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Aantal resultaten: 34( DE:"lhbtq-zichtbaarheid" )


Een geschiedenis buiten m/v : Zichtbaarheid van de non-binaire identiteit in Nederland (1992-2021)  / Marc van Velzen.

Amsterdam: IHLIA LGBTI Heritage # Transgender Netwerk Nederland, 2021 - 58 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : IHLIA LGBTI Heritage # Transgender Netwerk Nederland, 2021 - 58 p.
  1. geschiedenis
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Representatie van transgender personen bestond in de twintigste eeuw hoofdzakelijk uit een medisch-pathologisch narratief: de beeldvorming verschoof van mensen die pervers of psychiatrisch waren naar personen die een diep gevoeld verlangen hadden, maar hun lichaam als probleem ervaarden. Binnen deze representatie was het woord 'transseksueel' gangbaar. Centraal in deze beeldvorming stond de binaire splitsing van man en vrouw. Alleen deze twee identiteiten werden door de maatschappij erkend. Wie zich ertussenin bevond of er compleet buiten stond, werd onzichtbaar gemaakt. Aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw introduceerde activist Leslie Feinberg een nieuwe term. Het woord 'transgender' was een parapluterm, bedoeld voor iedereen die zich niet (volledig) identificeerde met de hokjes man of vrouw. Het narratief dat transgender personen de wens hadden om zich zoveel mogelijk te conformeren aan de tegenovergestelde sekse begon hiermee langzaam te veranderen. Dit narratief waarin transgender personen zoveel mogelijk willen voldoen aan de tegenovergestelde sekse wordt door de socioloog Austin Johnson ook wel gedefinieerd als 'transnormativiteit'. Deze term houdt in dat van transgender personen verwacht wordt dat zij hun verhaal vertellen vanuit een medisch perspectief. De transidentiteiten die overeenkomen met een vastgesteld medisch model worden als legitiem gezien, terwijl andere identiteiten onderdrukt worden of onzichtbaar blijven. Dit heeft als gevolg dat transgender personen hun identiteit dienen te verklaren bij een psycholoog om medische hulp te krijgen of om hun identiteit wettelijk erkend te krijgen. Dit ontneemt deze mensen hun autonomie. Deze praktijk heeft ertoe geleid dat degenen die zich middenin of buiten het genderspectrum bevonden jarenlang onzichtbaar bleven. Dit onderzoek beoogt de ontwikkelingen in kaart te brengen waardoor de non-binaire identiteit in Nederland zichtbaar werd in de jaren 1992 tot 2021.

signatuur: cat. (velze/ges)

dgb grijs

Een geschiedenis buiten m/v : Zichtbaarheid van de non-binaire identiteit in Nederland (1992-2021)
cat. (velze/ges)dgb grijs

"Be Nice to My Shadow": Queer Negotiation of Privacy and Visibility in Kentucky  / Cecelia Parks.

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 30 (2021) 3 (sep), p. 363-389
bron: Journal of the History of Sexuality jaargang: 30 (2021) 3 (sep), p. 363-389
samenvatting: In this article, I examine how some queer people and organizations in Kentucky balanced the desire to publicly share their sexuality or gender identity with legitimate privacy concerns between approximately 1970 and 2000. This study is not meant to be a comprehensive portrayal of queer experiences of privacy in Kentucky in this period; instead, it is an exploration of how privacy features in the lives of the queer people and organizations I studied and how privacy impacts the records they created. To that end, I discuss the implications of the negotiation of boundaries between privacy and visibility for historical methodology as seen in the sources I consulted for this project, which include oral history interviews from Louisville and Lexington, as well as Appalachian, Kentucky, and print materials from a gay and lesbian community organization in Lexington, Kentucky.

signatuur: ts.

"Be Nice to My Shadow": Queer Negotiation of Privacy and Visibility in Kentucky
Cecelia Parks.
Journal of the History of Sexuality

Pride special  / Caspar Pisters ... [et al.].

Hello Gorgeous (2022) 39 (zomer), p. 15
bron: Hello Gorgeous (2022) 39 (zomer), p. 15
samenvatting: Inhoud: - Van darkroom naar spotlight / Caspar Pisters - p. 16-21 - "Ik gooide stigma naar mijn stigma" / Leo Schenk - p. 22-25 - Gehoord en geaccepteerd / Rick Meulensteen - p. 26-29 - Een halve eeuw strijdbaar / Ron van Zeeland - p. 30-33 - Voetsporen / Norbert Splint - p. 34-37 - "Ik had heel graag getrouwd willen zijn met Thom"/ Wim Don - p. 64-69 - Grootste gemene delers / Liza van den Dijssel - p. 70-73

signatuur: ts.

