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Aantal resultaten: 11( DE:"koreanen" )


Edinburgh  / 

Alexander Chee.Londen: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2001 - 230 p.
uitgave: Londen: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2001 - 230 p.
samenvatting: Twelve-year-old Fee is a shy Korean-American boy growing up in Maine whose powerful soprano voice wins him a place as section leader of the first sopranos in his local boys choir. But when, on a retreat, Fee discovers how the director treats the boys he makes section leader, he is so ashamed, he says nothing of the abuse, not even when Peter, Fee's best friend, is in line to be next. The director is eventually arrested, and Fee tries to forgive himself for his silence. But when Peter takes his own life, Fee blames only himself. Years later, after he has carefully pieced a new life together, Fee takes a job at a private school near his hometown. There he meets a young student, Arden, who, to his shock, is the picture of Peter--and the son of his old choir director.

signatuur: cat. (chee-a/edi) fb

cat. (chee-a/edi) fb
Alexander Chee.

Edinburgh  / 

Alexander Chee.New York, NY: Picador, 2002 - 212 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Picador, 2002 - 212 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. uitg.: New York, NY : Welcome Rain, 2001.
samenvatting: From Publishers Weekly A Korean-American boy tries to deal with the legacy of abuse in Chee's stunning debut novel, which begins in Maine when young Aphias Zee joins a professional boys choir. Zee, who goes by the nickname of Fee, quickly becomes a star because of his soaring soprano voice, but the dark side of making music surfaces in the form of the conductor, a serial pedophile who slowly victimizes his young charges. The conductor manages to hide his propensities during Fee's years in the choir, but once the director is arrested the impact of his crimes begins to emerge: one of Fee's friends commits suicide by immolation and another shoots himself. Fee, meanwhile, embarks on a bizarre journey to find his identity, exploring his bisexuality while dabbling in drugs until he finally learns that his own absent father is also an imprisoned pedophile. Fee seems to settle down when he finally finds a partner, an athletic man named Bridey who was one of his school conquests, but he finds himself shaken to his core when the choir director's son turns up in his life and he is seized by an instant but deadly attraction. Chee is a gifted, poetic writer who takes big risks, from the background and sexual orientation of his protagonist to the chapters dealing with drugs, pedophilia and casual sex with grace and unflinching honesty. A counterpoint to the seamier material is Chee's exploration of Fee's spiritual side, which he delves into using animal imagery from the boy's Korean background; he also pens a wonderfully loving portrait of Fee's humble but spiritually sophisticated grandparents. This novel marks the debut of a major talent whose career will bear watching. Agent, Rebecca Kurson at Liza Dawson Associates. Author tour. Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

signatuur: cat. (chee/edi) fb

cat. (chee/edi) fb
Alexander Chee.

Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Ostasiaten: Chinesen, Japaner, Koreer  / F. Karsch-Haack.

München: Seitz und Schauer, 1906 - ix, 134 p.
uitgave: München : Seitz und Schauer, 1906 - ix, 134 p.
  1. antropologie
  2. homoseksualiteit
signatuur: cat. (karsc/gle/ost)

dgb, map publicaties duits tot 1970

Das gleichgeschlechtliche Leben der Ostasiaten: Chinesen, Japaner, Koreer
cat. (karsc/gle/ost)dgb, map publicaties duits tot 1970

Asian heritage month  / Lola Lai Jong, Joseph G. Mendoza, Cathy Seabaugh.

Outlines, 9 (1996) 12 (may), p. 27-30
bron: Outlines jaargang: 9 (1996) 12 (may), p. 27-30
samenvatting: Vier artikelen met verhalen van homo's en lesbo's van aziatische komaf over de specifieke problemen die ze ondervinden met hun coming out en hoe zij zich georganiseerd hebben om voor hun belangen op te komen. Met adressen van diverse homo/lesbische groepen van/voor aziaten in de V.S.

signatuur: ts.

Asian heritage month
Lola Lai Jong, Joseph G. Mendoza, Cathy Seabaugh.

Glad to be gay : jongeren uit verschillende culturen en (homo)seksualiteit : werkboekje  / 

samenst. en red. Mirjam Turksma, Mart Simonse en Cees van 't Hullenaar ; tekst Jale Simsek ; tekstred. Lucas van Grinsven.Amsterdam: Gemeente Amsterdam, / N.V.I.H. COC, 1993 - 48 p.: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam: Gemeente Amsterdam, / N.V.I.H. COC, 1993 - 48 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p.48-49. - Bevat o.a.: Seksualiteit in verschillende culturen / Jale Simsek. - p. 31-44.
samenvatting: Werkboekje ter ondersteuning van de gelijknamige video (nr. 896 en 1055). Boekje en video zijn bedoeld om houvast te bieden aan docenten bij het bespreken van (homo)sexualiteit met jongeren uit verschillende culturen.

signatuur: cat. (glad/gay) b, g

Glad to be gay : jongeren uit verschillende culturen en (homo)seksualiteit : werkboekje
cat. (glad/gay) b, g
samenst. en red. Mirjam Turksma, Mart Simonse en Cees van 't Hullenaar ; tekst Jale Simsek ; tekstred. Lucas van Grinsven.

