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Aantal resultaten: 34( DE:"genetica" )


The harvest : a novel  / 

by Perry Brass.Bronx, NY: Belhue Press, cop. 1997 - 216 p.
uitgave: Bronx, NY: Belhue Press, cop. 1997 - 216 p.
samenvatting: In a future world where happiness is guaranteed - but at the price of human life - one all-powerful Corporation now runs America. It guarantees health, happiness, and prosperity, but at the destruction of individuality and privacy. And with the sacrifice of vaccos - Corporate cadavers - laboratory-produced human analogues, used for vitally needed organ, tissue, and body part transplants. Chris Turner, once a teenage thief, hustler, and renegade, now the adopted son of a wealthy Corporate leader, will find a vacco, Hart 256043, desperately running for his life. Together, Hart and Chris will bond, and do everything possible for their mutual survival.

signatuur: cat. (brass/har) fb

The harvest : a novel
cat. (brass/har) fb
by Perry Brass.

De moraal van het klonen  / Peter Giesen.

Volkskrant 11-01-2003
bron: Volkskrant 11-01-2003
samenvatting: Het klonen van mensen is taboe alhoewel er diverse mensen zijn die een kloon van zichzelf willen, b.v. homo's en lesbo's die een kind willen van hun eigen DNA.

signatuur: knipsel (ouderschap)

De moraal van het klonen
knipsel (ouderschap)
Peter Giesen.

Three sexes : essays in theoretical genetics  / Hubert Kennedy.

San Francisco, CA: Prememptory, 2002 - 16 bl.
uitgave: San Francisco, CA : Prememptory, 2002 - 16 bl.
  1. gender/seksualiteit studies
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Twee essays over hoe sekse werkt binnen de genetica.

signatuur: cat. (kenne/thr)

dgb grijs

Three sexes : essays in theoretical genetics
cat. (kenne/thr)dgb grijs

Beliefs About the Etiology of Homosexuality and About the Ramifications of Discovering Its Possible Genetic Origin  / Jane P. Sheldon ... [et al.].

Journal of Homosexuality, 52 (2007) 3/4, p. 111-150
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 52 (2007) 3/4 , p. 111-150
samenvatting: Homosexuality is viewed by many as a social problem. As such, there is a keen interest in elucidating the origins of homosexuality among many scholars, from anthropologists to zoologists, from psychologists to theologians. Research has shown that those who believe sexual orientation is inborn are more likely to have tolerant attitudes toward gay men and lesbians, whereas those who believe it is a choice have less tolerant attitudes. The current qualitative study used in-depth, open-ended telephone interviews with 42 White and 44 Black Americans to gain insight into the public's beliefs about the possible genetic origins of homosexuality. Along with etiological beliefs (and the sources of information used to develop these beliefs), we asked respondents to describe the benefits and dangers of scientists discovering the possible genetic basis for homosexuality. We found that although limited understanding and biased perspectives likely led to simplistic reasoning concerning the origins and genetic basis of homosexuality, many individuals appreciated the complex and interactive etiological perspectives. These interactive perspectives often included recognition of some type of inherent aspect, such as a genetic factor(s), that served as an underlying predisposition that would be manifested after being influenced by other factors such as choice or environmental exposures. We also found that beliefs in a genetic basis for homosexuality could be used to support very diverse opinions including those in accordance with negative eugenic agendas. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Beliefs About the Etiology of Homosexuality and About the Ramifications of Discovering Its Possible Genetic Origin
Jane P. Sheldon ... [et al.].
Journal of Homosexuality

New genetics or new eugenics? : potential threats of genetic science and its applications for homosexuality  / [by James Smits].

[S.l.: s.n.], 2006 - 20 bl.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], 2006 - 20 bl.
  1. ontstaanstheorieën
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: This paper sets out to examine the historical development of the scientific dicourse of homosexuality, eugenics and the new genetics, and their discursive relationships to one another.

signatuur: cat. (smits/new) g

New genetics or new eugenics? : potential threats of genetic science and its applications for homosexuality
cat. (smits/new) g

Biologie & Homosexualität : Theorie und Anwendung im gesellschaftlichen Kontext  / 

Heinz-Jürgen Voss.Münster: Unrast, 2013 - 87 p.
uitgave: Münster: Unrast, 2013 - 87 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 74-87.
samenvatting: Das Konzept Homosexualität entstand im 19. Jahrhundert und ist eng mit Biologie und Medizin verwoben. Vor dem Hintergrund der massiven staatlichen Verfolgung gleichgeschlechtlicher sexueller Handlungen argumentierten Menschen mit der Natürlichkeit gleichgeschlechtlichen sexuellen Tuns. Von Natur aus gleichgeschlechtlich begehrend, dürften die so handelnden Menschen nicht bestraft werden. Auch die Gegenseite argumentierte biologisch-medizinisch. Beide Richtungen trugen damit dazu bei, dass Homosexualität als Konzept etabliert und Biologie und Medizin zu bestimmenden Instanzen über die Legitimität sexuellen Handelns wurden. Ausgehend von der Genese des Homosexualitäts-Diskurses erläutert der Biologe Heinz-Jürgen Voß die damit verbundenen biologischen Theorien. Dabei stehen Theorien der Keimdrüsen- und Hormonforschung, der Genetik, Neurobiologie und Evolutionsbiologie sowie ihre jeweiligen Methoden im Fokus. Der Autor arbeitet heraus, dass die Forschung vielfach von dem Ziel geleitet war, gleichgeschlechtliches sexuelles Begehren auszulöschen. Die Grenzen zu Menschenexperimenten wurden dabei auch noch nach 1945 überschritten. Da Homosexualität 1991 aus der internationalen Klassifikation der Krankheiten (ICD) gestrichen wurde, bietet sich aktuell das Potenzial, auch die Forschung neu ohne diskriminierende Vorannahmen auszurichten.

