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The Complete Works of Pat Parker  / 

Ed. by Julie R. Enszer ; [Introduction by Judy Grahn ; Foreword by Audre Lorde].Brookville, NY: Midsummer Night's Press ; [etc.], 2016 - 487 p.± ill.
uitgave: Brookville, NY: Midsummer Night's Press ; [etc.], 2016 - 487 p.± ill.
annotatie: Sinister Wisdom 102.
samenvatting: Het complete verzamelde werk van auteur Pat Barker (January 20, 1944 - June 19, 1989 Houston, Texas) met een introductie van Judy Grahn en een voorwoord van Audre Lorde.

signatuur: cat. (parke-p/com) fb

The Complete Works of Pat Parker
cat. (parke-p/com) fb
Ed. by Julie R. Enszer ; [Introduction by Judy Grahn ; Foreword by Audre Lorde].

Susie Bright to Donate Archives & Deliver 'Sexual State of the Union Address' : Cornell University Library?s Human Sexuality Collection Celebrates 25th Anniversary.

Cornell University Library 17-01-2013
bron: Cornell University Library 17-01-2013
samenvatting: A quarter of a century ago, Cornell University Library began to gather books, letters, photographs and all sorts of ephemera related to sexuality - much of which was ignored or shunned by academia and society at large. That bold idea grew into the rich Human Sexuality Collection, which will honor the 25th anniversary of its founding with a host of events. Best-selling author Susie Bright, the country?s preeminent feminist sex writer, kicks off the celebration with a major donation of her archival materials and a talk on Cornell?s campus in Ithaca, N.Y.

signatuur: full_text

Susie Bright to Donate Archives & Deliver 'Sexual State of the Union Address' : Cornell University Library?s Human Sexuality Collection Celebrates 25th Anniversary.
Cornell University Library

Civil Partnerships : queer & feminist & activism  / Tomasz Kitlinski ... [et al.].

Brighton: University of Brighton, 2012 - 21 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brighton : University of Brighton, 2012 - 21 p.: ill.
  1. beeldende kunsten
  2. activisme
  3. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: The exhibition Civil Partnerships from 9 to 20 may 2012 at the University of Brighton features the newest social and sensual, feminist and queer works by the students and faculty at the University of Brighton, and especially invited international artists. It consists of three parts: queer and feminist portraiture, the homoerotic male nude, and socially engaged activist art.

signatuur: cat. (civil/par) k

Civil Partnerships : queer & feminist & activism
cat. (civil/par) k

Bilder  / Christa Biedermann.

Wien: Förderung künstlerischer Fotografie, 1987 - [29] p.: ill.
uitgave: Wien : Förderung künstlerischer Fotografie, 1987 - [29] p.: ill.
  1. beeldende kunsten
samenvatting: Tentoonstellingscatalogus van de fototentoonstelling in Fotogalerie Wien: Christa Biedermann 'Gegenüberstellung Rollenbilder - Identitätsbilder', een serie zelfportretten, van 2 December 1987 tot 2 januari 1988.

signatuur: cat. (biederm/bil) bbk

cat. (biederm/bil) bbk

Die entnervte Gottheit : Über Gloria Anzuldúas Lob des Körpers und die Beendigung des Patriarchats  / J. Edgar Bauer.

Capri : Zeitschrift für schwule Geschichte (2015) 49 (sep), p. 79-102
bron: Capri : Zeitschrift für schwule Geschichte (2015) 49 (sep), p. 79-102
samenvatting: Die U.S.-amerikanische Dichterin, Essayistin und Kulturkritikerin von Chicano-Herkunft Gloria Anzaldúa (1942-2004) beschrieb sich selbst einst als eine «third world lesbian feminist with Marxist and mystic leanings.» Dem entsprechend stellen ihre Schriften nicht nur eine Kritik an der politischen Landschaft der Vereinigten Staaten, sondern auch ein Plädoyer für den Widerstand der Minderheiten gegen sexuelle, rassenmäßige und kulturelle Assimilation dar. Anzaldúas herausfordernder Nonkonformismus wird schon auf der lexikalischen Ebene insofern spürbar, als ihre Texte nicht selten unübersetzte kastilische, chicano-spanische und amerindianische Begriffe und Redewendungen enthalten, die unter Umständen erhebliche Verständnishürden für die englischsprachige Leserschaft, die sie hauptsächlich erreichen wollte, bieten können. Hinsichtlich der Wirkung ihrer Schriften ist festzustellen, dass Anzaldúas schamanistisches Selbstverständnis als eine «shape-changer» und ihr uneingeschränktes Eintreten für «spiritual activism» zwar ethnischen Minderheiten und akademischen Spezialisten zusagten, aber wenig Interesse bei einem größeren Publikum erweckten. Von daher ist es nicht überraschend, dass, obwohl Andaldúa das Aufkommen von Gender- und Queer-Studien in den späten 1980er und frühen 1990er Jahren mitprägte, die allgemeine Rezeption ihrer Texte kaum deren tatsächlich theoretischer und emanzipatorischer Tragweite und Relevanz entspricht.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Die entnervte Gottheit : Über Gloria Anzuldúas Lob des Körpers und die Beendigung des Patriarchats
ts. dgb periodieken
J. Edgar Bauer.
Capri : Zeitschrift für schwule Geschichte

We Cannot Live Without Our Lives  / 

Barbara Deming.New York, NY: Grossman, 1974 - x, 191 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Grossman, 1974 - x, 191 p.
samenvatting: Verzameling essays, gedichten en brieven van activiste over haar geweldoze strijd tegen de Vietnam-oorlog en vrouwenonderdrukking, en over haar ervaringen met lesbisch-zijn.

signatuur: cat. (demin/we) b

We Cannot Live Without Our Lives
cat. (demin/we) b
Barbara Deming.

