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Aantal resultaten: 17( DE:"mantelzorg" )


En weer zat er een Paul Newman in de keuken  / 

Rijk de Jong.Baarn: Marmer, 2014 -
uitgave: Baarn: Marmer, 2014 -

signatuur: hvat

En weer zat er een Paul Newman in de keuken
Rijk de Jong.

Informele zorg en zelfredzaamheid van LHBT-ouderen  / Mariette Hermans & Judith Schuyf.

Utrecht: Movisie, 2014 - 8 p.: ill.
uitgave: Utrecht : Movisie, 2014 - 8 p.: ill.
  1. ouderen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Met de invoering van de Wmo 2015 zijn gemeenten onder meer verantwoordelijk voor de ondersteuning en toerusting van mantelzorgers en vrijwilligers. Zij hebben vanuit de Wmo de taak ervoor te zorgen dat kwetsbare mensen, ouderen en mensen met een beperking, zelfstandig kunnen blijven wonen door ondersteuning van de informele zorg. Hoe kan de gemeente daarvoor aansluiten bij het netwerk en de eigen kracht van kwetsbare lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele en transgender ouderen?

signatuur: cat. (hermans-m/sch)

dgb grijs

Informele zorg en zelfredzaamheid van LHBT-ouderen
cat. (hermans-m/sch)dgb grijs

From Acute Palliation to Chronic Care : Using the Narratives of Two Gay Caregivers to Explore Experiences of Providing HIV Support Across Sociohistorical Contexts  / Hossein Kia.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 27 (2015) 4 (oct-dec), p. 482-501
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 27 (2015) 4 (oct-dec), p. 482-501
samenvatting: Despite the longstanding shift in conceptualizing HIV/AIDS as a site of chronic care, versus one of acute palliation, few attempts have been made to examine caregiving in the context of this change. This study constitutes a preliminary attempt at exploring the evolving nature of HIV/AIDS caregiving among sexual minorities, primarily by comparing the narratives of two partnered caregivers of HIV-positive gay men whose stories are located in disparate sociohistorical contexts. Whereas one caregiver provided support during an era in which HIV/AIDS was primarily conceptualized as acutely life-limiting, the other did so in the contemporary period of chronic HIV care. Although similarities are noted across the stories, distinctions are also apparent in how the caregivers encounter expressions of homophobia and HIV stigma, and negotiate these realities distinctly as a function of sociohistorical context. In particular, despite the salience of these systemic barriers across the two narratives, these expressions of marginalization appear to occur more routinely and indefinitely in the context of chronic care. This article concludes with implications of the study's findings on theory, research, policy, and practice. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10538720.2015.1085346 ]

signatuur: ts.

From Acute Palliation to Chronic Care : Using the Narratives of Two Gay Caregivers to Explore Experiences of Providing HIV Support Across Sociohistorical Contexts
Hossein Kia.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Samen out & oud  / Caspar Pisters.

Winq / GK (2015) 67 (jan/feb), p. 72-74
bron: Winq / GK (2015) 67 (jan/feb), p. 72-74
samenvatting: Tijdens haar Riek Stienstra-lezing 'Roze ouderen, zelf aan zet!' in de Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam ging Judith Schuyf (senior adviseur LHBT-emancipatiebeleid bij Movisie) in op het onderwerp LHBT ouderen. Ze vindt dat homo's als het op mantelzorg aankomt in een iets beroerdere positie zitten dan hetero's. Piet Karsten (Platform LHBT West-Friesland) en Manon Linschoten (projectleider bij COC Nederland voor het Consortium Roze 50+) komen hier ook aan het woord.

signatuur: ts.

Samen out & oud
Caspar Pisters.
Winq / GK

Needs and Perceptions of LGBTQ Caregivers: The Challenges of Services and Support  / Korijna Valenti, Anne Katz.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 26 (2014) 1 (jan-mar), p. 70-90
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 26 (2014) 1 (jan-mar), p. 70-90
samenvatting: Increasing attention has been paid to the lack of services and support afforded older lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) women in same-sex relationships, including caregivers. This study was designed to investigate the needs and perceptions of LGBTQ women from ages 35 to 91, including informal caregivers and older adults regarding services and support from health care providers. Questionnaires were completed by older LGBTQ women (N = 76), and follow-up interviews were conducted with 25% of caregiver respondents. The majority of subjects indicated a fear of future challenges and discrimination. Four main themes emerged when analyzing the open-ended responses: the need for health care workers who were both supportive and knowledgeable about LGBTQ issues; better and consistent recognition of same-sex partners and their rights to make decisions as primary caregivers; increased sensitivity training regarding the needs of LGBTQ patients and caregivers; and more open and accepting environments where LGBTQ patients and caregivers could feel comfortable discussing issues with the staff. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wgls20/current#.Ucv94KzIVSM ]

signatuur: ts.

