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Aantal resultaten: 9( DE:"jemen" )


Caring talk saves lives  / Calle Almedal, Roy Carlegård.

AIDS Action (1991) 13 (mar), p. 2
bron: AIDS Action (1991) 13 (mar), p. 2
samenvatting: Schrijvers hebben ervaring opgedaan in Noord-Yemen met HIV-preventie.

signatuur: ts.

Caring talk saves lives
Calle Almedal, Roy Carlegård.
AIDS Action

Cast among outcastes (!): interpreting sexual orientation, racial, and gender identity in Yemen  / by Delores M. Walters.

SOLGA Newsletter, 13 (1991) 3 (oct), p. 43-46
bron: SOLGA Newsletter jaargang: 13 (1991) 3 (oct), p. 43-46
samenvatting: Amerikaanse, zwarte, lesbische antropologe doet verslag van haar ervaringen en indentiteitsmanagement in Jemen, waar zij onderzoek deed naar de positie van buitenstaanders.

signatuur: ts.

Cast among outcastes (!): interpreting sexual orientation, racial, and gender identity in Yemen
by Delores M. Walters.
SOLGA Newsletter

Das rettende Ufer : Schwule Flüchtlinge berichten  / 

Axel Limberg.Hamburg: Himmelstürmer, 2017 - 172 p.
uitgave: Hamburg: Himmelstürmer, 2017 - 172 p.
samenvatting: Die Flüchtlinge sind das große Thema unserer Zeit. Ein paar Hundert von ihnen haben einen bestimmten Grund, warum sie zu uns geflohen sind: Sie sind wegen ihrer sexuelle Identität hier - als Schwule werden sie in ihrer Heimat verfolgt. Zuhause drohen ihnen Gefängnis, Folter oder der Tod. Die Lebenswege dieser schwulen Flüchtlinge unterscheiden sich erheblich. Je nach Heimatland, Region oder Stammesgebiet sind Homosexuelle verschiedenen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Hinzu kommt die persönliche Situation: Wie öffentlich wurde ihr Schwulsein, müssen sie sich nicht nur vor dem Staat, sondern auch vor ihrer Familie fürchten? Gerade mit dem Bürgerkrieg in Syrien hat sich die dortige Situation für Schwule erheblich verschlimmert. Gebiete, wo jetzt der IS herrscht, wurden zu Todeszonen. Homosexuelle geraten mittlerweile im ganzen Land zwischen die Fronten. Letztlich der Grund, warum der bekannteste Schwule Syriens Zuflucht in Deutschland gesucht hat. Er wird in diesem Buch vorgestellt. Doch nicht nur Menschen aus dem Bürgerkriegsland kommen zu Wort - auch ein Zahnarzt aus dem Jemen, ein Bibliothekar aus dem Irak sowie Geflüchtete aus Afghanistan und Afrika werden porträtiert. Sie berichten von ihrer Leidenszeit zuhause, der Flucht, dem Ankommen in Deutschland. Und von den Lebensträumen, die in ihrer neuen Heimat Wirklichkeit werden sollen. Ist jetzt alles gut? Mitnichten. Traumata der Vergangenheit verfolgen sie weiter, das Asylverfahren und die damit einhergehende Unsicherheit ziehen sich über Jahre. In der Erstunterkunft haben sie es Bett an Bett mit Landsleuten zu tun, die Homosexualität für eine zu bestrafende Krankheit halten. Schwule Flüchtlinge können also nicht auf ihre Landsleute bauen, um hier ein Gemeinschaftsgefühl zu entwickeln. Sie brauchen schnelle Hilfe aus der schwulen Community. Die gibt es: Landauf, landab kümmern sich ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingsbetreuer um Homosexuelle aus der Ferne. Auch diese Helfer kommen im Buch zu Wort. Ebenso Organisationen wie Amnesty International oder Pro Asyl, die erklären, warum so viele schwule Flüchtlinge aus bestimmten Ländern fliehen und wie ihre Chancen stehen, hier bei uns Asyl zu erhalten.

signatuur: cat. (limbe/ret) b

Das rettende Ufer : Schwule Flüchtlinge berichten
cat. (limbe/ret) b
Axel Limberg.

