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Aantal resultaten: 87( DE:"homoidentiteit" )


Le malfaiteur : roman  / 

Julien Green.Paris: Plon, 1956 - ii, 260 p.
uitgave: Paris: Plon, 1956 - ii, 260 p.
annotatie: 2 ex. genummerd no. (HDK-LAA) 12481 en 13873 (ABH).

signatuur: cat. (green-j/mal) fb

Le malfaiteur : roman
cat. (green-j/mal) fb
Julien Green.

Making, out : plays by gay men  / 

David Demchuk ... [et al.] ; ed. by Robert Wallace.Toronto: Coach House Press, cop. 1992 - 350 p.
uitgave: Toronto: Coach House Press, cop. 1992 - 350 p.
samenvatting: Bloemlezing met zes hedendaagse Canadese homo-toneelstukken van Ken Garnhum, Daniel MacIvor, Sky Gilbert, David Demchuk, Harry Rintoul (Brave Hearts) and Colin Thomas (Flesh and blood), waarvan de genoemde toneelstukken de beste zijn volgens de bespreking.

signatuur: cat. (makin/out) fb

Making, out : plays by gay men
cat. (makin/out) fb
David Demchuk ... [et al.] ; ed. by Robert Wallace.

East side skin  / by John Roman Baker.

Amsterdam: Aputheatre [Aids Positive Underground Theatre], cop. 2003 - 41 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Aputheatre [Aids Positive Underground Theatre], cop. 2003 - 41 p.
  1. fictie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: De tekst van East Side Skin: De Nederlandse David en de Duitse neofascist Horst ontmoeten elkaar in Berlijn en voelen zich tot elkaar aangetrokken hoewel ze elkaars tegenpolen zijn. Horst worstelt met zijn homoseksualiteit en David voelt zowel afkeer als aantrekkingskracht voor de extreem rechtse wereldvisie van Horst. Toch vinden ze een manier om samen te leven.

signatuur: cat. (baker/eas) fk

East side skin
cat. (baker/eas) fk

The transgressor  / 

Julien Green ; translated by Anne Green.New York, NY: Pantheon, 1957 - 221 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Pantheon, 1957 - 221 p.
samenvatting: Tragic story of misdirected love in a French provincial town.

signatuur: cat. (green-j/tra) kluis fb

The transgressor
cat. (green-j/tra) kluis fb
Julien Green ; translated by Anne Green.

'Iets te modern' is goed voor steniging  / Judit Neurink.

Trouw 12-03-2012
bron: Trouw 12-03-2012
samenvatting: Angst en verwarring regeren in Bagdad door berichten over gewelddadige moorden op homo's en jongeren met punk-kapsels en zwarte kleding die 'emo' zouden zijn. In zes weken zijn meer dan 50 Irakezen vermoord omdat ze homo zijn, of zouden zijn. Sommigen van de recente slachtoffers werden met blokken beton op hun hoofd doodgeslagen. In Bagdad en delen van Irak regeren echter sjiitische extremisten, die alles wat anders is afdoen als goddeloos.

signatuur: full_text

'Iets te modern' is goed voor steniging
Judit Neurink.

Massacre of emos in Iraq goes to core of a damaged society : This killing campaign - targeting women and men, with children the preferred victims - has a grimly familiar paranoia  / Scott Long.

Guardian 18-03-2012
bron: Guardian 18-03-2012
samenvatting: A new killing campaign is convulsing Iraq. The express targets are "emos", short for "emotional": a western-derived identity, teenagers adopting a pose of vulnerability, along with tight clothes and skewed hairdos and body piercing. Starting last year, mosques and the media both began raising the alarm about youthful immorality, calling the emos deviants and devil worshippers. In early February, somebody began killing people. The net was wide, definitions inexact. Men who seemed effeminate, girls with tattoos or peculiar jewellery, boys with long hair, could all be swept up. The killers like to smash their victims' heads with concrete blocks. It's not just wrong, it's counterproductive to call these murders "gay killings", as some have done. Gays are among the victims, but the fears fuelling the violence go beyond sexuality.

signatuur: full_text

Massacre of emos in Iraq goes to core of a damaged society : This killing campaign - targeting women and men, with children the preferred victims - has a grimly familiar paranoia
Scott Long.

Killing emos, and the future, in Iraq : Youths identifying with the 'emo' music subculture are among the martyrs of the Arab world's revolutionary wave  / Mark LeVine.

Al Jazeera 20-03-2012
bron: Al Jazeera 20-03-2012
samenvatting: With everything else plaguing Iraq today hardcore Shia militants have decided that the gravest threat to Iraq comes from the small (but growing) number of fans of the genre of post-punk music known as "emo". In the past several weeks, an unknown number of young Iraqis have been murdered - in cold blood - reportedly because of their supposed love for emo, a genre of hardcore rock that emerged in Washington, DC, in the late 1980s and early 1990s and known originally as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore". Emo is distinguished from other forms of hardcore by its more "pop" sound and its lyrical focus on emotional, expressive or confessional lyrics. Critics of the genre consider the music effete, or feminine, as it lacks the hard and supposedly masculine edge of more traditional punk, hardcore or heavy metal.

signatuur: full_text

Killing emos, and the future, in Iraq : Youths identifying with the 'emo' music subculture are among the martyrs of the Arab world's revolutionary wave
Mark LeVine.
Al Jazeera

Proving you're gay to the Turkish army  / Emre Azizlerli.

BBC News 25-03-2012
bron: BBC News 25-03-2012
samenvatting: Military service is mandatory for all Turkish men - they can only escape it if they are ill, disabled or homosexual. But proving homosexuality is a humiliating ordeal.

signatuur: full_text

Proving you're gay to the Turkish army
Emre Azizlerli.
BBC News

J'accuse: The Heath Erases Gay Writers  / Jeff Solomon.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 19 (2012) 1 (jan-feb), p. 27-29
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 19 (2012) 1 (jan-feb), p. 27-29
samenvatting: On balance, the Heath presents quite an impressive array of homophobic practices: the closeting of several GLBT authors; the racist construction of queerness as a white phenomenon; the refusal to grant gay or queer identities, communities, and æsthetics the respect and attention afforded to other identities; and the failure to consider sexuality a necessary valence of literary consideration.

signatuur: ts.

J'accuse: The Heath Erases Gay Writers
Jeff Solomon.
Gay & Lesbian Review

The Grindrization of Gay Identity  / Krishen Samuel.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 23 (2016) 6 (nov-dec), p. 14-16
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 23 (2016) 6 (nov-dec), p. 14-16
samenvatting: Grindr, Manhunt, Gaydar, Scruff, Jack'd - for any gay man who's been "out there" for any part of the last two decades, these websites or applications have become a familiar sight. For many men they occupy a substantial fraction of the day's stream of experience, and for many others they form an integral part of their personal identity or sense of self. But long before the arrival of the Internet, the social media, the hookup apps, there were GLBT people who lived, like everyone else, in what is now referred to as "real life." I would argue that historically gay identity has always been characterized by a fundamental duality. The first identity is a response to the cultural prohibition or negation of homosexuality throughout history. A second identity arose, partly in response to this repression, that stressed the value of overt visibility, of being not just quietly self-accepting but publicly out to one's family and friends and anyone else who would listen.

signatuur: ts.


The Grindrization of Gay Identity
ts. full_text
Krishen Samuel.
Gay & Lesbian Review


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