Pride special
Caspar Pisters ... [et al.].
Hello Gorgeous

Nederlands erfgoed is van iedereen  / Rosanne Bruinsma, Anne Beeksma.

Ode (2022) 3 (vorjaar), p. 30-33
bron: Ode (2022) 3 (vorjaar), p. 30-33
samenvatting: De laatste tijd wordt steeds meer gepraat over 'inclusief erfgoed'. Wat is dat precies en hoe denken hedendaagse erfgoedprofessionals over het belang van een bredere blik? De verhalen van drie van hen vormen een pledooi voor verschillende perspectieven binnen en op het erfgoedveld. "het gaat om onbekende verhalen, om het toevoegen van nieuwe plekken en objecten aan de erfgoedcanon en om het nieuwe betekenissen aan bestaand erfgoed.

signatuur: ts.

Nederlands erfgoed is van iedereen
Rosanne Bruinsma, Anne Beeksma.

Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland  / Aidan McKearney.

Sexualities, 25 (2022) 5-6 (sep), p. 638-659
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 25 (2022) 5-6 (sep), p. 638-659
samenvatting: This article focuses on the experiences of gay men in the rural west and northwest region of Ireland, during a period of transformational social and political change in Irish society. These changes have helped facilitate new forms of LGBTQI visibility, and local radicalism in the region. Same-sex weddings, establishment of rural LGBT groups and marching under an LGBT banner at St Patricks Day parades would have been unthinkable in the recent past; but they are now becoming a reality. The men report continuing challenges in their lives as gay men in the nonmetropolitan space, but the emergence of new visibility, voice and cultural acceptance of LGBT people is helping change their lived experiences. The study demonstrates the impact of local activist LGBT citizens. Through their testimonies we can gain an insight into the many, varied and interwoven factors that have interplayed to create the conditions necessary for the men to: increasingly define themselves as gay to greater numbers of people in their localities; to embrace greater visibility and eschew strategies of silence; and aspire to a host of legal, political, cultural and social rights including same-sex marriage. Organic forms of visibility and local radicalism have emerged in the region and through an analysis of their testimonies we can see how the men continue to be transformed by an ever-changing landscape.

signatuur: ts.

Changing landscapes: Gay men in the west and northwest of Ireland
Aidan McKearney.

Sage: a project for older LGBT+ people in Leeds : Time to Shine end of project report

Yorkshire: Mesmac, 2021 - 8 p.
uitgave: Yorkshire : Mesmac, 2021 - 8 p.
  1. ouderen
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Managed by Yorkshire MESMAC in partnership with Age UK Leeds, the Sage project was coproduced from the start with a strong steering group of older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender plus (LGBT+)people. Recognising the specific issues facing many older LGBT+ people they came together to: - address personal loneliness and isolation - assist in building a community spirit of self-help through action and volunteerism - combat stereotypes and negative thinking about being old and being a member of the LGBT+ community through awareness raising and advocacy. Time To Shine's local evaluators, Care Connect, identified research which reinforced Yorkshire MESMAC's understanding of issues that affect older LGBT+ individuals, that LGBT+ people felt anxious when accessing particular services for the first time and were reluctant to disclose their sexuality. Research showed that older LGBT+ people are especially vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness as they are more likely to be single, live alone, have lower levels of contact with relatives and are less likely to engage with local services. People involved in Sage often joined through word of mouth, a powerful medium in the LGBT+ community. Many have made friends at the regular meetings and have carried these friendships on independently.

signatuur: cat. (sage/pro) dgb grijs

Sage: a project for older LGBT+ people in Leeds : Time to Shine end of project report
cat. (sage/pro) dgb grijs

The Cost of Visibility: Minority Stress, Sexual Assault, and Traumatic Stress among Bisexual Women and Gender Expansive People  / Laurel B. Watson ...[et al.]

Journal of Bisexuality, 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 513-538
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 22 (2022) 4 (oct-dec), p. 513-538
samenvatting: Utilizing minority stress framework, this study assessed a model examining the mechanisms associated with bisexual women' and gender expansive peoples' experiences of sexual assault and PTSD symptoms. A total of 378 bisexual women and gender expansive people participated in this study, with the majority of participants identifying as White, cisgender women. Findings revealed that higher levels of outness were positively associated with more frequent anti-bisexual discrimination. In addition, anti-bisexual discrimination and sexual assault were significantly positively related to greater PTSD symptoms. Anti-bisexual discrimination was uniquely positively associated with more frequent experiences of sexual assault, and outness was indirectly related to sexual assault through anti-bisexual discrimination. Moreover, anti-bisexual discrimination was indirectly related to PTSD symptoms through sexual assault. Suggestions for future research and practice implications are discussed.

signatuur: ts.

