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Aantal resultaten: 14( DE:"cross-dressing" )


Bureau zedenpolitie  / 

Rudolf Reevers.Rotterdam: Algemene Nederlandse Ui[t]geverij, [1957] - 220 p.
uitgave: Rotterdam: Algemene Nederlandse Ui[t]geverij, [1957] - 220 p.
samenvatting: Gefictionaliseerd verslag van het werk van de zedenpolitie uit kamer 13, in het bijzonder inspecteur Groenendal, vooral bedoeld als realistische erotische literatuur. Voornamelijk worden heteroseksuele zedendelicten beschreven waarbij geaast wordt op minderjarige meisjes die betrokken worden bij seksuele orgieën, seksueel geweld en prostitutie. Ook wordt ergens gemeld dat nare seksuele ervaringen met mannen lesbische neigingen kunnen veroorzaken, dat vooral priesters pederasten zijn, en er is een zaak van een knappe jongen die zich als vrouw voordoet. Hij zoekt relaties met mannen die als ze er achterkomen dat hij man is, boos worden. De polite vindt het het beste om hem naar de psychiater te sturen. De psychische oorzaak is volgens de zedenpolitie snel gevonden. Hij is zonder mannen in de buurt opgegroeid en als heel mooi jongetje door zijn zussen vaak verkleed als meisje.

signatuur: cat. (reeve/bur) kluis fb

Bureau zedenpolitie
cat. (reeve/bur) kluis fb
Rudolf Reevers.

Les damnés de la nuit  / 

Jeremy Reed ; traduit de l'anglais par Patrick Hersant ; préface de Kathleen Raine.Paris: Granit, 1993 - 198 p.
uitgave: Paris: Granit, 1993 - 198 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: The Lipstick Boys. - London : Enitharmon Press, 1984.

signatuur: cat. (reed-j/dam) fb

Les damnés de la nuit
cat. (reed-j/dam) fb
Jeremy Reed ; traduit de l'anglais par Patrick Hersant ; préface de Kathleen Raine.

Onnagata : Gender variance in Edo Period Japan  / by Marie Kudo.

[Berkely, CA]: [Pacific School of Religion], 2012 - 20 p.
uitgave: [Berkely, CA] : [Pacific School of Religion], 2012 - 20 p.
  1. crossdressing/drag
  2. podiumkunsten
samenvatting: One of the most popular forms of entertainment during the Edo period in Japan was kabuki. At first, kabuki was performed only by women, mores precisely, by prostitutes. However because the government during the Edo-period banned female-kabuki, soon kabuki came to be performed only by men, so male actors came to perform both male and female roles. Those who played only female roles were calles onnagata (women's role). Today's onnagata wear women's clothes and play female roles only on the kabuki stage, but during the Edo periods, many onnagata wore women's clothes in their daily lives too. Many of them also worked as entertainers and prostitutes. Boys who aimed to be an onnagata and who could not perform on the stage yet were called kagema. Kagema also dressed in women's clothes and worked as prostitutes to earn a living. For them, working as kagema was considered part of their training to become a good omnagata. This paper focusses on the figure of the onnagata of the Edo period in Japan and how they represented unique gender expression that trancended today's Western norm of gender and sexuality.

signatuur: cat. (kudo/onn)

dgb grijs

Onnagata : Gender variance in Edo Period Japan
cat. (kudo/onn)dgb grijs

Notes on a proto-queer Rachilde: Decadence, deviance and (reverse) discourse in La Marquise de Sade  / Lisa Downing.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 16-27
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 15 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 16-27
samenvatting: This article explores new ways in which the French female Decadent writer Rachilde (Marguerite Eymery Vallette, 1860-1953) may be profitably viewed as a 'proto-queer' writer. While previous published works argue for Rachilde as 'proto-queer' primarily by analysing her games with gendered language and gender inversion, this article contends that Rachilde's deployment of discourses of sexual perversion against the ideological grain places her writing into a queer genealogy. The argument is developed via a close reading of Rachilde's novel of 1887, La Marquise de Sade. Her use of female death-driven perversion as a strategy of anti-social critique in this novel can be productively read alongside recent queer criticisms of reproductive futurism such as those by Lee Edelman.

signatuur: ts.

Notes on a proto-queer Rachilde: Decadence, deviance and (reverse) discourse in La Marquise de Sade
Lisa Downing.

Mockery or fantasy? : Transvestite characters, cross-dressing and subaltern sexualities in sketches in French talk shows  / Nelly Quemener.

Sexualities, 15 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 80-92
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 15 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 80-92
samenvatting: For the past 30 years, French comedians have resorted to cross-dressing as a key comic mechanism and have used subaltern sexualities as objects of mockery. In this article, I analyse the extent to which these sketches denaturalize sex-gender binarisms. While cross-dressing by male humorists such as Elie Semoun and Antoine de Caunes results in failed visual imitations of femininity that underpin the binary sex-gender system, the performance of masculinity by female humorists such as Julie Ferrier and Florence Foresti relies on body language, embodiment, gestures and speech that suggest the possibility of blurring the causal chain between sex and gender. Through this analysis, I question the signifying power of gender parodies in a contemporary France dominated by masculine white heterosexual hegemony.

signatuur: ts.

Mockery or fantasy? : Transvestite characters, cross-dressing and subaltern sexualities in sketches in French talk shows
Nelly Quemener.

