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Aantal resultaten: 10( DE:"confucianisme" )


Homosexuality and world religions  / 

ed. by Arlene Swidler.Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1993 - viii, 232 p.
uitgave: Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1993 - viii, 232 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr. passim.
samenvatting: "... illuminates the ambiguous status of homosexuality and lesbianism in religious texts and traditions as well as their place in religious culture."

signatuur: cat. (homosexuality/wor) b


Homosexuality and world religions
cat. (homosexuality/wor) b ODE3
ed. by Arlene Swidler.

Een muur van stilzwijgen  / Folmer Spierstra.

Squeeze, 3 (1997/1998) 1 (dec/jan), p. 86-89
bron: Squeeze jaargang: 3 (1997/1998) 1 (dec/jan), p. 86-89
samenvatting: Interview met drie jonge Chinese homomannen over hun leven in China, waar homoseksualiteit vanwege het confucianisme en de overheid niet wordt geaccepteerd, maar toch oogluikend wordt toegestaan. Tevens een lijst met enkele Chinese aan homoseksualiteit gerelateerde termen en een uitleg van het confucianisme.

signatuur: ts.

Een muur van stilzwijgen
Folmer Spierstra.

Confucius, bedankt! : De chinese homo leidt een dubbelleven  / Remy Christini.

NRC 18-02-2007
bron: NRC 18-02-2007
samenvatting: China heeft niets tegen homo's. Als ze maar trouwen en kinderen krijgen. De dubbele moraal van een grootmacht in wording. Pas in 2001 werd homoseksualitiet geschrapt als een officiële geestesziekte. In de grote steden zijn gay bars waar schoonheidswedstrijden voor travestieten worden gehouden.

signatuur: knipsel datum

Confucius, bedankt! : De chinese homo leidt een dubbelleven
knipsel datum
Remy Christini.

Mirror Rubbing : A Critical Genealogy of Pre-Modern Chinese Female Same-Sex Eroticism  / Liang Shi.

Journal of Homosexuality, 60 (2013) 5 (may), p. 750-772
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 60 (2013) 5 (may), p. 750-772
samenvatting: This article offers a critical genealogy of pre-modern Chinese female same-sex relationships. Through the analysis of the primary source materials in history, fiction, and drama, the author shows that female homosexuality is silenced and suppressed. To Confucianism, female same-sex relationships threaten to exclude men from accessing female sex and keep women away from participating in extending the family line. Even the Daoist theory of sex can be used to discriminate against female homosexuality by denying women the ability to initiate and maintain the cycle of yin-yang interaction in sexual intercourse. There are 2 recurring themes in the male writers' imaginings of female same-sex eroticism. First, heterosexuality is the preferred sexual order, and female same-sex desire arises due to the lack of sexual access to men. Second, heterosexual relationships and intercourse are the norm that female homosexuality aspires to imitate. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2013.773824#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

Mirror Rubbing : A Critical Genealogy of Pre-Modern Chinese Female Same-Sex Eroticism
Liang Shi.
Journal of Homosexuality

Gay and Lesbian Rights in Confucian Asia : The Cases of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan  / John Cheo.

Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania, 2014 - 84 p.
uitgave: Philadelphia, PA : University of Pennsylvania, 2014 - 84 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: From being a love that dared not speak its name to one that is legally recognized by many countries today, same-sex acts and relations have indeed undergone a remarkable transformation in terms of how they are perceived and, consequently, regulated. Yet, globally speaking, this transformation is taking place unevenly as many countries continue to criminalize homosexuality and the commission of same-sex acts. In Asia, a region that has traditionally if misguidedly been seen as more sexually conservative than the socalled 'Wild West,' the debate over the acceptability of homosexuality rages on. As three of Asia?s most economically developed, cosmopolitan, and Confucian Chinese-majority societies, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan nevertheless treat homosexuality very differently; sex between males continue to be a crime in Singapore while Taiwan appears poised to be Asia?s first country to legalize same-sex marriage. This paper seeks to examine the domestic and external factors that combine to produce in each country a unique set of dynamics and logics governing public policy and discourse about homosexuality. It is argued that one-party hegemony in Singapore, transfer of Hong Kong?s sovereignty to China, and Taiwan?s insecure international status vis-à-vis China represent the primary factors mediating state regulation of homosexuality. This paper also includes a survey of traditional Chinese, Confucian, and Japanese attitudes regarding homosexuality, as well as the implications of Singapore being the only de jure independent sovereign state among the three case studies.

signatuur: cat. (cheo/gay)

dgb grijs

Gay and Lesbian Rights in Confucian Asia : The Cases of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan
cat. (cheo/gay)dgb grijs

LGBT Rights versus Asian Values : De/Re-Constructing the Universality of Human Rights  / Po-Han Lee.

