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Aantal resultaten: 19( DE:"classificatiesystemen" )


Klassifikations-system biblioteket Landsforeningen for Bosser & Lesbiske.

København: Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske [LBL], 1990 - [8] p.
uitgave: København : Landsforeningen for Bøsser og Lesbiske [LBL], 1990 - [8] p.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Decimaal classificatiesysteem voor onderwerpen en namen van landen in het Deens.

signatuur: cat. (klass/bib) k

Klassifikations-system biblioteket Landsforeningen for Bosser & Lesbiske.
cat. (klass/bib) k

Classification schemes for lesbian/gay materials  / comp. by Dee Michel.

[Chicago, IL]: Gay and Lesbian Task Force [GLTF] [of the] American Library Association [ALA], 1990 - 2 bl.
uitgave: [Chicago, IL] : Gay and Lesbian Task Force [GLTF] [of the] American Library Association [ALA], 1990 - 2 bl.
  1. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Overzicht van classificatieschema's met een korte omschrijving.

signatuur: cat. (miche/cla) cg

Classification schemes for lesbian/gay materials
cat. (miche/cla) cg

Het DIALOOG - dokumentatiesysteem en het inventarisatie-onderzoek  / Martien Sleutjes.

[S.l.: s.n.], 1981 - 16 bl.
uitgave: [S.l. : s.n.], 1981 - 16 bl.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Tussentijds verslag van een onderzoek naar de Geestelijke Volksgezondheidszorg, waarin het inventariseren en ordenen van Dialoog een steeds grotere rol ging spelen. bl. 5-8 geeft een omschrijving van de hoofdcategorieën en enkele subcategorieën

signatuur: cat. (sleut/dia) g

Het DIALOOG - dokumentatiesysteem en het inventarisatie-onderzoek
cat. (sleut/dia) g

Know how conference program : 22-26 August : workshops  / [participants:] Lucinda Zoe ... [et al.].

Amsterdam: IIAV, 1998 - 22 versch. gepag. bl.
uitgave: Amsterdam : IIAV, 1998 - 22 versch. gepag. bl.
  1. archieven/bibliotheken/musea
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Verslag van twee workshops tijdens de Know How Conference voor inheemse vrouwen, resp. over lesbische archieven en documentatiecentra en over classificatiesystemen en onderwerpsindexering. Ook de Homosaurus van Homodok en het Anna Blamanhuis kwamen aan de orde.

signatuur: cat. (know/how)

dgb grijs

Know how conference program : 22-26 August : workshops
cat. (know/how)dgb grijs

The Changing Terms in Sears Headings  / Sara Rofofsky Marcus.

GLBTRT Newsletter, 24 (2012) 3, p. 5
bron: GLBTRT Newsletter jaargang: 24 (2012) 3 , p. 5
samenvatting: Sears Subject Headings is a vital resource for describing materials held by small and middle-sized libraries, especially K-12 school libraries, as well as some special libraries. First released in 1923 by Minnie Earl Sears, the changes in subject headings have re-flected the changes in society. One of the best examples of this is in the area of LGBT terminology. Between the release of the 11th edition of the Sears Subject Headings in 1977 and the release of the 19th edition in 2007, the language describing LGBT issues and individuals changed from nonexistent to more inclusive.

signatuur: full_text


The Changing Terms in Sears Headings
full_text ts.
Sara Rofofsky Marcus.
GLBTRT Newsletter

Sex-Partner Roles in Homoerotic Relations : An Attempt of Classification  / Jerzy Adam Kowalski.

Journal of Homosexuality, 63 (2016) 1 (jan), p. 87-102
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 63 (2016) 1 (jan), p. 87-102
samenvatting: The attempt is made to initially arrange in the terms of methodology the area of the research on partner roles in homoerotic relations. These issues have been noticed very early in human history (e.g., different roles performed or bimodal polarization), but only recently has science become interested in this subject. It is suggested to cover all such roles by the term sex-partner roles (SPR) instead of various other terms used and to classify them according to the ethological evolutionary approach into the appetitive and consummatory SPR. Further details of the division are discussed, and the utility of such classification is marked. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2015.1078639 ]

signatuur: ts.

Sex-Partner Roles in Homoerotic Relations : An Attempt of Classification
Jerzy Adam Kowalski.
Journal of Homosexuality

Resistance and Possibility : Rethinking the Concept of Subject Access from Queer Theoretical Perspectives  / Melissa Adler, D. Grant Campbell, Patrick Keilty.

Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51 (2014) 1, p. 1-3
bron: Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology jaargang: 51 (2014) 1 , p. 1-3
samenvatting: This session will use queer theory to raise important questions about the role of information science in relation to queer communities. Using examples taken from both literary and popular culture, the session will look at the practices of classification in information systems, and how those practices, even when they attempt to facilitate access to resources for LGBTQ communities, ignore disjunctions and distortions that, far from being a barrier to access, form a fundamental aspect of queer expression.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (adler/cam)

Resistance and Possibility : Rethinking the Concept of Subject Access from Queer Theoretical Perspectives
dgb artikelen (adler/cam)
Melissa Adler, D. Grant Campbell, Patrick Keilty.
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

A brief history of homophobia in Dewey decimal classification  / Doreen Sullivan.

Overland Newsletter 23-07-2015
bron: Overland Newsletter 23-07-2015
samenvatting: Libraries in more than 138 countries organise their resources according to Dewey decimal classification, or DDC for short. This proprietary system is the most widely used in the world. The DDC number reflects specific subject areas. Browsing shelves for books on similar topics, grouped together to make them easy to find, is both the beauty of and the frustration with the Dewey decimal system. Once upon a time and yet not so long ago, LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) topics have variously been assigned to DDC categories such as Abnormal Psychology, Perversion, Derangement, as a Social Problem and even as Medical Disorders. Is it any wonder that someone browsing 'similar' library items in this area could feel alienated?

signatuur: full_text

A brief history of homophobia in Dewey decimal classification
Doreen Sullivan.
Overland Newsletter

The Classification of Sex : Alfred Kinsey and the Organization of Knowledge  / 

Donna J. Drucker.Pittsburg, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014 - ix, 244 p.: ill.
uitgave: Pittsburg, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014 - ix, 244 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 209-233.
samenvatting: Alfred C. Kinsey's revolutionary studies of human sexual behaviour are world-renowned. His meticulous methods of data collection, from comprehensive entomological assemblies to personal sex history interviews, raised the bar for empirical evidence to an entirely new level. In The Classification of Sex, Donna J. Drucker presents an original analysis of Kinsey's scientific career in order to uncover the roots of his research methods. She describes how his enduring interest as an entomologist and biologist in the compilation and organisation of mass data sets structured each of his classification projects. As Drucker shows, Kinsey's lifelong mission was to find scientific truth in numbers and through observation - and to record without prejudice in the spirit of a true taxonomist. Kinsey's doctoral work included extensive research of the gall wasp, where he gathered and recorded variations in over six million specimens. His classification and reclassification of Cynips led to the speciation of the genus that remains today. During his graduate training, Kinsey developed a strong interest in evolution and the links between entomological and human behaviour studies. In 1920, he joined Indiana University as a professor in zoology, and soon published an introductory text on biology, followed by a coauthored field guide to edible wild plants. In 1938, Kinsey began teaching a noncredit course on marriage, where he openly discussed sexual behaviour and espoused equal opportunity for orgasmic satisfaction in marital relationships. Soon after, he began gathering case histories of sexual behaviour. As a pioneer in the nascent field of sexology, Kinsey saw that the key to its cogency was grounded in observation combined with the collection and classification of mass data. To support the institutionalisation of his work, he cofounded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University in 1947. He and his staff eventually conducted over eighteen thousand personal interviews about sexual behaviour, and in 1948 he published Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, to be followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. As Drucker's study shows, Kinsey's scientific rigour and his early use of data recording methods and observational studies were unparalleled in his field. Those practises shaped his entire career and produced a wellspring of new information, whether he was studying gall wasp wings, writing biology textbooks, tracing patterns of evolution, or developing a universal theory of human sexuality.

signatuur: cat. (druck-d/cla) b


The Classification of Sex : Alfred Kinsey and the Organization of Knowledge
cat. (druck-d/cla) b ODE3
Donna J. Drucker.

Questioning Authority : Changing Library Cataloging Standards to Be More Inclusive to a Gender Identity Spectrum  / Amber Billey and Emily Drabinsk.

TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly, 6 (2019) 1 (feb), p. 117-123
bron: TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 6 (2019) 1 (feb), p. 117-123
samenvatting: When a library adds a book to its collection, it adds a surrogate record for that book in the library's catalog. To get this record the library will either download it or create a record for the book from an international bibliographic record database. Authors have records too. These are known as name authority records. Recently the standards for creating these records changed to allow library catalogers to record more personal information about authors in authority records. This includes information about gender. There began a collective effort by a handful of catalogers to revise the new instructions so that binary gender was not encoded into the metadata of library records. This paper outlines the developments, results, and implications of this work.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (billey/dra)

Questioning Authority : Changing Library Cataloging Standards to Be More Inclusive to a Gender Identity Spectrum
ts. dgb artikelen (billey/dra)
Amber Billey and Emily Drabinsk.
TSQ : Transgender Studies Quarterly


( DE:"classificatiesystemen" )

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