Bisexual and homosexual behavior and HIV risk among Chinese-, Filipino- and Korean-American men  / D.R. Matteson.

Journal of Sex Research, 34 (1997) 1, p. 93-104
bron: Journal of Sex Research jaargang: 34 (1997) 1 , p. 93-104
samenvatting: Diepte-interviews met een aantal homo/biseksueel actieve mannen uit de Amerikaans-Chinese, -Filippino en -Koreaanse minderheden waarin wordt ingegaan op acculturatie en seksualiteit. Uit het onderzoek kwam naar voren dat mannen uit de Aziatisch-Amerikaanse minderheden vergeleken met andere minderheidsgroepen zich strikter houden aan veiliger-vrijen regels. Daarbij bleek dat dit door acculturatie aan de Aziatische samenleving in de hand wordt gewerkt, en dat de identificatie met het westerse protestantisme of met de traditionele Latijnse homoseksuele rollen juist samenhangt met riskanter gedrag.

signatuur: ts.

Bisexual and homosexual behavior and HIV risk among Chinese-, Filipino- and Korean-American men
D.R. Matteson.
Journal of Sex Research

Good Daughters Three Different Ways of Being Korean American Queer Women  / Grace Chung, Ramona Faith Oswald, Angela Wiley.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 2 (2006) 2, p. 101-124
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 2 (2006) 2 , p. 101-124
samenvatting: Twenty-five Korean American queer women were interviewed in-depth about their family relationships. Field notes and a brief demographic survey were used to supplement interview data. Results indicate three different profiles of Korean American queer women: international students, 1.5 ethnic enclave residents, and 2nd generation suburbanites. Though all seek to be good daughters, their accomplishment of this goal depends upon their family ideologies as well as residential community context. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Good Daughters Three Different Ways of Being Korean American Queer Women
Grace Chung, Ramona Faith Oswald, Angela Wiley.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

HIV Risk, Substance Use, and Suicidal Behaviors Among Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual Women  / Jieha Lee, Hyeouk Chris Hahm.

Aids Education and Prevention, 24 (2012) 6 (dec), p. 549-563
bron: Aids Education and Prevention jaargang: 24 (2012) 6 (dec), p. 549-563
samenvatting: The authors examined the association between lesbian/bisexual identity and three risky health behaviors (HIV risk, substance use, and suicidal behaviors) in a sample of Asian American women. This cross-sectional study was designed to investigate the prevalence of HIV risk behaviors and mental health functioning among unmarried Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese women ages 18 to 35 who are children of immigrants (N = 701), using computer-assisted survey interviews (CASI). Approximately one out of five Asian American women in the sample identified themselves as a lesbian and bisexual woman (18%). Overall, Asian American lesbian and bisexual women reported higher proportions of risky health behaviors than did their exclusively heterosexual counterparts. The odds of engaging in HIV risk behaviors, using substances, and experiencing suicidal ideation were two to three times higher for lesbian and bisexual women than for exclusively heterosexual women. These findings suggest that rigorous screening is necessary for identifying women in this lesbian/bisexual subgroup in order to provide them with better assessment and services.

signatuur: ts.

HIV Risk, Substance Use, and Suicidal Behaviors Among Asian American Lesbian and Bisexual Women
Jieha Lee, Hyeouk Chris Hahm.
Aids Education and Prevention

How to Write an Autobiographical Novel : Essays  / 

by Alexander Chee.London [etc.].: Bloomsbury, 2018 - 280 p.
uitgave: London [etc.].: Bloomsbury, 2018 - 280 p.
samenvatting: How to Write an Autobiographical Novel is the author's manifesto on the entangling of life, literature, and politics, and how the lessons learned from a life spent reading and writing fiction have changed him. In these essays, he grows from student to teacher, reader to writer, and reckons with his identities as a son, a gay man, a Korean American, an artist, an activist, a lover, and a friend. He examines some of the most formative experiences of his life and the nation's history, including his father's death, the AIDS crisis, 9/11, the jobs that supported his writing--Tarot-reading, bookselling, cater-waiting for William F. Buckley--the writing of his first novel, Edinburgh, and the election of Donald Trump.

signatuur: cat. (chee-a/how) b

How to Write an Autobiographical Novel : Essays
cat. (chee-a/how) b
by Alexander Chee.

Glad to be gay, toch? : Jongeren uit verschillende culturen en (homo)seksualiteit : een videofilm  / scenario en regie André Reeder.

1992 - nederlands
    Type materiaal: vhs # dvdMaker: scenario en regie André Reeder.Land: nederlandJaar van productie: 1992Kleur: kl.Omroep: MigrantenTV

Genre: interviews

samenvatting: Documentaire / voorlichtingsfilm met en over homoseksuele jongeren uit verschillende culturen in Nederland. Te zien zijn interviews met Zarine (26 jaar), Klaas (25 jaar), Sook Ahn (22 jaar), Ivan (25 jaar) en Angelique (19 jaar). Zij praten o.a. over de coming out, werk of studie en acceptatie in de eigen cultuur.

signatuur: 5046

Glad to be gay, toch? : Jongeren uit verschillende culturen en (homo)seksualiteit : een videofilm


( DE:"koreanen" )

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