International Journal of Human Rights, 20 (2016) 7, p. 978-992
bron: International Journal of Human Rights jaargang: 20 (2016) 7 , p. 978-992
samenvatting: Law, especially from the international human rights regime, is a direct reference on which minority groups rely when it comes to 'non-discrimination'. Drawing upon LGBT rights in Taiwan, as well as Hong Kong and Singapore, this paper - through an application of K.H. Chen's (2010) Asia as method - critically reviews how global LGBT politics interact with local societies influenced by Confucianism. Along a perpetual competition between the universalism and cultural relativism of human rights, this paper not only identifies the pitfalls of 'Asian values' from a cosmopolitan perspective but also contributes to a queered approach to human rights-holders against homonationalism.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lee-p/lgb)

LGBT Rights versus Asian Values : De/Re-Constructing the Universality of Human Rights
dgb artikelen (lee-p/lgb)
Po-Han Lee.
International Journal of Human Rights

Internalized Homonegativity, Confucianism, and Self-Esteem at the Emergence of an LGBTQ Identity in Modern Vietnam  / Tam Nguyen, Holly Angelique.

Journal of Homosexuality, 64 (2017) 12, p. 1617-1631
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 64 (2017) 12 , p. 1617-1631
samenvatting: We examine the relationships between internalized homonegativity, Confucianism, and self-esteem among LGBTQ adults who grew up during the Open Door Policy, or Dôi Moi, in Vietnam. Participants were identified via activist networks and social media groups. They completed online survey focused on internalized homo/transphobia, self-esteem, and Confucian values. The study revealed that more exposure to Confucian values in early life is related to higher levels of internalized homonegativity. Male-born participants also had a higher level of internalized homonegativity than female-born participants. In general, lower levels of self-esteem were also related to higher levels of internalized homonegativity. We discuss the implications of these findings in light of conflicting values between Confucianism and the economic and social transformation that has occurred under Dôi Moi.

signatuur: ts.

Internalized Homonegativity, Confucianism, and Self-Esteem at the Emergence of an LGBTQ Identity in Modern Vietnam
Tam Nguyen, Holly Angelique.
Journal of Homosexuality

Retribution, Reward, and Reincarnation: Gender Nonnormativity as the Supernatural in Late Imperial Chinas Gender System  / Ao Huange.

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 31 (2022) 3 (sep), p. 302-334
bron: Journal of the History of Sexuality jaargang: 31 (2022) 3 (sep), p. 302-334
samenvatting: Understanding the supernatural seems to be in epistemological tension with the formation and theorization of queer subjecthood, which is generally characterized as secular and progressive. Under the framework of neo-liberal modernity and Western sexual exceptionalism, "normative queer subjects" have been constructed as rational and incompatible with understandings of spirituality, faith, or religion. Similarly, certain mainstream strands of queer theory seem to be committed to "an existential scepticism regarding the possibility of a transcendent, divine source of meaning." This incompatibility can also be found in scholarship on queer history. Such tension has been markedly exacerbated by Michel Foucault's works, which drive historians to "privilege science and medicine as the epistemic leverage for the formation of modern gender and sexual identities." The resulting overlooking of supernatural elements also exists in the field of China's queer history, which tends to focus on more tangible powers and regulations of gender transgression through empirical analysis of political, legal, and medical discourse. This is acknowledged by Wu Cuncun, who recognizes the important influence of Foucault and suggests that, as a result, '"much of [the] attention given to sexual attitudes in Chinese history in recent years has centred on discussions of law and authority." Apart from these contemporary scholarship traditions, the marginalization of supernatural elements has also resulted from earlier and larger epistemological assumptions closely entangled with colonialism and Orientalism. Judith T. Zeitlin observes that literature of the strange had been indiscriminately read as superstitious or timeless religious beliefs by nineteenth-century sinologists and missionaries due to colonialist assumptions that Western science was inherently superior to indigenous ways of explaining the natural world. Similar assumptions also existed when explaining human bodies and desires. Such antisuperstitious reading even prevailed through the twentieth century, with multiple waves of antisuperstition movements arising from the Republic of China period to the People's Republic of China today. Thus, human subjectivities and gendered meanings behind Chinese supernatural storytelling traditions have been further concealed by Western and modern epistemes. Scholars have produced brilliant works drawing upon late imperial legal sources. However, these works tend to revolve around cases of sodomy, and the embedded judicial discourse, which prioritized conviction of criminals, inevitably distorted and overshadowed human agency and emotional elements such as passion and love among nonnormative sexual subjects. Aiming to complete the picture with emotional and romantic bonds, several works look at homoerotic novels and literary accounts by late imperial elite men, which tend to focus on the urban homoerotic scene and the gender-crossing phenomenon related to the entertainment sector. However, such emotional bonds were largely products of elite men's self-representation or rhetorical strategies, whereas subaltern men's own subjectivities were inevitably excluded. Also excluded were queer women in late imperial China, who have left even fewer traces in these writings. To overcome this historiographical and theoretical marginalization, this article aims to recenter the supernatural in exploring the meanings and constructions of gender nonnormativity in late imperial China. As the scholarship on premodern Chinese writings of the supernatural showcases, these writings had a long intellectual tradition, and the anomalies documented were considered not only as ontological categories recording natural phenomena or literary fabrication but also as a rhetorical and epistemological category influencing social, cultural, and moral discourse. Similarly, understandings of the supernatural also formed an indispensable part of late imperial China's gender system, and literary constructions of gender and supernatural motifs did not, as Zeitlin considers, "passively reflect social or religious reality but [were] actively involved in shaping it." Furthermore, the yin/yang paradigm of gender differences was essentially based on the two fundamental cosmological pulses of yin and yang in ancient Chinese cosmology. This cosmological notion, as Song Geng illustrates, went through Confucianization and became inextricably linked with morals and hierarchies regulating family and gender relations that were derived from the principle of tianren heyi (the unity of Heaven and man).

