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Aantal resultaten: 9( DE:"gehandicaptenstudies" )


Disability, Queer Phenomenology,and the Politics of Personhood  / Thomas Abrams.

Interalia : A Journal of Queer Studies (2016) 11a
bron: Interalia : A Journal of Queer Studies (2016) 11a
samenvatting: This paper explores Sara Ahmed's Queer Phenomenology from a disability studies perspective. In addition to her emphasis on race and desire, I ask how we might use Ahmed's queer, cultural phenomenology to ask about the sociomaterial basis of disablement, reflecting on the interactive emergence of these subjectivities more generally. In the first section of this paper, I examine the three main chapters in Ahmed' important book. I then ask what Ahmed might have asked, if she had explored disability therein. Next, I turn to some phenomenological disability studies, interrogating how subjectivity is put to work in the shared world, rather than universally accorded to all persons at all times. In the final section of this paper, I return to the basis of the phenomenological project itself, and ask what this revised version of subjectivity means for the phenomenology of Heidegger and Husserl, with an eye to future work.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map interalia

Disability, Queer Phenomenology,and the Politics of Personhood
dgb artikelen, map interalia
Thomas Abrams.
Interalia : A Journal of Queer Studies

The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies  / 

Siobhan B. Somerville (ed.).Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 - 246 p.
uitgave: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020 - 246 p.
samenvatting: This Companion provides a guide to queer inquiry in literary and cultural studies, a wide-ranging and porous area of study that has been especially generative for the larger interdisciplinary field of queer studies over the last three decades. The essays gathered here represent work in queer studies in the vital present, suggesting new and emerging areas, including transgender studies.

signatuur: cat. (cambr/com/que) cb


The Cambridge Companion to Queer Studies
cat. (cambr/com/que) cb ODE3 NASLAG
Siobhan B. Somerville (ed.).

Trans* Politics: Current Challenges and Contestations Regarding Bodies, Recognition, and Trans* Organising  / Mieke Verloo and Anna van der Vleuten.

Politics and Governance, 8 (2020) 3, p. 223-230
bron: Politics and Governance jaargang: 8 (2020) 3 , p. 223-230
samenvatting: This thematic issue analyses trans* politics, and the problems and policies articulated by societal, political and legal actors in national and international contexts in Europe and Latin America. Trans* issues are at the heart of politics concerning sex and gender, because the sex binary ordering is producing the categories, identities, and related social relationships around which gender inequalities are constructed. Scholarship on trans* politics promises to bring more fundamental knowledge about how the gender binary organisation of our societies is (dis)functional, and is therefore relevant and beneficial for all gender and politics scholarship. Contestations around trans* issues continue developing, between state and non-state actors, transgender people and medical professionals, and also among and between social movements. This thematic issue is our contribution to dimensions of trans* politics that revolve around the issue of sexed and gendered bodies (the making and unmaking of "deviant" bodies, non-binary language about bodies, and voice given in bodily re/assignments), the limits of recognition (undermining of trans* agency, persistent binary thinking, and disconnect with material dimensions of gender justice), and the potential of trans* movements (processes and practices through which political claims are generated in the movement, a more forward looking and pro-active perspective on the possibility of alliances between the feminist and the trans* projects, and between the trans* project and the disability project, and alliances of movement actors with institutional power holders such as international courts).

signatuur: dgb artikelen (verlo/vle)

Trans* Politics: Current Challenges and Contestations Regarding Bodies, Recognition, and Trans* Organising
dgb artikelen (verlo/vle)
Mieke Verloo and Anna van der Vleuten.
Politics and Governance

Accessibility at the Bisexual Health Summit: Reflections and Lessons for Improving Event Accessibility  / Elizabeth A. Harrison & Alison G. Kopit.

Journal of Bisexuality, 20 (2020) 3 (jul-sep), p. 273-295
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 20 (2020) 3 (jul-sep), p. 273-295
samenvatting: Planning for accessibility is key to ensuring that community members of diverse backgrounds can fully participate in events and organizations. This article offers an introduction to an intersectional Disability Justice approach to accessibility. Coauthored by a Chicago Bisexual Health Task Force steering committee member who planned accessibility for the Bisexual Health Summit (first author) and a disability cultural worker and accessibility strategist (second author), this article reflects on the importance of accessibility for bisexual+ organizations and offers key planning considerations, using the Bisexual Health Summit as a case study. Authors draw upon their personal expertise as queer and disabled people and their professional work as Disability Studies scholars to offer strategies and examples to aid readers in improving accessibility in their organizations, both bisexual-specific and otherwise.

signatuur: ts.