Drag Kings by Any Other Name  / Clare Wall.

Gay & Lesbian Review, 21 (2014) 2 (mar-apr), p. 14-16
bron: Gay & Lesbian Review jaargang: 21 (2014) 2 (mar-apr), p. 14-16
samenvatting: History of the cross-dressing women or drag kings in the literature and entertainment industry in Europe and USA, starting from the mythology, medieval period till the arrival of the 21st century.

signatuur: ts.

Drag Kings by Any Other Name
Clare Wall.
Gay & Lesbian Review

Van het mannelijk geslacht,.... en homofiel zijn : een verkennend onderzoek m.b.t. homofiele jongens/mannen op Curaçao in relatie tot de G.H.A.  / W.R. Piternella.

Curaçao: Bureau voor Levens- en Gezinsmoeilijkheden, 1981 - 84 bl.+ bijl.
uitgave: Curaçao : Bureau voor Levens- en Gezinsmoeilijkheden, 1981 - 84 bl.+ bijl.
  1. lhbti-beweging
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Verkennend onderzoek naar homojongens/-mannen op Curaçao. Door middel van interviews wordt informatie ingewonnen over het proces van bewustwording en aanvaarding van de identiteit, de manier waarop ze hun leven leiden, reacties van de familie en houding van de respondenten ten opzichte van de Grupo Homofilia Antiyano, de homobeweging in Curaçao.

signatuur: cat. (piter/van) g

Van het mannelijk geslacht,.... en homofiel zijn : een verkennend onderzoek m.b.t. homofiele jongens/mannen op Curaçao in relatie tot de G.H.A.
cat. (piter/van) g

Revelations : Chronicles and Visions from the Sexual Underworld  / 

Housk Randall.London: Woodward, 1993 - [Unpaged]: ill.
uitgave: London: Woodward, 1993 - [Unpaged]: ill.
samenvatting: Foto's van mensen met een voorliefde voor bijzondere, sexy outfits: fetisjisme, bdsm, visagie, lak, leer en rubber. Bij de foto's miniatuurverhalen.

signatuur: cat. (randa-h/rev) bb

Revelations : Chronicles and Visions from the Sexual Underworld
cat. (randa-h/rev) bb
Housk Randall.

Hannah Höch, Til Brugman, Lesbianism, and Weimar Sexual Subculture  / Julie Nero.

[Cleveland, OH]: Case Western Reserve University, 2013 - xxiii, 473 p.: ill.
uitgave: [Cleveland, OH] : Case Western Reserve University, 2013 - xxiii, 473 p.: ill.
  1. beeldende kunsten
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Hannah Höch was an avid collector of Weimar print media and her signature medium was the photomontage. Because of this, her work is generally explored within the context of mainstream media and, to a degree, this is adequate. Yet this dissertation questions the completeness of this path of enquiry and newly examines Höch?s oeuvre within an expanded context of media generated by sexology, ethnography, medicine, and sexual subculture. Furthermore, while diverse contemporary media were integral to Höch?s oeuvre, the close correlation between her artistic themes and her intimate relationships has yet to be fully examined. In her early photomontages, Höch?s engagement with gender largely reflected her relationship with Raoul Hausmann and her difficult status as the sole woman among the Berlin Dadaists. Her engagement with gender grew and became more focused after 1926 when Höch entered into a ten year lesbian partnership with the Dutch writer Mathilda 'Til' Brugman. While this relationship has received cursory scholarly attention, it was arguably the artist's most significant personal bond and influenced her oeuvre considerably. Moreover, during her years with Brugman, Höch?s photomontages clearly reflected lesbian subculture, as this dissertation will definitively establish. Höch and Brugman collaborated on a number of creative projects that satirically and critically addressed social and political issues, particularly those related to concepts of gender identity. Knowledge of Weimar sexual and medical discourse found expression in both women?s work and indicates that they were familiar with vanguard surgical procedures. Although the two women separated in 1936, Höch?s exploration of the social construction of gender remained a key theme in her photomontages and continued to occupy her well into the 1970s.

signatuur: cat. (nero/han)

dgb grijs

Hannah Höch, Til Brugman, Lesbianism, and Weimar Sexual Subculture
cat. (nero/han)dgb grijs

'I am Lenni' : Boys, sexualisation, and the dangerous colour pink  / Annamari Vänskä.

Sexualities, 22 (2019) 3 (mar), p. 296-309
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 22 (2019) 3 (mar), p. 296-309
samenvatting: On 31 May 2015, a self-identified mother, Mari Niinikoski published an open post on Facebook. It was about her son, Lenni, and how adults constantly ridiculed him in various social situations for cross-dressing and for his interest in girly stuff and the colour pink. This article asks why it is a problem that a little boy likes pink and wants to wear a dress? Why is liking 'girly stuff' considered detrimental for boys? What is at stake - especially when the history of men and fashion indicates that skirts, dresses and pink were long part of a masculine wardrobe? When did skirts, dresses and pink become feminised and signs of deviant sexuality? To answer these questions, the article will address the question of fashion and sexuality, the history of skirts and dresses, the changing meanings of the colour pink, the problem of heteronormative childhood, and, lastly, the problem of hegemonic masculinity.

signatuur: ts.

'I am Lenni' : Boys, sexualisation, and the dangerous colour pink
Annamari Vänskä.


( DE:"cross-dressing" )

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