023 - 32 p.: ill.
uitgave: Ouwerkerk: Watersnoodmuseum, 2023 - 32 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 30.
samenvatting: Veel verhalen uit het verleden zijn met de tijd verloren gegaan. Sinds de start van het Oral Historyproject streeft het Watersnoodmuseum ernaar zoveel mogelijk van deze vergeten perspectieven alsnog een stem te geven. Deze publicatie vertelt over de ervaringen van de lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele, transgender en intersekse gemeenschappen in tijden van natuurgeweld. Sommige verhalen gaan terug naar de Watersnoodramp van 1953, toen de homo-emancipatie van Nederland in de kinderschoenen stond. De verhalen tonen aan hoe de nasleep van een ramp kan resulteren in situaties van discriminatie en geweld. Tegelijkertijd wordt duidelijk hoe de lhbti+-gemeenschap een eigen netwerk opzet voor hen die elders geen hulp kunnen vinden. Door deze verhalen te vertellen, wordt zowel de kwetsbaarheid als de veerkracht van deze gemeenschap duidelijk voor het bredere publiek.

signatuur: cat. (velze/tro) b

'Trots op de onzen in deze helse ogenblikken' : Ervaringen van lhbti-personen tijdens 1953 en overstromingen wereldwijd
cat. (velze/tro) b
Marc van Velzen; Zinzi Kok (red.).


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