Accessibility at the Bisexual Health Summit: Reflections and Lessons for Improving Event Accessibility
Elizabeth A. Harrison & Alison G. Kopit.
Journal of Bisexuality

"Hints That Are Revelations": James Schuyler, Obsolescence, and the Urban Curative Imaginary  / Davy Knittle.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 27 (2021) 2 (apr), p. 173-200
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 27 (2021) 2 (apr), p. 173-200
samenvatting: This article reads the transformation of urban space in US cities during and since the urban renewal of the 1950s and 1960s in dialogue with queer and disability theories of access to the social and the built environment. Knittle focuses on obsolescence as an urban planning strategy used to justify the removal of buildings and people from the present, as he explores how queer and disability studies have negotiated and advocated for access to the present and the future while refusing assimilation to normative social forms. He reads across body and city scales to consider access as dynamic and to map how the ableist expectations projected onto disabled bodies in what Alison Kafer describes as a "curative imaginary" appear on the city scale as an "urban curative imaginary." To explore resistances to obsolescence that refuse assimilation while demanding access, Knittle reads the "window poems" of queer New York School poet James Schuyler. In these poems, Schuyler documents small and large forms of urban transformation from his Manhattan apartment during the 1950s and 1960s. Schuyler's poems, Knittle argues, model strategies for how to identify the obsolescence of normative space rather than the obsolescence of queer and disabled bodies. He uses the poems' focus on the queer potential of how urban spaces change to argue for a queer disability urbanism that takes the dynamism of access as a precondition for negotiating equitable forms of social participation and public life.

signatuur: ts.

"Hints That Are Revelations": James Schuyler, Obsolescence, and the Urban Curative Imaginary
Davy Knittle.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Saving Delaney ... by white privilege: a memoir of lesbian motherhood and anti-Black ableism  / Amanda Apgar.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 25 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 258-273
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 25 (2021) 3 (jul-sep), p. 258-273
samenvatting: Saving Delaney is one of a number of "special needs" parent memoirs published in the United States since 2000 and is the only memoir about raising a disabled child in the United States written by lesbian parents. Like many representations of disability, ?special needs? parent memoirs use a problematic narrative in which the presumed negative effects of disability are individually overcome before life lived happily ever after. Also like popular and positive representations of disability, the children subjects of "special needs' parent memoirs are almost entirely white. In this paper, I contextualize Saving Delaney within histories of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) family-making in the United States, drawing particular attention to the overrepresentation of children with disabilities among gay and lesbian adoptive parent households. Then, drawing attention to the overwhelming whiteness of both positive portrayals of children with disabilities in "special needs" parent memoirs and LGBT families in scholarship, data, and media, I argue that white privilege facilitates visibility and protection against disability stigmas. I demonstrate that LGBT family-making and caring for children with disabilities cohere as issues of comprehensive reproductive justice and that narratives like Delaney's fail to advance the reproductive justice movement due to reiterative entrenchment in the material and discursive privileges of whiteness.

signatuur: ts.

Saving Delaney ... by white privilege: a memoir of lesbian motherhood and anti-Black ableism
Amanda Apgar.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Disability, Debility, and Caring Queerly  / Christina Crosby and Janet R. Jakobsen.

Social Text : Left of Queer, 38 (2020) 145, p. 77-103
bron: Social Text : Left of Queer jaargang: 38 (2020) 145 , p. 77-103
samenvatting: As one approach to the left of queer, the authors explore the juncture between queer studies and disability studies. Queer disability studies offers ways of conceptualizing the world as relationally complex, thus contributing additional pathways for the long project of rethinking justice in light of the critique of the liberal individual who is the bearer of rights. Debility, disability, care, labor, and value form a complex assemblage that shapes policies, bodies, and personhood. Putting disability and debility in relation to each other creates perverse sets of social relations that both constrain and produce queer potentialities, connecting affect and action in unexpected ways. A queer materialist focus on nonnormative labor opens the possibility of revaluing domestic work and caring labor generally as a first step to shifting relations between disabled people and those who do the work of care. Building social solidarity from the ground up requires both a queer theory of value and a geopolitical model of disability as vital components for queer materialism. Through a combination of embodied narrative and activist examples, the analysis frames the complexities of care and possibilities for a similarly complex coalitional politics.

signatuur: ts.

