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Aantal resultaten: 21( DE:"kirgizië" )


Concerns in Europe : November 1991 - April 1992 : summary

London: Amnesty International, 1992 - [4], 118 p.
uitgave: London : Amnesty International, 1992 - [4], 118 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Opsomming per land van de zaken waar AI zich mee bezig houdt. In Georgië, Kazachstan, Kirgiezië, Oekraïne, Oezbekistan en Rusland is homosexualiteit strafbaar, maar alleen uit de laatste drie landen kwamen berichten van uitvoering van de wet. Op het eiland Man werd homosexualiteit gelegaliseerd.

signatuur: cat. (amnes/con)

dgb grijs

Concerns in Europe : November 1991 - April 1992 : summary
cat. (amnes/con)dgb grijs

Violations of the human rights of homosexuals : extracts from Amnesty International action materials  / Amnesty International.

London: Amnesty International, 1994 - [6], 38 p.
uitgave: London : Amnesty International, 1994 - [6], 38 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Per land geeft AI aan wat de status van homosexualiteit in de wet is en bekende gevallen van schendingen van de mensenrechten.

signatuur: cat. (amnes/vio)

dgb grijs

Violations of the human rights of homosexuals : extracts from Amnesty International action materials
cat. (amnes/vio)dgb grijs

AIDS in post-communist Russia and its successor states  / 

Christopher Williams.Aldershot [etc.]: Avebury, 1995 - XVI, 216 p.: ill.
uitgave: Aldershot [etc.]: Avebury, 1995 - XVI, 216 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 179-200.
samenvatting: Een geschiedenis van het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van HIV- en aidsbeleid in de postcommunistische staten in Oost-Europa en de staten in het gebied van de voormalige Sovjet-Unie.

signatuur: cat. (willia-c/aid) b

AIDS in post-communist Russia and its successor states
cat. (willia-c/aid) b
Christopher Williams.

Commonwealth of independent states : Amnesty International working against laws punishing sexual relations between men

[London: Amnesty International, 1997] - [2, 17] p.
uitgave: [London : Amnesty International, 1997] - [2, 17] p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Overzicht van staten binnen de Russische Federatie waar homoseksualiteit nog altijd strafbaar is en van de actiemethoden die Amnesty wil inzetten om de bestaande strafbepalingen afgeschaft te krijgen.

signatuur: cat. (amnes/com) g

Commonwealth of independent states : Amnesty International working against laws punishing sexual relations between men
cat. (amnes/com) g

Kyrgyzstan : "the country of human rights" ... but not for homosexuals!  / Dennis van der Veur.

Amsterdam: COC Nederland, HIVOS, 2004 - 68 bl. # cdrom: ill.
uitgave: Amsterdam : COC Nederland, HIVOS, 2004 - 68 bl. # cdrom: ill.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Informatie over de situatie van LGBT personen in Kyrgyzstan.

signatuur: cat. (veur/kyr)

dgb grijs

Kyrgyzstan : "the country of human rights" ... but not for homosexuals!
cat. (veur/kyr)dgb grijs

Stories of gay and bisexual men : Kyrgyzstan : 2009-2010  / [Irina Karagapolova ; Aleksey Gurkin, preface ; Bakyt Beishenov, transl. from Kyrgyz language ; Syinat Sultanalieva, trans. from Russian to English].

Bishkek: Labrys, 2010 - 84 p.
uitgave: Bishkek : Labrys, 2010 - 84 p.
  1. seks mannen
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: This Report is based on the research of the life style, sexual practices of gay and bisexual men in Kyrgyzstan implemented by Labrys and led by Irina Karagapolova, Consultant of the Training and Capacity Building Unit. The purpose of the research is to study personal stories, life style and sexual practices of gay and sexual men's communities living in the Kyrgyz Republic in order to indentify factors that influence the spread of HIV/AIDS among the men with alternative sexuality.This publication is unique for our Kyrgyzstan as it includes the analysis of not only the main factors of sexual behavior of the group but also the social and psychological factors that directly or indirectly affect the spread of AIDS and sexual diseases among the men who identify themselves as gay and bisexuals. Also, from this report you will learn what complicates the life of men who prefer homosexual relations and how the current situation could be improved. "The Stories of Gay and Bisexual Men" is intended in the first hand for the leaders, activists, members and staff of the community organizations who implement the HIV/AIDS prevention programs, protect the interests and promote the rights and provide medical and legal services to the LGBT communities.

signatuur: cat. (karag/sto)

dgb grijs

Stories of gay and bisexual men : Kyrgyzstan : 2009-2010
cat. (karag/sto)dgb grijs

These Everyday Humiliations : Violence Against Lesbians, Bisexual Women, and Transgender Men in Kyrgyzstan  / [written by Jessica Stern ; ed. by Scott Long].