"To Love Without Fear" : Feminist and LGBTQ Mobilizations in Brazil  / Marc Hertzman.

Notches 15-09-2016
bron: Notches 15-09-2016
samenvatting: Brazil has featured prominently in recent news. One of the most infamous stories highlighted by the media is the ousting of the nation?s president, Dilma Rousseff. Coverage of these events, especially in English, has focused on corruption, power politics, and the role of the media. Less attention has been given to the sexist and homophobic undertones of the anti-Dilma maneuvers.Though the impeachment is now complete, there is perhaps a silver lining in the powerful activism of women and LGBTQ people whose actions not only strike a blow for democracy but also carry the potential for a historic symbiosis between groups often divided in the past. This synergy between feminist and LGBTQ movements that continue to challenge the Temer government, as well as rape culture, misogyny, and homophobia more broadly, is another aspect of the story that has been overlooked or downplayed in the media.

signatuur: full_text

"To Love Without Fear" : Feminist and LGBTQ Mobilizations in Brazil
Marc Hertzman.

Collectives  / Ramzi Fawaz.

samenvatting: Feminist and queer collectives were particularly powerful social forces in the 1970s, because they channeled the political values of movements for women's and gay liberation - including the overthrow of patriarchy, the breakdown of traditional gender roles, the invention of alternative kinship forms, and the elimination of sexual stigma - into everyday practices that could be enacted not only through one's political commitments but also in the way one lived, loved, and shared space with others. Collectives were one place where the feminist adage "the personal is political" took on its most visceral form: by willfully choosing to affiliate with presumably like-minded feminists, queers, and other gender and sexual outlaws, one was forced to negotiate new and unexpected interpersonal relationships, develop intimacies grounded in shared values, and articulate competing definitions of feminist and queer love, freedom, and kinship. The movements for women's and gay liberation that exploded onto the American political scene in the early 1970s were committed to fighting against the traditional structures of gender and sexual hierarchy: they questioned the presumed superiority of men to women, and of heterosexuality to homosexuality; they fought to make visible the ways that women's bodies were economically and sexually exploited by a male-dominated culture; they uncovered the forms of violence and stigma used to denigrate sexual minorities; and they developed a wide range of political and social practices - from consciousness-raising groups to queer dance parties, from music festivals to underground sex clubs, from cooperative business ventures to collective living experiments - to combat these forms of oppression and imagine a different world more amenable to the freedom of women and sexual dissidents. Consequently, members of feminist and queer collectives in this period reinvented the meaning of love, moving from a traditional romantic attachment into a broad-minded idea of care for, and investment in, all similarly oppressed peoples.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (fawaz/col)

dgb artikelen (fawaz/col)
Ramzi Fawaz.
In: Gender : MacMillan Interdisciplinary Handbook Series / ed. by Renée C. Hoogland. - Farmington Hill, MI : MacMillan Reference, 2016. - p. 137-152.

LGBT books from the Tamara Turner collection.

San Francisco, CA: Bolerium Books, [2016] - 25 p.: ill.
uitgave: San Francisco, CA : Bolerium Books, [2016] - 25 p.: ill.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: A selection of literature and nonfiction from the holdings of the longtime labor activist and socialist feminist Tamara Turner, including signed works by Ann Bannon, Natalie Clifford Barney, and a host of interesting pulps and first editions.

signatuur: cat. (lgbt/boo)

dgb grijs

LGBT books from the Tamara Turner collection.
cat. (lgbt/boo)dgb grijs

Lesbians Seeing Lesbians : Building Community in Early Feminist Photography, a historical perspective on the Leslie/Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art exhibition Sept. 13th - Oct. 22nd 2011  / By Ilana Eloit and Jonathan D. Katz

[New York, NY]: Leslie & Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, [2011] - 8 p.: ill.
uitgave: [New York, NY] : Leslie & Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, [2011] - 8 p.: ill.
  1. beeldende kunsten
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Essay over de lesbische beweging(en) en haar gedachtegoed in de jaren '70 in de USA, geschreven naar aanleiding van een fotoexpositie in het Leslie & Lohman Museum in 2011.

signatuur: cat. (eloit/kat)

dgb grijs

Lesbians Seeing Lesbians : Building Community in Early Feminist Photography, a historical perspective on the Leslie/Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art exhibition Sept. 13th - Oct. 22nd 2011
cat. (eloit/kat)dgb grijs


( DE:"feministen" )

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