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Aantal resultaten: 9( DE:"chromosomen" )


Abnormal sexual development : A genetic and endocrine approach to differential diagnosis  / 

Daniel D. Federman ; illustrated by Sidney J. Rosenthal.Philadelphia [etc.]: Saunders, 1967 - x, 206 p.: ill.
uitgave: Philadelphia [etc.]: Saunders, 1967 - x, 206 p.: ill.
samenvatting: This monograph is written for general physicians. It begins with a succinct description of normal sexual differentiation, proceeding to cytogenetics, disorders of gonadal development (appropriately subdivided), disorders of fetal endocrinology, and disorders of puberty, including delayed and precocious development.

signatuur: cat. (federm/abn) b

Abnormal sexual development : A genetic and endocrine approach to differential diagnosis
cat. (federm/abn) b
Daniel D. Federman ; illustrated by Sidney J. Rosenthal.

Dossier: Wetenschap  / Hetty Helsmoortel ... [et al.].

Zizo, 25 (2018) 144 (oct/nov/dec), p. 9-43
bron: Zizo jaargang: 25 (2018) 144 (oct/nov/dec), p. 9-43
samenvatting: Inhoud: - Hoe zit het nu met dat homogen? / Hetty Helsmoortel - p. 9-11. - De I van introductie tot intersekse / Misha Verdonck - p. 13-16. - LGBT+ moslims vechten een driedubbele strijd voor hun bestaansrecht / David Schoenmaekers - p. 18-23. - Hokjes voorbij: seksuele fluïditeit / Sytske Van Wesemoel - p. 26-29. - Het verschil / Stijn Depoorter - p. 30-34. - Mensen met autisme zijn vaker holebi of transgender / Bianca Roes - p. 36-39. - Queer beestjes / Ro van Hamme - p. 40-43.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Dossier: Wetenschap
ts. dgb periodieken
Hetty Helsmoortel ... [et al.].

Geslachtsvariatie en Seksualiteit : 'Voorbij het binaire denken', NVVS Najaarscongres 2019

NVVS, 2019 - [4] p.: ill.
uitgave: NVVS, 2019 - [4] p.: ill.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: Programmaboekje van congres over interseksualiteit voor seksuologen met sprekers uit de medische, hulpverlenings- en activistische hoek.

signatuur: cat. (geslachtsv/sek) k

Geslachtsvariatie en Seksualiteit : 'Voorbij het binaire denken', NVVS Najaarscongres 2019
cat. (geslachtsv/sek) k

Critical Intersex  / 

ed. by Morgan Holmes.Farnham [etc.]: Ashgate, cop. 2009 - 257 p.
uitgave: Farnham [etc.]: Ashgate, cop. 2009 - 257 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: passim.
samenvatting: To date, intersex studies has not received the scholarly attention it deserves as research in this area has been centred around certain key questions, scholars and geographical regions. Exploring previously neglected territories, this book broadens the scope of intersex studies, whilst adopting perspectives that turn the gaze of the liberal, humanist, scientific outlook upon itself, in order to reconfigure debates about rights, autonomy and subjectivity, and challenges the accepted paradigms of intersex identity politics. Presenting the latest theoretical and empirical research from an international group of experts, this is a truly interdisciplinary volume containing critical approaches from both the humanities and social sciences. With its contributions to sociology, anthropology, medicine, law, history, cultural studies, psychology and psychoanalysis, Critical Intersex will appeal to scholars and clinical practitioners alike.

signatuur: cat. (holme-m/cri) b


Critical Intersex
cat. (holme-m/cri) b ODE3
ed. by Morgan Holmes.

Sexual orientation and the X  / Mary-Claire King.

