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Aantal resultaten: 149( DE:"intersectionaliteit" )


Black women law professors: building a community at the intersection of race and gender, a symposium  / - [with contr. by] Emma Coleman Jordan ... [et al.].

Berkeley Women's Law Journal, 6 (1990/1991) part 1, p. [IX], 201
bron: Berkeley Women's Law Journal jaargang: 6 (1990/1991)part 1, p. [IX], 201
samenvatting: Themanummer over de ervaringen, onder meer met racisme en (hetero)sexisme, van zwarte vrouwelijke docenten die zijn verbonden aan juridische faculteiten van Amerikaanse universiteiten en hogescholen.

signatuur: ts.

Black women law professors: building a community at the intersection of race and gender, a symposium
- [with contr. by] Emma Coleman Jordan ... [et al.].
Berkeley Women's Law Journal
part 1
[IX], 201

The doer behind the deed: tensions and intersections between Butler's vision of performativity and relational psychoanalysis  / Lynne Layton.

Gender and Psychoanalysis, 2 (1997) 2 (apr), p. 131-155
bron: Gender and Psychoanalysis jaargang: 2 (1997) 2 (apr), p. 131-155
samenvatting: Analyse van de ontwikkeling in het denken van Judith Butler van een niet-psychoanalytische naar een psychoanalytische kijk op het performatieve karakter van genderidentiteiten.

signatuur: ts.

The doer behind the deed: tensions and intersections between Butler's vision of performativity and relational psychoanalysis
Lynne Layton.
Gender and Psychoanalysis

Creating accessible queer community: intersections and fractures with dis/ability praxis  / Dawn Atkins, Cathy Marston.

Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 4 (1999) 1 (Jan), p. 3-21
bron: Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity jaargang: 4 (1999) 1 (Jan), p. 3-21
samenvatting: Feministische benadering, na definities van de termen 'handicap' en 'queer', van de interacties tussen homoseksueel zijn en gehandicapt zijn door twee auteurs, die zelf leven met een handicap.

signatuur: ts.

Creating accessible queer community: intersections and fractures with dis/ability praxis
Dawn Atkins, Cathy Marston.
Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity

Sister outsider, or "just another thing I am": intersections of cultural and sexual identities in Australia  / Abby Duruz.

Journal of Homosexuality, 36 (1999) 3/4, p. 169-182
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 36 (1999) 3/4 , p. 169-182
samenvatting: Over de relatie tussen individuele, multicultureel gekleurde coming out-verhalen en gemeenschappelijke ervaring, op basis van radio-uitzendingen t.g.v. het Mardi Gras Festival van febr. 1996 waarin coming out-verhalen werden verteld.

signatuur: ts.

Sister outsider, or "just another thing I am": intersections of cultural and sexual identities in Australia
Abby Duruz.
Journal of Homosexuality

Intersex identities : locating new intersections of sex and gender  / Stephanie S. Turner.

Gender and Society, 13 (1999) 4 (aug), p. 457-479
bron: Gender and Society jaargang: 13 (1999) 4 (aug), p. 457-479
samenvatting: This article analyzes the sex and gender identity rhetoric of members of the Intersex Society of North America, which is a self-help and advocacy group whose main goals are to stop unnecessary genital surgery in ambiguously sexed infants and make medical histories available to adult intersexuals. By examining the organization_s indebtedness to feminist and gay/lesbian/transperson theory and practice, the article shows how these political movements have progressively challenged the equation of sex with gender and how intersexuality exemplifies the theoretical and practical problems of identity politics.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (turne-s/int)

Intersex identities : locating new intersections of sex and gender
dgb artikelen (turne-s/int)
Stephanie S. Turner.
Gender and Society

Creating self, documenting Identity : Intersections of art sexuality transnational migrant identities  / Pablo Rodriguez.

Amsterdam: School for International Training [SIT], 2004 - [38 bl.]
uitgave: Amsterdam : School for International Training [SIT], 2004 - [38 bl.]
  1. migratie/vluchtelingen/asiel
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Presentatie van het leven en het werk van drie homoseksuele geïmigreerde artisten/activisten.

signatuur: cat. (rodri/cre) g

Creating self, documenting Identity : Intersections of art sexuality transnational migrant identities
cat. (rodri/cre) g

Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia  / Guest editors James Welker and Lucetta Kam.

Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context (2006) 14 (nov)
bron: Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context (2006) 14 (nov)
samenvatting: Contents: 0. Introduction: Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia / James Welker and Lucetta Kam. Articles 1. The Postcolonial Perverse: Hybridity, Desire and the Filipino Nation in Federico Licsi Espino, Jr.'s Lumpen / J. Neil C. Garcia 2. Enduring Voices: Fushimi Noriaki and Kakefuda Hiroko's Continuing Relevance to Japanese Lesbian and Gay Studies and Activism / Katsuhiko Suganuma 3. An Intimate Dialogue with Chan Kwok Chan in Yau Ching's Ho Yuk: Let's Love Hong Kong / Denise Tse Shang Tang 4. Analysing the Politics of Same-Sex Issues in a Comparative Perspective: The Strange Similarities between John Howard and Mahathir Mohamad / Carol Johnson 5. What Made Me This Way? Contrasting Reflections by Thai and Filipina Transwomen / Sam Winter 6. Magnus Hirschfeld: Panhumanism and the Sexual Cultures of Asia / J. Edgar Bauer 7. Queering Asia / Ara Wilson

signatuur: cat. (of/queer)

dgb grijs

Of Queer Import(s): Sexualities, Genders and Rights in Asia
cat. (of/queer) dgb grijs
Guest editors James Welker and Lucetta Kam.
Intersections: Gender, History and Culture in the Asian Context

Challenging Lesbian Norms : Intersex, Transgender, Intersectional, and Queer Perspectives  / Angela Pattatucci Aragón, guest editor.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 10 (2006) 1/2, p. 1-266
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 10 (2006) 1/2 , p. 1-266
samenvatting: Themanummer. De artikelen zijn afzonderlijk ontsloten. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Challenging Lesbian Norms : Intersex, Transgender, Intersectional, and Queer Perspectives
Angela Pattatucci Aragón, guest editor.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Azanian : Zandi Zwane Talks About Being Black, Lesbian, and Activist in Cape Town  / Sabina Vaught.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 3 (2006) 4, p. 83-86
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education jaargang: 3 (2006) 4 , p. 83-86
samenvatting: In this interview, Zandi Zwane explores the intersectionality of identities and activism in Cape Town. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Azanian : Zandi Zwane Talks About Being Black, Lesbian, and Activist in Cape Town
Sabina Vaught.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education

'Latino' and 'queer' as sites of translation : Intersections of 'race', ethnicity and sexuality  / Maria A. Viteri.

Graduate Journal of Social Science (GJSS), 5 (2008) 2 (dec), p. 63-87
bron: Graduate Journal of Social Science (GJSS) jaargang: 5 (2008) 2 (dec), p. 63-87
samenvatting: Based on ethnographic work conducted between 2004 and 2006 with LGBT Latino community members living in the D.C. metro area, as well as summer research conducted in El Salvador during 2006, I will illustrate in this article that translating across ?fields of power? generates new theoretical and methodological tools to better account for the privileged position of ?Western? thought. This discussion becomes more intricate when intersected within the current migration context where subjective identity understandings are constantly decentering ?space?. As my research further illustrates, U.S. identity categories such as ?queer? and ?Latino/a? are not stable categories but are constantly reinvented and politicized according to diverse constructions of race and sexuality where notions of ?queer? space (US) are blurred with narratives from the homeland. That is to say, LGBT Latinos/as? refusal to occupy a ?queer? and ?Latino? fixed identity acts as a way to contest, negotiate and re-signify a ?western? (colonial, Eurocentric) ?authority? embodied by these scripts and labels in a translation/border crossing continuous flux. I place my discussion of identities within a power/knowledge framework (as theorized by Foucault 1972, 1978, 1980) and apply it to the difficulty of translating sexual and racial borders when crossing borders that have been geographically and politically defined as the 'United States of America' and 'El Salvador.' I will interject Gilroy?s discussion on memory that suggests it is precisely on the trans-national spaces within and between the ?homeland?/?Diaspora? as well as in the ?in-betweens?, where memory becomes a primary ground for a multiplicity of identities without a particular origin to emerge ?in a queer time and place?. This research expands current discussions on the production of Latino LGBT subjects mostly carried out on the U.S. West Coast and New York by and large focusing on Chicanos/as and Caribbean LGBT communities. Border crossing has entailed that Latinos and mostly non-white ethnicities face an institution apparatus that either denies them entrance or deports them based on their ?undocumented? condition. These conditions are aggravated by ethnic/sexual/racial/gender identity status. Passport controls, border checks, interviews, interdiction, detainment, 'secondary inspection', profiling, and other tactics have served to establish or determine identities, to draw out ?confessions? of who one is. Some of the disciplining practices at play within the different borders are further illustrated in this article through the lives of Mexican and Central American LGBT activists living in the DC area arise from these established identities.

signatuur: full_text

'Latino' and 'queer' as sites of translation : Intersections of 'race', ethnicity and sexuality
Maria A. Viteri.
Graduate Journal of Social Science (GJSS)


( DE:"intersectionaliteit" )

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