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Aantal resultaten: 5( DE:"genderbinair" )


Disrupting the norms: Reproduction, gender identity, gender dysphoria, and intersectionality  / Trevor Kirczenow MacDonald ... [et al.].

International Journal of Transgender Health, 22 (2021) 1-2 (jan-jun), p. 18-29
bron: International Journal of Transgender Health jaargang: 22 (2021) 1-2 (jan-jun), p. 18-29
samenvatting: In western cultures, pregnancy and birth have typically been viewed as inherently feminine activities. However, some transmasculine individuals desire and undergo pregnancy. Our study aimed to explore the experiences of transmasculine individuals with pregnancy and birth. We conducted 22 qualitative interviews and four follow-up interviews with transmasculine individuals who had experienced one or more pregnancies. Our analysis was guided by an intersectional approach, and was led by a transgender community member. The interviews focused on stories about how the study participants built their families and navigated health care systems in the context of being pregnant transgender persons. As part of a larger study that considered the pregnancy, birth and infant feeding experiences of transmasculine individuals, this paper examines three themes that emerged from the narratives: experiences of gender dysphoria, addressing the gender binary, and intersectionality. Experiences of gender dysphoria among transmasculine individuals during pregnancy and birth vary widely. Some trans individuals experience pregnancy as congruent with their masculine gender identity. However, participants reported that some health care providers' strong belief in the gender binary led to inappropriate and oppressive reproductive and perinatal health care.

signatuur: ts.

Disrupting the norms: Reproduction, gender identity, gender dysphoria, and intersectionality
Trevor Kirczenow MacDonald ... [et al.].
International Journal of Transgender Health

A Right to Transition?: Gender-Segregated Spaces and the Legal Construction of Transgender Identity  / Kathryn J. Perkins, Grant Harting, Evelyn Ortiz Soto.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 9 (2022) 4 (nov), p. 609-633
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 9 (2022) 4 (nov), p. 609-633
samenvatting: How does the law determine gender and transgender for the purposes of admission to gender-segregated spaces? This article examines this question to understand how transgender identity is legally constructed in gender-segregated spaces. Using trans feminist legal theory, this article explores how the state conceptualizes and re/incorporates transness in a binary gender order. Through case studies of access to gender transition in gender-segregated educational and carceral spaces, the authors find that judges engage in gender naturalization work to legally construct transgender identity in ways that reinforce sexist conceptualizations of immutable and binary gender. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of this narrow construction of transgender identity for a trans feminist jurisprudence and politics.

signatuur: ts.

A Right to Transition?: Gender-Segregated Spaces and the Legal Construction of Transgender Identity
Kathryn J. Perkins, Grant Harting, Evelyn Ortiz Soto.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly

De 'antigenderbeweging' klinkt steeds luider en steeds feller  / Mandula van den Berg, Menno Sedee.

NRC 12-06-2023
bron: NRC 12-06-2023
samenvatting: Lhbti-rechten zijn niet overal in de wereld vanzelfsprekend en staan vaak onder druk. NRC ging op zoek naar de achterliggende krachten in het maatschappelijk debat en schreef daarover in vier delen artikelen. Dit is het derde deel waarin de auteurs constateren dat de wens dat de traditionele orde tussen man en vrouw 'hersteld' wordt, ook steeds meer in Nederland klinkt. Een allegaartje van extreemrechts, ultraconservatieve christenen en rechtse homoseksuelen verzet zich tegen de genderbeweging, die het bechouwt als 'een vorm van destructivisme'.

signatuur: knipsel (geweld)

De 'antigenderbeweging' klinkt steeds luider en steeds feller
knipsel (geweld)
Mandula van den Berg, Menno Sedee.

The new gender paradox : fragmentation and persistence of the binary  / 

Judith Lorber.Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2022 - xii, 113 p.
uitgave: Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2022 - xii, 113 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 86-106.
samenvatting: Today, in Western countries, we are seeing both the fragmentation of the gender binary (the division of the social world into two and only two genders) and its persistence. Multiple genders, gender-neutral pronouns and bathrooms, X designations, and other manifestations of degendering are becoming common, and yet the two-gender structure of our social world persists. Underneath the persistence of the binary and its discriminatory norms and expectations lurks the continuance of men's power and privilege. So there is the continued need to valorize the accomplishments of women, especially those of denigrated groups. This succinct and thoughtful book by one of the world's foremost sociologists of gender shines a light on both sides of this paradox - processes in the fragmentation of gender that are undermining the binary and processes in the performance of gender that reinforce the binary, and the pros and cons of each. The conclusion of the book discusses why we haven't had a gender revolution and how degendering would go a long way in creating gender equality.

signatuur: cat. (lorbe/new) b


The new gender paradox : fragmentation and persistence of the binary
cat. (lorbe/new) b ODE3
Judith Lorber.

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea  / 

Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
uitgave: Madrid: La Oveja Roja, 2021 - 325 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 313-325.
samenvatting: Lo monstruoso como categoría de análisis aplicada a propuestas culturales que abordan las construcciones sexo-genéricas y que dan espacio y visibilidad a las múltiples formas de disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea: esa es la propuesta de este ensayo. Propuesta que no solo funciona en la órbita de la teoría sino que atañe un posicionamiento político también. El monstruo como figura que desafía los binarismos y desborda las clasificaciones y etiquetas, como clave para releer expresiones culturales que desestabilizan los binarismos y el cisheteropatriarcado, para abordar representaciones en las que la monstruosidad se convierte en un espacio de resignificación de lo que la sociedad considera abyecto, enfermo, degenerado. A partir ahí se pretende dar cuenta de gestos culturales complejos que, por ejemplo, hacen de la «enfermedad» un espacio de potencialidad vital, que transgreden constantemente los límites binarios de ser varón y ser mujer. Se trata de analizar la construcción cultural de cuerpos que subvierten desde la disidencia, el feminismo, la subalternidad, la precariedad; que transgreden los límites de lo que se puede narrar y mostrar en la literatura, el cine y el cómic.

signatuur: cat. (rubin/san) b

Lecturas monstruo: Género y disidencia sexual en la cultura contemporánea
cat. (rubin/san) b
Atillo Rubino, Silvina Sánchez, Facundo Saxe.


( DE:"genderbinair" )

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