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Aantal resultaten: 24( DE:"israel" )


De Priesterzegen : Over Mannenliefde In Joods Amsterdam En Jeruzalem  / 

David Jonathans.Utrecht: Gopher, 2007 - 80 p.
uitgave: Utrecht: Gopher, 2007 - 80 p.
samenvatting: In de novelle 'De priesterzegen' wordt de lezer meegenomen in de complexe wereld van de mannenliefde in joods Amsterdam en Jeruzalem. Een gesloten wereld vol rituelen, broeiende lusten en liefdes, waarin drie mannen uiteenlopende keuzes maken in hun strijd met homoseksuele gevoelens en hun trouw aan de joodse religieuze tradities, die voor hen een levensvoorwaarde zijn.

signatuur: cat. (jonat/pri) fb

De Priesterzegen : Over Mannenliefde In Joods Amsterdam En Jeruzalem
cat. (jonat/pri) fb
David Jonathans.

Terug naar Tarvod  / 

Boris Dittrich.Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos, 2020 - 320
uitgave: Amsterdam: Ambo/Anthos, 2020 - 320
samenvatting: Sophie Lohman is ambtenaar bij het Rijksvastgoedbedrijf. Haar afdeling heeft als taak erfgenamen te zoeken van eenzaam gestorven personen met een nalatenschap. Sophie komt Roman Ronnes op het spoor, een oud-rechter die een paar jaar geleden onder niet volledig opgehelderde omstandigheden overleed. Ze vindt Romans memoires uit zijn tijd in de kibboets Tarvod, die als een raamvertelling het tweede deel van de roman vormen. De heftige verliefdheid tussen de twee hoofdpersonen grijpt Sophie aan, ook omdat zij zelf worstelt met de nasleep van een ongelukkige liefde. Ze is vastbesloten te achterhalen of Roman Ronnes nog nabestaanden heeft en hoe hij aan zijn einde is gekomen. In deel drie keren we terug naar hedendaags Israël, waar Sophie een verrassende ontdekking doet omtrent Roman Ronnes' dood.

signatuur: cat. (dittr/ter) fb


Terug naar Tarvod
cat. (dittr/ter) fb hvat
Boris Dittrich.

God is paradoxaal  / Karin van Kooten.

Nieuw Israelitisch Weekblad 1-11-2002
bron: Nieuw Israelitisch Weekblad 1-11-2002
samenvatting: De uit Israel afkomstige Noam Offer beheert samen met zijn levenspartner Siemon de Jong het ambachtelijke banketbakkersbedrijf 'De taart van mijn tante' in de Pijp in Amsterdam. Hij zegt zelf niet veel problemen te hebben ondervonden in Israel met zijn homoseksualiteit, maar koos toch voor het liberale Amsterdam.

signatuur: knipsel (datum)

God is paradoxaal
knipsel (datum)
Karin van Kooten.
Nieuw Israelitisch Weekblad

Israel: Equal Rights As Workaround  / Yoav Sivan.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 20 (2013) 5 (may-june), p. 30-31
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 20 (2013) 5 (may-june), p. 30-31
samenvatting: As in the United States, Israel has marriage equality of an indeterminate nature, but in a different way. Same-sex couples in Israel cannot get married on Israeli soil. But if they travel abroad to marry in jurisdictions that allow them to, the Israeli government will then register their marriages in Israel. Israeli law puts control of marriage in the hands of religion. Since the repeal of the anti-sodomy law in 1988, Israel has adopted generally progressive measures on GLBT rights. The first Israel organization was founded in 1975 and focused more on empowering gay people and helping victims of homophobia than on changing the law. Meanwhile, the visibility of the LGBT community was rising in Tel Aviv, which was already home to a thriving gay nightlife.

signatuur: ts.

Israel: Equal Rights As Workaround
Yoav Sivan.
Gay & Lesbian Review

Roze dienst voor orthodoxe jood  / Sander Becker ; Daniel Jonas.

Trouw 01-06-2013
bron: Trouw 01-06-2013
samenvatting: Interview met Daniel Jonas. Opgegroeid binnen het orthodox-joodse milieu in Jeruzalem kent hij een depressieve periode maar na gesprekken met een psycholoog en een rabbijn krijgt hij een vriend. Hij gaat in Amsterdam studeren, ontdekt de Gay Parade en wordt voorzitter van Havruta, dat acceptatie binnen het orthodoxe jodendom wil bevorderen.

signatuur: full_text

Roze dienst voor orthodoxe jood
Sander Becker ; Daniel Jonas.

The Body that Does Not Diminish Itself : Fat Acceptance in Israel's Lesbian Queer Communities  / Maya Maor.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 177-198
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 16 (2012) 2 (apr-june), p. 177-198
samenvatting: This article follows Charlotte Cooper's call to widen fat studies scholarship to contexts outside the United States, and Adrianne Hill's call to locate historically specific connections between lesbian communities and promotion of fat acceptance. Three in-depth interviews were conducted with Jewish-Israeli fat women. Through the development of their ability to appreciate their fat body and the fat bodies of other women, participants employed a mixture of disparate feminist-lesbian and queer discourses, in a similar, albeit not identical manner to the one used in the U.S. context. One of the major differences is that queer/lesbian communities in Israel are not in contact with the Israeli fat acceptance movement. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10894160.2011.597660#.VDZLa2d_vTo]

signatuur: ts.