Disability, Debility, and Caring Queerly
Christina Crosby and Janet R. Jakobsen.
Social Text : Left of Queer

Queerness, Illness : The Psychosomatic Materialities of Pakistanis  / Muhammad Khurram.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 82 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 82 p.
  1. # lhbti
samenvatting: My thesis investigates the gendered and sexual politics of health by studying the experiencesof chronic illness and queerness within Pakistan. I locate my project within queer, disability, and psychosomatic studies to argue for an understanding of chronic illnesses as a particular manifestation of trauma and how paying attention to the agentiality of such illnesses can move us to a practice of a feminist politics of vulnerability and resistance. Thus, chronic illnesses can be understood as a form of bodily knowledge and disorder that alerts us to the experiences of larger socio-political inequalities and injustices. Such an understanding of chronic illness rejects both the medical and social model of disability, and instead works with the relational model of disability. Furthermore, I bring in queerness to argue for an understanding of queerness as a context specific disability because within the context of Pakistan the dominant conceptualization of queerness is one of illness. This is not to collapse queerness and chronic illness with each other, but to point towards the intersecting ways in which both are experienced and embodied. After all, the experience of chronic illnesses can be quite a queer experience due to compulsory able-bodiedness. As such, I will use intersectionality as both my methodology and theoretical framework to undertake five semi-structed interviews, supplemented by an autophenomenological account, to investigate the intersecting experiences of queerness and chronic illness(es) as a form of embodied, that is psychosomatic, knowledge-power nexus. After all, simply being queer in Pakistan does not lead to developing chronic illnesses, but it certainly helps.

signatuur: cat. (khurr/que)

dgb grijs

Queerness, Illness : The Psychosomatic Materialities of Pakistanis
cat. (khurr/que)dgb grijs

The (r)evolution of the menstrual cycle : the spiritual and queer perspectives of the menstrual movement in conversation  / Marissa Schut.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 50 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 50 p.
  1. vrouwenemancipatie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Rising from the ashes of taboo and shame, menstruation has become a hot topic over the past few years which is mirrored in the fast-growing movement of menstrual activism. My thesis focuses on the menstrual movement within the cybergrounds of the social media platform Instagram, where menstrual activism has gained a newfound presence. Within the Instagram menstrual movement I have observed a tension between two perspectives: the spiritual; focused on reclaiming menstruation as the embodiment of womanhood/femininity, a source of power in the face of patriarchy, and the queer; focused on reimagining the cycle beyond the gender and sex binary, with inclusion and diversity at the center. Applying a combination of feminist close reading and visual analysis, my research puts these two perspectives in conversation with each other, to form an expansive perspective on the menstrual cycle; a starting point to see the menstrual cycle differently. Zooming in on the Instagram menstrual movement and its queer and spiritual perspectives, I build on the archetypes of the goddess and the cyborg they embody and weave the menstrual cycle as a space for the paradoxical, offering a hybrid figuration to challenge normative perspectives. Combining nomadic feminism, feminist new materialism as well as queer theory and crip theory, this research explores how these theoretical frameworks can be used to write the menstrual cycle as a queer feminist figuration. Because I am working with the menstrual cycle as a queer feminist figuration, it is not my intention to move away from the matter, instead I am looking to see it differently. Through a close reading on menstrual matter and its multiple layers (menstrual cycle, reproductive system, hormonal system), the menstrual cycle becomes a vessel for social resistance and a fertile ground for transformation.

signatuur: cat. (schut/rev)

dgb grijs

The (r)evolution of the menstrual cycle : the spiritual and queer perspectives of the menstrual movement in conversation
cat. (schut/rev)dgb grijs


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