New York, NY [etc.]: Human Rights Watch [HRW], 2008 - 45 bl.
uitgave: New York, NY [etc.] : Human Rights Watch [HRW], 2008 - 45 bl.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Violence against women is a nationwide crisis in Kyrgyzstan. But women who are attracted to other women, or who violate rigid gender roles defining how a woman should look or behave, may be singled out for violent retaliation. Moreover, the government ignores their needs and denies their very existence. This report is based on interviews with 17 survivors of abuse who identified as lesbians, bisexual women, women who have sex with women, or transgender men. This report documents how lesbians, transgender men, and women who have sex with other women face violence, rape, psychological abuse, and confinement and stigmatization in Kyrgyzstan. Abuses may happen on the street or in the home, at the hands of strangers or family members. Social prejudice and silence mean that survivors find little practical hope of government protection. Police themselves sometimes abuse lesbian and bisexual women and transgender men, and harass organizations that defend their basic rights. Kyrgyzstan has undertaken promising reforms. In a step forward, in 2003 Kyrgyzstan enacted the Law on Social-Legal Protection from Domestic Violence (the Domestic Violence Law). On paper, the law is highly progressive, and significantly, it recognizes not only spousal abuse but all forms of family violence.

signatuur: cat. (stern/these)

dgb grijs

These Everyday Humiliations : Violence Against Lesbians, Bisexual Women, and Transgender Men in Kyrgyzstan
cat. (stern/these)dgb grijs

Human rights issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity : Universal Periodic Review - twenty-first session

[Geneva]: ARC International, [2015] - 25 p.
uitgave: [Geneva] : ARC International, [2015] - 25 p.
  1. beleid/politiek/wetgeving
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Overzicht en evaluatie van in 2012 gedane aanbevelingen per land.

signatuur: cat. (human/rig/21)

dgb grijs

Human rights issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity : Universal Periodic Review - twenty-first session
cat. (human/rig/21)dgb grijs

LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe : A Rainbow Europe?  / 

ed. by Phillip Ayoub and David Paternotte.Houndmills [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 - xv, 245 p.: ill.
uitgave: Houndmills [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 - xv, 245 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Europe has long been regarded as a unique place for the promotion and furthering of LGBT rights. This important and compelling study investigates the alleged uniqueness and its ties to a relatively long history of LGBT and queer movements in the region. Contributors argue that LGBT movements were inspired by specific ideas about European democratic values and a responsibility towards human rights, and that they sought to realize these on the ground through activism, often crossing borders to foster a wider movement. In making this argument, they discuss the 'idea of Europe' as it relates to LGBT rights, the history of European LGBT movements, the role of European institutions in adopting LGBT policies, and the construction of European 'others' in this process.

signatuur: cat. (lgbt/act) b


LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe : A Rainbow Europe?
cat. (lgbt/act) b ODE3
ed. by Phillip Ayoub and David Paternotte.

Gomoseksualnost : realii kirgizstana [= Homoseksualiteit: de realiteit in Kirgizië]  / ed. Anna Kirei.

Bisjkek: Labrys, 2007 - 52 p.
uitgave: Bisjkek : Labrys, 2007 - 52 p.
  1. attituden/opinies
  2. homoseksualiteit
  3. lhb
samenvatting: Content: - Wat is homoseksualiteit - Over de oorzaken van homoseksualiteit - LGBT-beweging in de wereld en in Kirgizië - Relatie met ouders en familieleden - Visie van religie op homoseksuele relaties - Homofobie en discriminatie - Houding ten opzichte van homoseksuelen in de samenleving - Conclusie

signatuur: cat (gomos/rea) k

Gomoseksualnost : realii kirgizstana [= Homoseksualiteit: de realiteit in Kirgizië]
cat (gomos/rea) k


( DE:"kirgizië" )

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