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Aantal resultaten: 8( DE:"communicatiewetenschap" )


Communication and the AIDS crisis  / guest eds.: Robert Norton, Jim Hughey.

Communication Research, 17 (1990) 6 (dec), p. 733-870
bron: Communication Research jaargang: 17 (1990) 6 (dec), p. 733-870
samenvatting: Themanummer over AIDS, met bijdr. vanuit een informatie- en communicatiewetenschappelijk perspectief. De relevante artikelen zijn afzonderlijk beschreven.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map commu#aids

Communication and the AIDS crisis
dgb artikelen, map commu#aids
guest eds.: Robert Norton, Jim Hughey.
Communication Research

The communication scholar in the AIDS crisis  / Robert Norton.

Communication Research, 17 (1990) 6 (dec), p. 733-742
bron: Communication Research jaargang: 17 (1990) 6 (dec), p. 733-742
samenvatting: Introduces the concept of communications research with regards to the AIDS-crisis. Notes that AIDS is as much a community problem as a disease affecting individuals, a problem that is defined, challenged and treated primarily through communications.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map commu#aids (norton-r/com)

The communication scholar in the AIDS crisis
dgb artikelen, map commu#aids (norton-r/com)
Robert Norton.
Communication Research

Aidsdiskurs: Herausforderung für die Kommunikationswissenschaft zwischen massenmedialer Aufbereitung, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung : Diplomarbeit  / vorgelegt von Frank Michael Amort.

Wien: Universität Wien, 1994 - 138 p.: ill.
uitgave: Wien : Universität Wien, 1994 - 138 p.: ill.
  1. hiv/aids
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Analyse van de aids-discours in de massamedia en het gebruik van massamediale preventiemethoden, o.a. in Nederland.

signatuur: cat. (amort/aid) g

Aidsdiskurs: Herausforderung für die Kommunikationswissenschaft zwischen massenmedialer Aufbereitung, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung : Diplomarbeit
cat. (amort/aid) g

Vrouwenstudies in de cultuurwetenschappen  / 

Rosemarie Buikema, Anneke Smelik (red.).Muiderberg: Coutinho, 1993 - 251 p.
uitgave: Muiderberg: Coutinho, 1993 - 251 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 228-249
samenvatting: A.d.h.v. analyses van Alice Walkers The color purple, wordt nagegaan wat vrouwenstudies heeft opgeleverd voor geschied-, literatuur-, taal- en theaterwetenschap, filmkunde, muziekwetenschap, kunstgeschiedenis en massacommunicatie.

signatuur: cat. (vrouwens/cul) b

Vrouwenstudies in de cultuurwetenschappen
cat. (vrouwens/cul) b
Rosemarie Buikema, Anneke Smelik (red.).

Disciplining "Sextext" : queers, fears, and communication studies  / A. Susan Owen.

Journal of Homosexuality, 45 (2003) 2/3/4, p. 297-317
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 45 (2003) 2/3/4 , p. 297-317
samenvatting: This essay is a critical interrogation of disciplinary responses to Tom Nakayama and Fred Corey_s 1997 Text and Performance Quarterly essay, "Sextext." Disciplinary responses to the essay suggest strong resistance to queer theory as a "legitimate" intellectual and critical framework. By reading the responses to "Sextext" through the lens of queer theory, and by offering a political reading of conventional studies of sexual representation, this essay suggests how disciplinary boundaries in Communication Studies are policed to protect the production of "legitimate" scholarship. By revealing these practices, this essay provides further support for the central value of queer theory to the discipline of Communication Studies. [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Disciplining "Sextext" : queers, fears, and communication studies
A. Susan Owen.
Journal of Homosexuality

An Annotated Bibliography of LGBTQ Rhetorics  / Matthew B. Cox, Michael J. Faris.

