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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"heteroseksuele identiteit" )


Online Escorts : The Influence of Advertised Sexual Orientation  / August Capiola ... [et al].

Journal of Bisexuality, 14 (2014) 2 (apr-jun), p. 222-235
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 14 (2014) 2 (apr-jun), p. 222-235
samenvatting: This study compared women who advertised on an online escort website and marketed themselves as either bisexual or heterosexual. The analyses showed that advertised sexual orientation, age, weight, and photographs depicting buttock nudity were related to rates charged by escorts. A series of moderator analyses were conducted that showed that advertised sexual orientation moderated the effect of age and weight: The effects were more pronounced for women advertising a bisexual orientation. A discriminant analysis revealed that age, in-call rate, and photo identification could predict group membership with 62% accuracy. Limitations and future research perspectives are discussed.

signatuur: ts.

Online Escorts : The Influence of Advertised Sexual Orientation
August Capiola ... [et al].
Journal of Bisexuality

Hetero zijn verdient geen praalwagens  / Karin Spaink.

Parool 11-06-2019
bron: Parool 11-06-2019
samenvatting: Opinieartikel naar aanleiding van een verklaring van de club alt-righters dat zij een 'eigen' festival willen organiseren om heteroseksualiteit te vieren.

signatuur: knipsel (gay pride)

Hetero zijn verdient geen praalwagens
knipsel (gay pride)
Karin Spaink.

Coming out to Parents : Homosexuals' Identity Management, Family Lives and Social Lives in Shanghai  / Hailin Zhang.

Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2019 - 83 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), 2019 - 83 p.
  1. coming out/outing
  2. jongeren
  3. lhbti
samenvatting: This thesis looks at the homosexuals' processes of coming out to parents, negotiated consequences on family lives after coming out, and influence towards their social lives in Shanghai, in order to not only present Chinese homosexuals' living experiences of coming out, but also provide a unique perspective to understand sexuality under Chinese familial and social context, and further reflect contemporary Chinese societal transformations and problems. After analyzing data collected via 17 interviews, it argues that homosexual children come out to their parents under various circumstances, but the most significance is that it challenges the presumed heterosexist life. Under the context of transformed family structures and new life styles replacing the functions of marriage caused by economic development in Shanghai, selfindependence provides the possibilities and space for homosexual children to negotiate, and eventually to reach compromises on family lives with their parents. Their further choices on coming out or not in social lives have secured the stability of their current privileging life, and thus produce a form of homonormative citizenship.

signatuur: cat. (zhang/com)

dgb grijs

Coming out to Parents : Homosexuals' Identity Management, Family Lives and Social Lives in Shanghai
cat. (zhang/com)dgb grijs

Depressive Symptoms among mostly Heterosexual Adolescents  / Anne J. Maheux ... [et al.].

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health, 25 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 317-332
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health jaargang: 25 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 317-332
samenvatting: Mostly (non-)heterosexual adolescents experience heightened depressive symptoms compared to heterosexual adolescents, though prior comparisons with other sexual minority adolescents have been inconsistent and rarely used a comprehensive measure of sexual orientation. U.S. high school adolescents were considered mostly heterosexual if they either (a) self-identified as mostly heterosexual or (b) identified as heterosexual but reported same-gender attraction and/or sexual behavior. Depressive symptoms among both groups of mostly heterosexual adolescents were higher than exclusively heterosexual adolescents but similar to other sexual minority adolescents. Mostly heterosexual adolescents may be at risk for depression like their other sexual minority peers.

signatuur: ts.

Depressive Symptoms among mostly Heterosexual Adolescents
Anne J. Maheux ... [et al.].
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health

Living like a hetero: Southern homonormativity in Istanbul  / Cenk Ozbay.

Sexualities, 25 (2022) 8 (dec), p. 1058-1076
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 25 (2022) 8 (dec), p. 1058-1076
samenvatting: Research on homonormativity in the Global North has burgeoned in the last 20 years as there have been developments to include sexual minorities as equal members of society. However, little is known about the emergent forms of homonormativity in the Global South where in most cases the improvements in terms of sexual rights and citizenship in the Global North did not echo. Despite the lack of the legal, economic, and cultural infrastructure, an inchoate Southern homonormativity unfolds among gay men through their gender performances, bodily presentations, class positions, and neoliberal aspirations. Southern homonormativity is a cultural formation that takes place in settings where there is no institutional change and legal reforms to define, recognize, and embrace the gay citizens (and families) as equal, legitimate, and respected members of society. By using interviews and ethnographic home visits in Istanbul, Turkey, this article explores how homonormativity is contextually driven and flexible, and how privileged gay men understand and navigate homonormative precepts in a context within the Global South.

signatuur: ts.

Living like a hetero: Southern homonormativity in Istanbul
Cenk Ozbay.

Button heteroseksuele bondgenoot vlag (straight ally)

2022. - M02309
beschrijving: Button met zes strepen in de kleuren zwart en wit. In dezelfde strepen staat een A in de kleuren van boven naar beneden: rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw en paars. Een heteroseksuele bondgenoot is een cisgender of heteroseksueel persoon die de discriminatie erkent waarmee de LGBTQ-gemeenschap wordt geconfronteerd vanwege hun genderidentiteit, -expressie of seksuele geaardheid. Ze maken zelf geen deel uit van de queer rainbow-familie, maar steunen LGBTQ+-doelen en strijden voor een meer inclusieve wereld. De letter 'A' op de vlag staat voor bondgenoot en de kleuren van de letter 'A' staan voor de lhbti gemeenschap. De zwart-witte strepen vertegenwoordigen de hetroseksuele vlag.
trefwoord: zaanpride - zaanstreek - vos, frank - vlaggen - stichting de zaanse regenboog
organisatie: Stichting De Zaanse Regenboog
formaat/maat Doorsnee: 3,8
land: nederland

Button heteroseksuele bondgenoot vlag (straight ally)


( DE:"heteroseksuele identiteit" )

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