signatuur: cat. (voss/bio) b

Biologie & Homosexualität : Theorie und Anwendung im gesellschaftlichen Kontext
cat. (voss/bio) b
Heinz-Jürgen Voss.

Heeft Darwin een relatie met de homo? Biologie; Nieuws Genetisch debat  / Derwin van der Schoot.

Volkskrant 29-12-2012
bron: Volkskrant 29-12-2012
samenvatting: Discussie over een evolutionaire dan wel genetische verklaring voor het ontstaan van homoseksualiteit. Moleculair bioloog Sven Bocklandt van de universiteit van Californië deed tien jaar onderzoek naar genen en homoseksualiteit. Erfelijkheid speelt volgens hem een grote rol. Andere onderzoekers zoeken naar een evolutionaire verklaring.

signatuur: full_text

Heeft Darwin een relatie met de homo? Biologie; Nieuws Genetisch debat
Derwin van der Schoot.

Born gay : the psychobiology of sex orientation  / 

Glenn Wilson and Qazi Rahman.London [etc.]: Owen, 2005 - 176 p.: ill.
uitgave: London [etc.]: Owen, 2005 - 176 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Are people born gay, or does upbringing or even conscious personal choice play a part? The acrimonious row between gay rights activists and God-fearing conservatives over this burning question has now raged for over a decade. But the science they employ in their arguments is not merely outmoded but often fallacious. Since the ground-breaking work of Simon LeVay and Dean Hamer in the early '90s, a tremendous amount of new research has been carried out by scientists who now understand a great deal more about the biology of sexual attraction. How much does the non-scientific community really know about this research or understand the far-reaching implications of it? Wilson and Rahman show that attempts to find a sociological cause for homosexuality have little foundation and argue that popular efforts to blame parents or teachers for a child's homosexuality are futile and unjust. Combining their own findings with all the available quantifiable research, the authors have, with this study, provided an urgently needed addition to - and overview of - the major work that has been done in this field.

signatuur: cat. (wilson-g/rah) b


Born gay : the psychobiology of sex orientation
cat. (wilson-g/rah) b ODE3
Glenn Wilson and Qazi Rahman.

Abnormal sexual development : A genetic and endocrine approach to differential diagnosis  / 

Daniel D. Federman ; illustrated by Sidney J. Rosenthal.Philadelphia [etc.]: Saunders, 1967 - x, 206 p.: ill.
uitgave: Philadelphia [etc.]: Saunders, 1967 - x, 206 p.: ill.
samenvatting: This monograph is written for general physicians. It begins with a succinct description of normal sexual differentiation, proceeding to cytogenetics, disorders of gonadal development (appropriately subdivided), disorders of fetal endocrinology, and disorders of puberty, including delayed and precocious development.

signatuur: cat. (federm/abn) b

Abnormal sexual development : A genetic and endocrine approach to differential diagnosis
cat. (federm/abn) b
Daniel D. Federman ; illustrated by Sidney J. Rosenthal.

Familial disorders of sexual differentiation : a clinical and molecular genetic evaluation  / 

Annemarie Louise Margaretha Boehmer.[Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit], 2000 - 317 p.
uitgave: [Rotterdam: Erasmus Universiteit], 2000 - 317 p.
annotatie: Nederlandse titel: Erfelijke geslachtsdifferentiatie stoornissen: klinische en moleculair genetische studies. - Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit. - Met Nederlandse samenvatting. - Bibliogr.: 291-295.
samenvatting: Onderwerp van dit proefschrift zijn een aantal oorzaken van erfelijke stoornissen in de geslachtsdifferentiatie, met name stoornissen in de gevoeligheid van weefsel van mannelijk geslachtshormoon (androgeenongevoeligheidssyndroom) en een aantal stoornissen die leiden tot verminderde aanmaak van mannelijk geslachtshormoon. Ook worden aanlegstoornissen van het uitwendige mannelijke genitaal (hypspadie) onderzocht.

signatuur: cat (boehm/fam) b

dgb grijs

Familial disorders of sexual differentiation : a clinical and molecular genetic evaluation
cat (boehm/fam) b dgb grijs
Annemarie Louise Margaretha Boehmer.


( DE:"genetica" )

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