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country  / [compilated by] Alex Spence.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2020 - [5], iv, 124 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2020 - [5], iv, 124 p.
  1. letteren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country. It aims to provide interested LGBTQ readers of various Asian heritages with a starting point for finding LGBTQ literature related to their own cultural backgrounds. Anyone interested in modern literature concerning Asian LGBTQ communities will find it an invaluable reference list. Roughly 400 works are cited, including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and biographical works from over 20 countries in Asia. Although most listed works are translations to English or English originals, there are also numerous references to non-English works.

signatuur: cat. (spence/asi)

dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country
cat. (spence/asi)dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country  / [compilated by] Alex Spence.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2021 - [5], iv, 150 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2021 - [5], iv, 150 p.
  1. letteren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country. It aims to provide interested LGBTQ readers of various Asian heritages with a starting point for finding LGBTQ literature related to their own cultural backgrounds. Anyone interested in modern literature concerning Asian LGBTQ communities will find it an invaluable reference list. Roughly 400 works are cited, including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and biographical works from over 20 countries in Asia. Although most listed works are translations to English or English originals, there are also numerous references to non-English works.

signatuur: cat. (spence/asi/2021)

dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country
cat. (spence/asi/2021)dgb grijs

The Global State of LGBTIQ Organizing : The Right to Register and the Freedom to Operate  / Written by Ohotuowo Ogbeche.

New York, NY: OutRight Action International, 2023 - 75 p.: ill.
uitgave: New York, NY : OutRight Action International, 2023 - 75 p.: ill.
  1. lhbti-beweging
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This report assesses the ability of LGBTIQ people to register associations and build movements, in comparison with Outright's 2018 findings on the subject. Outright finds that as of 2023, out of 196 countries, including all 193 UN member states, Taiwan, the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Kosovo, LGBTIQ organizations can register and operate openly only in 93 countries. In 75 countries, LGBTIQ organizations exist but cannot register and operate openly, and in 26 countries, Outright could not identify any known LGBTIQ civil society organizations, formal or informal. In at least two countries, nascent groups exist but it remains unclear whether registration as openly LGBTIQ organizations is possible. Our 2023 report examines changes that have occurred in the last five years since Outright's first report on LGBTIQ organizing, including legal and political dynamics that negatively or positively impact LGBTIQ organizations? ability to institutionalize, form sustainable local and national movements, and promote the human rights of LGBTIQ people everywhere. In addition to results from a global survey, this report presents regional analysis and nine country case studies from Algeria, Angola, China, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Uzbekistan and Yemen. It urges governments to repeal laws criminalizing same-sex acts between consenting adults and gender diversity, as well as laws mandating the registration of organizations as ?foreign agents? which require disclosure of their sources of funds.

signatuur: cat. (ogbec/glo)

dgb grijs

The Global State of LGBTIQ Organizing : The Right to Register and the Freedom to Operate
cat. (ogbec/glo)dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country  / [compilated by] Alex Spence.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2024 - [5], iv, 192 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2024 - [5], iv, 192 p.
  1. letteren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country. It aims to provide interested LGBTQ readers of various Asian heritages with a starting point for finding LGBTQ literature related to their own cultural backgrounds. Anyone interested in modern literature concerning Asian LGBTQ communities will find it an invaluable reference list. Roughly 400 works are cited, including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and biographical works from over 20 countries in Asia. Although most listed works are translations to English or English originals, there are also numerous references to non-English works.

signatuur: cat. (spence/asi/2024)

dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country
cat. (spence/asi/2024)dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country  / [compilated by] Alex Spence.

Hong Kong: Banshan, 2024 - [5], iv, 192 p.
uitgave: Hong Kong : Banshan, 2024 - [5], iv, 192 p.
  1. letteren
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country. It aims to provide interested LGBTQ readers of various Asian heritages with a starting point for finding LGBTQ literature related to their own cultural backgrounds. Anyone interested in modern literature concerning Asian LGBTQ communities will find it an invaluable reference list. Roughly 400 works are cited, including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and biographical works from over 20 countries in Asia. Although most listed works are translations to English or English originals, there are also numerous references to non-English works.

signatuur: cat. (spence/asi/2024/mar)

dgb grijs

Asian Gay Literature : an annotated bibliography of modern LGBTQ works of literary fiction and biography, arranged by country
cat. (spence/asi/2024/mar)dgb grijs

Zware jongens  / presentatie Bart Meijer

2009 - nederlands
    Type materiaal: dvdMaker: presentatie Bart MeijerLand: nederlandJaar van productie: 2009Datum: 17/10/2009Reeks: Metropolis TVKleur: kl.Omroep: VPRO

Genre: documentaires

samenvatting: Thematisch buitenlandmagazine met dit keer; Kleine criminaliteit in wereldsteden. Met o.a. een item over de oplichter Waleed uit Jemen. Waleed bemiddelt zogenaamd in homoseksuele contacten, riskant want in Jemen staat de doodstraf op homoseksualiteit. Hij laat zijn klanten vooruit betalen maar laat vervolgens niets meer horen. Aangifte wordt niet gedaan, oplichting is minder erg dan homoseksualiteit.

signatuur: 2848

Zware jongens


( DE:"jemen" )

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