signatuur: ts.

Retribution, Reward, and Reincarnation: Gender Nonnormativity as the Supernatural in Late Imperial Chinas Gender System
Ao Huange.
Journal of the History of Sexuality

The Secrets of a Loyalist Soul: Psychoanalysis and Homosexuality in Wartime China  / Howard Chiang.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 29 (2023) 1 (jan), p. 61-76
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 29 (2023) 1 (jan), p. 61-76
samenvatting: In the 1930s, Peking Union Medical College oversaw the most advanced neuropsychiatric unit in China. Li, a married twenty-two-year-old college student, sought treatment there in 1937 for his anxiety disorder. In ten months with therapist Bingham Dai (1899-1996), Li worked out his secret desire for homosexual and extramarital relations. Dai, trained in sociology at the University of Chicago, interpreted Li's condition in terms of the psychology of wartime collaboration. Drawing on this case study, this article accomplishes three objectives. First, it reassesses the historical relationship between psychoanalysis and homosexuality in a non-Western context. The particular dynamics of Sino-Japanese relations advances a rethinking of the global history of sexual science. Second, the essay aims to elucidate the multiple currents of psychodynamic thinking in 1930s China. Dai integrated psychoanalysis into a clinical setting and stressed the unlocking of Chinese cultural factors as the key to successful therapeutic outcome. What distinguished Dai was his interest in the epistemological overlaps between the neo-Freudian and Confucian approaches to social relations and interpersonal dynamics. Finally, the article discusses how Dai's treatment of Li raises subversive questions about the fragile position of the therapist himself, with respect to both sexual orientation and nationalist identification.

signatuur: ts.

The Secrets of a Loyalist Soul: Psychoanalysis and Homosexuality in Wartime China
Howard Chiang.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

'Cao Cao loved him': Same-sex love at the end of the Han dynasty  / Lee Raye.

Notches 08-06-2021
bron: Notches 08-06-2021
samenvatting: The end of the Han dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE) was a time of turmoil popularly known as the Three Kingdoms period, where rival warlords vied for hegemony as imperial power declined. War and famine led to an estimated seventy percent drop in total population by the beginning of the succeeding Jin dynasty, but despite this upheaval Han cultural mores persisted, including the acceptance and widespread practice of aristocratic same-sex intimacy. Historian Bret Hinsch has collected evidence of at least ten different Han emperors who openly engaged in same-sex relationships with a favoured courtier, showing that "not only was male love accepted, but it permeated the fabric of upper-class life".

signatuur: dgb artikelen (raye-l/cao)

'Cao Cao loved him': Same-sex love at the end of the Han dynasty
dgb artikelen (raye-l/cao)
Lee Raye.


( DE:"confucianisme" )

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