Needs and Perceptions of LGBTQ Caregivers: The Challenges of Services and Support
Korijna Valenti, Anne Katz.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Roze mantelzorg  / Peter van Delft.

Hello Gorgeous (2015) 12 (herfst), p. 42-45
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2015) 12 (herfst), p. 42-45
samenvatting: Oudere homo's met hiv maken steeds meer gebruik van de ouderenzorg. Thuiszorgorganisatie Gay Care richt zich op de LHBT-gemeenschap en biedt thuiszorg aan die de verbinding maakt met mantelzorg. Het doel is om LHBT ouderen zo lang mogelijk zelfstandig thuis te laten wonen met behoud van identiteit en levensstijl.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Roze mantelzorg
ts. dgb periodieken
Peter van Delft.
Hello Gorgeous


[Amsterdam]: Schorer, 2010-2011 - 54, 63 p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam] : Schorer, 2010-2011 - 54, 63 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Verantwoording werkzaamheden van Schorer over 2009.

signatuur: cat. (schorer/ver) 2009, 2010

dgb grijs

cat. (schorer/ver) 2009, 2010dgb grijs

Werkplan Schorer

[Amsterdam]: Schorer, [2010-2011] - 54, 52 p.
uitgave: [Amsterdam] : Schorer, [2010-2011] - 54, 52 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Werkplan van Schorer over 2011 en 2012.

signatuur: cat. (schorer/wer) 2011, 2012

dgb grijs

Werkplan Schorer
cat. (schorer/wer) 2011, 2012dgb grijs

Older lesbians' experiences with home care : Varying levels of disclosure and discrimination  / Sandra S. Butler.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, 29 (2017) 4 (oct-dec), p. 378-398
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 29 (2017) 4 (oct-dec), p. 378-398
samenvatting: There is considerable evidence that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults have experienced barriers to health care access and have profound fears about how they will be treated in the long-term care system, but the specific experiences of older lesbians have received less attention. Most older adults needing long-term services and supports (LTSS) prefer to remain at home, and this is true for lesbians as well. This article reports on a national, qualitative study of the experiences of 20 older lesbians (age 65 and older) with home care workers. The experiences of six informal partner caregivers with home care services are also included. Emergent themes regarding level of disclosure, experiences with homophobia, evaluation of care received, and thoughts about ideal LTSS are described. Most study participants did not disclose their sexual orientation to their home care workers. A significant minority experienced homophobia, but nearly all ultimately found workers who provided good care with which they were comfortable. Their visions of ideal LTSS included greater affordability and particular qualities that were important for home care workers to possess, such as competence, caring and acceptance. Practice and policy implications are outlined including careful recruitment, training and supervision of home care workers to foster lesbian-sensitive care, but also improved wages and work conditions in order to maintain a quality home care workforce.

signatuur: ts.

Older lesbians' experiences with home care : Varying levels of disclosure and discrimination
Sandra S. Butler.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services

The caregiver and her friends  / Elana Dykewomon.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 22 (2018) 1 (jan-mar), p. 94-101
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 22 (2018) 1 (jan-mar), p. 94-101
samenvatting: This article is a personal essay about the lesbian friendship networks called upon when a dyke has to take on caregiving responsibilities for her dying mother and, especially, her partner who develops dementia and dies. The primary areas of concern are how friendships form a community's ethical base, the navigation of overlapping friendship networks, the different ways women come through, and the role our institutions play in creating "friendliness." Underpinning these concerns is the way that lesbians create informal groups to investigate, inform, and affirm difficult decisions.

signatuur: ts.


The caregiver and her friends
ts. ODE3
Elana Dykewomon.
Journal of Lesbian Studies


( DE:"mantelzorg" )

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