Nature (1993) 364, p. 288-289
bron: Nature (1993) 364 , p. 288-289
samenvatting: Dean Hamer and colleagues described a linkage analysis of homosexual brothers which suggests the existence of a gene on the X chromosome that influences male sexual orientation (Science 261, 321-327; 1993). What exactly are the data? They come from genetic analysis of 40 pairs of homosexual brothers who had identified themselves as gay, had extreme scores on Kinsey scales of sexuality, and had volun-teered themselves (and in 14 families, their mothers as well) for the project. They were not, and were not intended to be, representative of all gay men. The sample was intentionally selected to give the best chance of detecting a genetic influence on sexual orientation. Whether the statistical significance of this linkage represents a gene for sexual orientation will be clear only after more families have been evaluated. Several times in the recent history of human gene mapping, linkage results at this level of significance have turned out to be arte-facts of poor experimental design or of coincidence.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (king-mc/sex)

Sexual orientation and the X
dgb artikelen (king-mc/sex)
Mary-Claire King.

46,XY Intersex Individuals: Phenotypic and Etiologic Classification, Knowledge of Condition, and Satisfaction With Knowledge in Adulthood  / Claude J. Migeon ... [et al.].

Pediatrics, 110 (2002) 3 (sep), p. 705-724
bron: Pediatrics jaargang: 110 (2002) 3 (sep), p. 705-724
samenvatting: Abstract: The objective of this study was to identify and study adults who have a 46,XY karyotype and presented as infants or children with variable degrees of undermasculinization of their genitalia (female genitalia, ambiguous genitalia, or micropenis). Participants' knowledge of their condition, satisfaction with their knowledge, and desire for additional education about their intersex condition were assessed. Participants were classified according to the cause underlying their intersex condition based on review of medical and surgical records. Knowledge of medical condition, satisfaction with that knowledge, and desire for additional education were assessed with a written questionnaire and a semistructured interview.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (migeo/wis)

46,XY Intersex Individuals: Phenotypic and Etiologic Classification, Knowledge of Condition, and Satisfaction With Knowledge in Adulthood
dgb artikelen (migeo/wis)
Claude J. Migeon ... [et al.].

Intersex condition and the construction of gender identity  / Paola Miano.

International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2 (2015) 3 (dec), p. 586-598
bron: International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies jaargang: 2 (2015) 3 (dec), p. 586-598
samenvatting: Abstract: Intersexuality is conceptualized as a disorder of sexual development (DSD), which includes congenital conditions associated with atypical chromosomal, gonadic and anatomic sexual development. DSD can be diagnosed at birth as a result of observation of ambiguous genitalia, or, in adolescence, if sexual development diverges from the assigned gender. Some DSD can only be recognized in adulthood as a consequence of reproductive difficulties. In children and adolescents with DSD, gender identity is strongly influenced by atypical sexual development. The comparison between two management models of DSD, the optimal gender policy and a holistic perspective focused on the individual, highlighted their differences with regard to effects on individuals with DSD.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (miano/int)

Intersex condition and the construction of gender identity
dgb artikelen (miano/int)
Paola Miano.
International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies

Tussen een mannen- en vrouwenlichaam  / Jantine van Lisdonk.

Sociologie Magazine (2016) (jun), p. 26-28
bron: Sociologie Magazine (2016)(jun), p. 26-28
samenvatting: Auteur vindt dat het binaire denken in oppositionele categorieën erg ingebakken is in westerse samenlevingen en dat het ook voor sekse en gender geldt. Hier beschrijft ze over de definitie van interseks, gender, het verschil met transgenders, non-binair, chromosoomvariaties, aandacht voor interseks in onderzoek, beleid en populaire media, het sociaal probleem van intersekse personen, geslachtvariatie, verschillende intersekse-condities, variatie in het ontdekken van een intersekse-conditie en de impact hiervan op het dagelijks leven.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lisdo/tus)

Tussen een mannen- en vrouwenlichaam
dgb artikelen (lisdo/tus)
Jantine van Lisdonk.
Sociologie Magazine

Pen 'Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging'

ca. 2010-2020. - M02494
beschrijving: Balpen met opschrift 'Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging' (met logo) De Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging behartigt de belangen van mensen met het Syndroom van Klinefelter. Zij heeft tot doel het welzijn te verbeteren van deze mensen, van hun ouders, partners en andere direct betrokkenen.
trefwoord: klinefelter vereniging
organisatie: Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging
land: nederland

Pen 'Nederlandse Klinefelter Vereniging'


( DE:"chromosomen" )

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