The Body that Does Not Diminish Itself : Fat Acceptance in Israel's Lesbian Queer Communities
Maya Maor.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Some Spatial Politics of Queer-Feminist Research : Personal Reflections From the Field  / Chen Misgav.

Journal of Homosexuality, 63 (2016) 5 (may), p. 719-739
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 63 (2016) 5 (may), p. 719-739
samenvatting: This article addresses methodological issues emerging from research conducted with Trans in the Center, an LGBT activist group in Tel Aviv, Israel. It addresses some complex issues related to the politics and ethics of applying queer and feminist methodology to qualitative research in a trans, queer, and feminist community space. The focus is on two issues: the researcher?s positionality vis-à-vis the participants and selecting the appropriate methodology in relation to the characteristics of the group under study. Such issues demonstrate how queer and feminist principles are articulated and interwoven in geographical-spatial research in two different dimensions: in the research practice and methodology and in the practices and the spaces created by the activity of the researched group itself. I conclude with insights arising from the attempt to apply feminist and queer paradigms in both theory and research, and I call for their integration into geographical research.. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2015.1112191 ]

signatuur: ts.

Some Spatial Politics of Queer-Feminist Research : Personal Reflections From the Field
Chen Misgav.
Journal of Homosexuality

Queering gender : studying gender identity in 'normative' individuals  / Daphna Joel ... [et al].

Psychology and Sexuality, 5 (2014) 4 (sep), p. 291-321
bron: Psychology and Sexuality jaargang: 5 (2014) 4 (sep), p. 291-321
samenvatting: In contemporary psychology, normal development is contingent on the establishment of a coherent, universal, stable and unitary 'core gender identity'. The present study assessed the perception of gender identity in 'normative' individuals in Israel using the newly constructed Multi-Gender Identity Questionnaire (Multi-GIQ). The Multi-GIQ includes 32 items assessing gender identity (Feeling like a woman, Feeling like a man, Feeling like both a man and a woman, Feeling like neither), gender dysphoria (Contentment with affirmed gender and the wish to be the 'other' gender, Contentment with one's sexed body) and gender performance (Compliance with gender norms in clothing and language). Of the Men (n = 570) and Women (n = 1585) that participated in the study, over 35% felt to some extent as the 'other' gender, as both men and women and/or as neither. Although such feelings were more prevalent and on average stronger in Queers (n = 70), the range of scores for all measures of gender identity was highly similar in Queers and non-Queers. A similar pattern was obtained for measures of gender dysphoria and gender performance. Sexual orientation was not a major contributor to the perception of gender identity in both Men and Women. We discuss our results in view of the current debate around the terminology and diagnostic criteria of gender dysphoria (a substitutive category for Gender Identity Disorder) in DSM-V. We conclude that the current view of gender identity as binary and unitary does not reflect the experience of many individuals, and call for a new conceptualisation of gender, which relates to multiplicity and fluidity in the experience of gender. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19419899.2013.830640 ]

signatuur: ts.

Queering gender : studying gender identity in 'normative' individuals
Daphna Joel ... [et al].
Psychology and Sexuality

Pinkwashing : Israel's International Strategy and Internal Agenda  / Ghadir Shafie.

Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research, 1 (2015) 1 (summer), p. 82-86
bron: Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research jaargang: 1 (2015) 1 (summer), p. 82-86
samenvatting: Ghadir is a Palestinian feminist who dedicates her work and activism to the cause of Palestinian queer women and to promoting a greater understanding of - and commitment to - the issue of Palestine amongst fellow activists and stakeholders. Ghadir passionately believes in the intersectionality of the struggle of Palestinian queer women. Fighting a triple oppression - as Palestinians, as women and as LGBTQI people, Palestinian queer women are at the heart of the feminist, queer and anti-colonial national liberation causes. Through her work and activism, Ghadir endeavors to make this intersection visible and to unite the feminist, queer and Palestine liberation movements in a monumental struggle for justice and freedom to all Palestinians. Ghadir is the co-director of Aswat - Palestinian Gay Women.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (shafi/pin)

Pinkwashing : Israel's International Strategy and Internal Agenda
dgb artikelen (shafi/pin)
Ghadir Shafie.
Kohl: A Journal for Body and Gender Research

IGY : A new model for LGBTQ youth groups?  / Orren Brooks.

Journal of LGBT Youth, 14 (2017) 2 [apr-jun], p. 191-210
bron: Journal of LGBT Youth jaargang: 14 (2017) 2 [apr-jun], p. 191-210
samenvatting: This study explores the experiences of homosexual teenagers who are members of the Israeli lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth organization called Israel Gay Youth. Through an interview-based study with members and counselors, this study reveals how although various therapeutic practices take place during the weekly meetings, all members seem to place an emphasis on Israel Gay Youth being a bona fide youth movement. Israel Gay Youth's adoption of the Israeli youth movement model allows members to position the organization and subsequently themselves, in a place of greater equality to the rest of society, thus shirking off any array of morbid associations related both to support groups and homosexual tendencies.

signatuur: ts.

IGY : A new model for LGBTQ youth groups?
Orren Brooks.
Journal of LGBT Youth


( DE:"israel" )

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