Present Tense, 4 (2015) 2, p. 1-161
bron: Present Tense jaargang: 4 (2015) 2 , p. 1-161
samenvatting: The early 1970s marked the first publications both in English studies and communication studies to address lesbian and gay issues. In 1973, James W. Chesebro, John F. Cragan, and Patricia McCullough published an article in Speech Monographs exploring consciousness-raising by members of Gay Liberation. The following year, Louie Crew and Rictor Norton's special issue on The Homosexual Imagination appeared in College English. In the four decades since these publications, the body of work in rhetorical studies within both fields that addresses lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (hereafter LGBTQ) issues has grown quite drastically. While the first few decades marked slow and interstitial development of this work, it has burgeoned into a rigorous, exciting, and diverse body of literature since the turn of the century - a body of literature that shows no signs of slowing down in its growth. An annotated bibliography of rhetorical studies scholarship that addresses LGBTQ issues and queer theory would have been quite manageable only a decade ago. In 2001, Frederick C. Corey, Ralph R. Smith, and Thomas K. Nakayama delivered a compiled bibliography of scholarship in communication studies that addressed LGBTQ issues at the National Communication Association Convention. This bibliography compiled a list of 66 journal articles in communication studies published between 1973 and 2001 (Corey, Smith, and Nakayama; Yep 15) that revealed a slowly growing field. The development of such a rich body of work in rhetorical studies, especially over the last decade, has warranted an annotated bibliography of rhetorical scholarship that addresses LGBTQ issues and incorporates queer theory. This bibliography is not the first in rhetorical studies to attempt to collect work that addresses LGBTQ rhetorical scholarship: We want to acknowledge previous bibliographic work, including Corey, Smith, and Nakayama's; Rebecca Moore Howard's; and Jonathan Alexander and Michael J. Faris's. While these bibliographies have been useful for scholars interested in LGBTQ rhetorical studies, they have quickly become outdated, are limited in their disciplinarity - either bibliographies in communication studies or in English studies - and do not provide annotations for readers. This bibliography, then, is motivated by a series of exigencies. First and foremost is visibility and accessibility of research and scholarship in LGBTQ rhetorics. As Charles E. Morris III and K. J. Rawson note, while queer scholarship in rhetorical studies has been quite visible over the last decade and queer theory has been quite influential across the humanities and social sciences, rhetorical scholars have been much slower in responding to the 'queer turn'". This bibliography, we hope, can lend visibility to this body of work.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (cox-m/far)

An Annotated Bibliography of LGBTQ Rhetorics
dgb artikelen (cox-m/far)
Matthew B. Cox, Michael J. Faris.
Present Tense

Disruptive Ambiguities : The Potentiality of Jotería Critique in Communication Studies  / Robert M. Gutierrez-Perez.

Kaleidoscope : A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication, 14 (2015) 1, p. 89-100
bron: Kaleidoscope : A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication jaargang: 14 (2015) 1 , p. 89-100
samenvatting: Utilizing performative writing to interrogate the experiences of a queer Xicano male in the discipline of Communication Studies, this essay argues for specificity in dialogue with specificity to disrupt dominant and/or normalized power relations in Queer of Color Critique (QOCC) and beyond. After defining QOCC, the potentiality of jotería critique is offered as a decolonial queer praxis that focuses on hybridity, radical interconnectedness, and nonheteronormative mestiza/o sexual and gender subjectivities. Further, by embracing the ambiguities of hybridity and the politics of radical interconnectedness, Jotería communication studies is a nascent sub-discipline that works in the borderlands between the academic, the artistic, and the activist world, which contributes to and challenges the greater discipline to disrupt the multiple logics of the center in emancipatory, transformative, and embodied forms.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (gutie/dis)

Disruptive Ambiguities : The Potentiality of Jotería Critique in Communication Studies
dgb artikelen (gutie/dis)
Robert M. Gutierrez-Perez.
Kaleidoscope : A Graduate Journal of Qualitative Communication

Modeling Cultural Segregation of the Queer Community through an Adaptive Social Network Model  / Pieke Heijmans, Jip van Stijn, Jan Treur.

samenvatting: In this study, the forming of social communities and segregation is examined through a case study on the involvement in the queer community. This is examined using a temporal-causal network model. In this study, several scenarios are proposed to model this segregation and a small questionnaire is set-up to collect empirical data to validate the model. Mathematical verification provides insight in the model's expected behaviour.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (heijm/mod)

Modeling Cultural Segregation of the Queer Community through an Adaptive Social Network Model
dgb artikelen (heijm/mod)
Pieke Heijmans, Jip van Stijn, Jan Treur.
In: 4th International Congress on Information and Communication Technology - ICICT Vol. 2 / red. Yang, X-S ...[et al.]. - London: Springer, 2019. - p. 233-248.


( DE:"communicatiewetenschap" )

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