The Cost of Visibility: Minority Stress, Sexual Assault, and Traumatic Stress among Bisexual Women and Gender Expansive People
Laurel B. Watson ...[et al.]
Journal of Bisexuality

Disruptive Situations: Fractal Orientalism and Queer Strategies in Beirut  / 

Ghassan Moussawi.Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2020 - 210 p.: ill.
uitgave: Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2020 - 210 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 177-185.
samenvatting: 'Disruptive Situations' challenges representations of contemporary Beirut as an exceptional space for LGBTQ people by highlighting everyday life in a city where violence is the norm. Ghassan Moussawi, a Beirut native, seeks to uncover the underlying processes of what he calls 'fractal orientalism', a relational understanding of modernity and cosmopolitanism that illustrates how transnational discourses of national and sexual exceptionalism operate on multiple scales in the Arab world. Moussawi's intrepid ethnography features the voices of women, gay men, and genderqueer persons in Beirut to examine how queer individuals negotiate life in this uncertain region. He examines 'al-wad', or 'the situation', to understand the practices that form these strategies and to raise questions about queer-friendly spaces in and beyond Beirut. Disruptive Situations also shows how LGBTQ Beirutis resist reconciliation narratives and position their identities and visibility at different times as ways of simultaneously managing their multiple positionalities and 'al-wad'. Moussawi argues that the daily survival strategies in Beirut are queer - and not only enacted by LGBTQ people - since Beirutis are living amidst an already queer situation of ongoing precarity.

signatuur: cat. (mouss/dis) b


Disruptive Situations: Fractal Orientalism and Queer Strategies in Beirut
cat. (mouss/dis) b ODE3
Ghassan Moussawi.

Is lesbian identity obsolete? Some (limited) answers and further questions from a unique philology of human behavioral science perspective  / Charlotte Chucky Tate.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 199-215
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 199-215
samenvatting: Many scholarly disciplines focusing exclusively on human behavior can and do approach philology in some form in the conduct of their analyses, especially implicitly. "Philology" is generally understood to mean a study of oral and written records, particularly in their original form to determine either their authenticity and/or their original meaning - especially at the time of their development and delivery. This present article sketches a philology of human behavioral science perspective to make explicit what is largely implicit in the conduct of the science (most notably in psychological science) to answer the provocative question of this special issue ("Is lesbian identity obsolete?"). From this new perspective, I ask and answer (to the extent possible) three interrelated questions about the current or future obsolescence of the concept "lesbian identity."? The first question is whether lesbian identity like predecessor terms for the larger concept will become obsolete in the future. A second question is whether lesbian identity should become obsolete based on its potentially less inclusive meaning - either (a) from the origin terms that comprise it or (b) in comparison to other terms in the lexicon at present. A third question concerns whether lesbian identity may wane now (at the time of this writing) and then wax again in the future (some decade[s] later from this writing).

signatuur: ts.

Is lesbian identity obsolete? Some (limited) answers and further questions from a unique philology of human behavioral science perspective
Charlotte Chucky Tate.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

The institutionalization of queer theory: Where has lesbian criticism gone?  / Maite Escudero-Alías.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 253-268
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 253-268
samenvatting: This contribution brings to the fore the lesbian silences veiled by dominant theorizations of queer studies in academia, nowadays more concerned with analyzing social affections such as queer diasporas, terrorism, human rights and necropolitics and positing intersectionality as the key configuration of queer epistemology. Yet, I am interested in eliciting how such existing approaches can help chart queer horizons in more inclusive ways without ignoring lesbian voices. Concomitantly, I will posit such lesbian positions as critical epistemologies we cannot do without, since only by unfolding past accretive knowledge on gender and sexuality will queer discourses become inclusive and relational. Hence, this article traces the evolution and theoretical shifts that queer theory has undergone in the last decades and further explores why "the lesbian" continues being dismissed as a marginal site of knowledge and material production, enacting a closeted identity, muted by other legitimate discourses in academia. Such a move toward new queer and affective frameworks, while convincingly essential, should not overshadow lesbian criticism. By drawing on relational and affective modes of being, I suggest recasting ?the lesbian? as both a textual and ontological possibility capable of embracing the variety of lesbian-identified persons traditionally silenced by queer theory?s canonical institutionalization.

signatuur: ts.

The institutionalization of queer theory: Where has lesbian criticism gone?
Maite Escudero-Alías.
Journal of Lesbian Studies


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