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Leitmotiv: Forgotten women in Portuguese contemporary History (I)  / Paula Guerra.

Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2, p. 70-83
bron: Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2 , p. 70-83
samenvatting: Paula Ferreira was the first woman to own a comic book shop in Lisbon: O Mundo da Banda Desenhada (The World of Comics) in the late 1970s. Having lived through the Salazar dictatorship and the post-Salazar dictatorship period, Paula is a reference in terms of cultures of resistance in Portugal. In a society divided between cosmopolitanism and provincialism, women were still relegated to a secondary role in relation to men. Paula contested these positions and also revealed herself to be the epitome of resistance and contestation, especially because she did not give in to the normative and hegemonic aesthetics in force. She remained faithful to her authenticity. This authenticity paved the way for her subcultural female participation, gradually. Thus, based on her narrative and documents - among which we highlight her fanzine Leitmotiv - using a qualitative methodology, we approach the different facets of Paula's insurgent resistance through (1) the opening of a comoc shop and the path she traced between Portugal, London and the word; (2) her pivotal role in boosting an alternative punk scene linked to independent publications, music, fashion, film, photography and nightlife; (3) her pioneering role in artistic fields such as design and fanzines, with a content analysis of her fanzine, Leitmotiv, being the main focus.

signatuur: ts.

Leitmotiv: Forgotten women in Portuguese contemporary History (I)
Paula Guerra.
Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media

Holocaustic-Zine nº 1  / Ondina Pires.

Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2, p. 70-83
bron: Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2 , p. 70-83
samenvatting: The main intention of the Holo-caustic zine is to show the female human being through different facets, which are a construct based on a society of spectacle and consumerism. When spiritual flesh is turned into fast-food meat for consumption, love and sexuality turned into a peep-canibal-show, creativity and beauty turned into an obscene business-party and the annoying dichotomy saint/slut keeps on, one has to make up new narratives. So let's provide some "holo" through images of women of all sorts , kinds and features like the notorious Lydia "Naked" lunch or "Cramped" Poison Ivy alongside Anna Bolena, Julie Andrews and hundreds of "anonymous" "She-Wolves". Let's give a "caustic"voice through slogans, thoughts and onomatopoeia in delirium and have a great time. No more, no less.

signatuur: ts.

Holocaustic-Zine nº 1
Ondina Pires.
Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media

Recipes of resistance: Utilising zines to reclaim the kitchen as a feminist space for Asian migrant women.  / Helen Yeung.

Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2, p. 90-99
bron: Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2 , p. 90-99
samenvatting: The kitchen is a complex space for Asian migrant women, odften connected to a range of emotions encapsualted by gendered-racialized narratives of identity, culture, and histories. While the act of home-cooking can serve as a way to bridge a sense of longing for the familial home, a way to reconnect to absent women figures, it can also evoke feelings of burden and disgust caused by women's obligation to cook. In the midst of Covid-19, I released a call for contributions for Recipes for Resistance, a zine aiming to foster community care and reistance through the act of sharing recipes and collecting stories around feminism, home-cooking and collective healing. This elicited a surprising number of transnational responses, from rethinking the relationship between cooking and masculinity. to finding acts of feminist solidarity through cultural foods. In this article, I analyse six visual and written contributions made to Recipes for Resistance along with intervies with the contributors. I argiue that zines create a participatory space for Asian migrant women to engage in trannational forms of feminist activism, and reclaim the kitchen beyond heterosexist, patriarchal, colonialist, and ca contexts.pitalis systems ingrained in their cultures of origin and white settler colonial

signatuur: ts.

Recipes of resistance: Utilising zines to reclaim the kitchen as a feminist space for Asian migrant women.
Helen Yeung.
Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media

Taking CuntRoll; a zinester testimony  / Raquel Silva.

Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2, p. 100-106
bron: Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media (2021) 2 , p. 100-106
samenvatting: This paper is about my own experience as a zine maker since 2011, when I first edited and published the first number of CuntRoll zine. The contrubtions for the first issue were created by my group of friends who were apiring artists, from illustration to writing or comics. I was surrounded by a group of female identified queer pwople who loved art and to create as much as I did. We needed to express ourselves in order to survive and the best part was having someone else to share our art with. As a recent student in a socioloy master, my focus is to research and write about queer culture in a small country such as Portugal, but more specifically in isolated regions, such as the islands of Azores and Madeira. This paper focusses on my personal perspective as a zine maker, lover and artivist over the last 9 years

signatuur: ts.

Taking CuntRoll; a zinester testimony
Raquel Silva.
Zines: An International Journal on Amateur and DIY Media

Genderqueer: A Memoir  / 

Maia Kobabe.Antwerpen: Infodok, 2023 - 240 p.: ill.
uitgave: Antwerpen: Infodok, 2023 - 240 p.: ill.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Gender Queer: A Memoir. - Portland, USA: Oni-Lion Forge Publishing Group, 2019.
samenvatting: Genderqueer, de autobiografische graphic novel waarin Maia Kobabe allerlei demonen uit het verleden uitdrijft, is het verslag van een reis naar zelfidentificatie. Je leest over de verwarring en vernedering die puberale verliefdheden met zich mee kunnen brengen, over worstelen met je coming-out tegenover je familie en de maatschappij, over het vinden van echte vrienden, over erotische LGBTQ+ -fanfictie als uitlaatklep... Genderqueer was oorspronkelijk bedoeld om Maia's familie uit te leggen wat het betekent om non-binair en aseksueel te zijn. Maar het werd veel meer dan een persoonlijk verhaal: het groeide uit tot een ontroerende gids die genderidentiteit bespreekbaar en inzichtelijk maakt voor vrienden, bondgenoten, en eigenlijk iedereen.

signatuur: cat. (kobab/gen) b


Genderqueer: A Memoir
cat. (kobab/gen) b ODE3 BIO
Maia Kobabe.


( DE:"fanfictie" )

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