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Aantal resultaten: 5( DE:"corruptie" )


Protecting 'morals' by dehumanising suspected LGBTI persons? : a critique of the enforcement of the laws criminalising same-sex conduct in Ugana  / Ed. Adrian Jjuuko, Chris Dolan.

[S.l.]: Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL) and Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), 2013 - 87 p.
uitgave: [S.l.] : Civil Society Coalition on Human Rights and Constitutional Law (CSCHRCL) and Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF), 2013 - 87 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. lhbt
samenvatting: This study demonstrates the general absence of convictions (or even acquitals) in five recent years under the penal law against 'carnal knowledge against the order of nature' in Uganda. Nontheless they are widely enforced. In many instances, the laws are abused and constitutional protections are ignored. Thus the Penal Code ends up being used to persecute LGBTI persons. Findings are that the most targeted group are transgender persons due to their appearance, that people are arrested before investigating the case, that people are often released after 'settling' the matter, usually through the payment of money, that usually no records of these cases are entered into the police books, that the process of arrest is usually done in public and cases of these kind are usually given extensice coverage in the media, that consensual adult same-sex relations are conflated with paedophilia.

signatuur: cat. (prote/mor)

dgb grijs

Protecting 'morals' by dehumanising suspected LGBTI persons? : a critique of the enforcement of the laws criminalising same-sex conduct in Ugana
cat. (prote/mor)dgb grijs

The Development of the Homosexual Bar as an Institution  / Nancy Achilles.

Chicago, IL: University of Chicago, 1964 - 18 p.
uitgave: Chicago, IL : University of Chicago, 1964 - 18 p.
  1. recreatie/uitgaan
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: The bar is the primary and necessary locus for the male homosexual community. Its importance derives from the requirement that people who live in a subculture have the opportunity to get together. Since homosexuality for the most part occurs during leasure hours, the bar meets all the requirements of an institution that can service the community.

signatuur: cat. (achil/dev)

dgb grijs

The Development of the Homosexual Bar as an Institution
cat. (achil/dev)dgb grijs

Gay Politics and Police Politics in the American City  / Christopher Lowen Agee.

Notches 25-02-2016
bron: Notches 25-02-2016
samenvatting: Police entered the post-World War II period with vast discretionary powers over San Francisco's LGBT residents. Unexpectedly, the politics of redevelopment opened an opportunity for gay-bar owners to challenge that discretion. During the 1950s, urban reformers began viewing police extortion as an obstacle to federal redevelopment grants, and they therefore launched a movement against police corruption. Gay-bar owners achieved a civic voice by placing themselves at the forefront of that professionalization campaign. Ultimately, these gay-bar owners used the politics of discretion to forge a new enduring liberal coalition and ideology.

signatuur: full_text

Gay Politics and Police Politics in the American City
Christopher Lowen Agee.

Les Coulisses (Scandales de Moeurs)  / 

Alfred Stéphanie ; trad. de l'allemand par XXX.Paris: Librairie Universelle, 1908 - 346 p.
uitgave: Paris: Librairie Universelle, 1908 - 346 p.
annotatie: Ondertitel op cover: Germanisation, Prostitution, Viveurs royaux et princiers, L'Armee. Alfred Stephanie en vertaler XXX zijn waarschijnlijk pseudoniemen van Jules Hoche (Strasbourg, 19 novembre 1858- Saint-Chéron, 7 mars 1926).
samenvatting: Monografie over de corruptie en praktijken achter de schermen van de politiek, de gegoede klasse en het leger.

signatuur: cat. (stepha/cou) kluis b

Les Coulisses (Scandales de Moeurs)
cat. (stepha/cou) kluis b
Alfred Stéphanie ; trad. de l'allemand par XXX.

Our Lady of the Assassins  / regie Barbet Schroeder

2008 - spaans frans
    Type materiaal: dvdMaker: regie Barbet SchroederLand: colombiaJaar van productie: 2008Ondertiteling: nederlandsKleur: kl

Genre: speelfilms

samenvatting: Schrijver Fernando, keert terug naar zijn geboortestad Medellin in Colombia en ontdekt dat de ooit zo idyllische stad is verworden tot een broedplaats voor corruptie en verwildering. In een bordeel ontmoet hij de jonge Alexis, lid van een jeugdbende. Hun vriendschap ontwikkelt zich tot een heftige relatie, die op een noodlottig einde afstevent wanneer duidelijk wordt dat Fernando zich verkijkt op de realiteit.

signatuur: 5949

Our Lady of the Assassins


( DE:"corruptie" )

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&q=( DE:"corruptie" )&start=0&rows=10&facet=on&facet.field=W1&facet.query=jaar_vz:[* TO 1959]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1960 TO 1969]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1970 TO 1979]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1980 TO 1989]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[1990 TO 1999]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[2000 TO 2009]&facet.query=jaar_vz:[2010 TO *]&facet.query=DC:OpenUp&facet.field=LA&facet.field=VO&facet.field=VO_EN&facet.field=TH&facet.field=TA&facet.field=TA_EN&facet.mincount=1&hl=on&hl.fl=BS,IR,BIO&hl.simple.pre=&hl.simple.post=&sort=B desc

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