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Homo-, bi- en a-seksueel heeft het niet makkelijk  / R. Diekstra.

Leidsch Dagblad 09-11-1991
bron: Leidsch Dagblad 09-11-1991
samenvatting: Verslag van een niet nader aangeduide enquête.

signatuur: knipsel (bb/ba)

dgb artikelen (dieks/hom)

Homo-, bi- en a-seksueel heeft het niet makkelijk
knipsel (bb/ba) dgb artikelen (dieks/hom)
R. Diekstra.
Leidsch Dagblad

Asexuality  / Guest editors: Mark Carrigan, Kristina Gupta and Todd G. Morrison

Psychology and Sexuality, 4 (2013) 2 (may), p. 111-206
bron: Psychology and Sexuality jaargang: 4 (2013) 2 (may), p. 111-206
samenvatting: Table of Contents: - Asexuality special theme issue editorial / Mark Carrigan, Kristina Gupta & Todd G. Morrison. - p. 111-120. - Who reports absence of sexual attraction in Britain? Evidence from national probability surveys / Catherine R.H. Aicken, Catherine H. Mercer & Jackie A. Cassell. - p. 121-135. - Mental health and interpersonal functioning in self-identified asexual men and women / Morag A. Yule, Lori A. Brotto & Boris B. Gorzalka. - p. 136-151. - HSDD and asexuality: a question of instruments / Jacinthe Flore. - p. 152-166. - How is asexuality different from hypoactive sexual desire disorder? / Andrew Hinderliter. - p. 167-178. - Asexuality: from pathology to identity and beyond / Randi Gressgård. - p. 179-192. - Afterword: some thoughts on asexuality as an interdisciplinary method / Ela Przybylo. - p. 193-194. - A mystery wrapped in an enigma - asexuality: a virtual discussion / C. J. Bishop. - p. 195-206. [Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rpse20/4/2#.VNs4dC6y5Vc ]

signatuur: ts.

Guest editors: Mark Carrigan, Kristina Gupta and Todd G. Morrison
Psychology and Sexuality

Transgressionen - Streifzüge durch Leben und Werk von Emma Trosse (1863-1949) : Erste Denkerin des Dritten Geschlechts der Homosexuellen und Sinnlichkeitslosen  / Christiane Leidinger.

samenvatting: Emma Trosse (1863-1949), später verheiratete Külz, ist bislang die erste weltweit bekannte Autorin, die homosexuell-emanzipatorische Schriften vorlegte. Nach einem Text über Konträrsexualismus 1895 publizierte sie mit Ein Weib? zwei Jahre danach ein Buch, in dem sie weibliche Homosexualität in den Mittelpunkt rückt. Ausgehend von der Vorstellung von Konträrsexualität als Veranlagung, prangerte sie mit einem für ihre Zeit außergewöhnlich weiten Verständnis unterschiedliche gesellschaftliche Diskriminierungsformen an, etwa Vorurteile und verschiedene Varianten von Herabwürdigungen homosexueller Frauen und Männer. Leidenschaftlich plädierte sie für einen mutigen Emanzipationskampf. Auffällig im Kontrast dazu ist zu sehen, dass sie offenbar der Frauenbewegung nicht nahestand, obwohl sie am Rande auch frauenemanzipatorische Forderungen vertrat. Über ihre Auseinandersetzung mit Homosexualität hinaus sticht ihre in heutigen Begrifflichkeiten gleichsam queere Neukategorisierung des Dritten Geschlechts hervor. Unter diesen Oberbegriff fasst sie erweiternd neben Konträrsexuellen auch "Menschen ohne Sinnlichkeit", die kein Interesse an geschlechtlichem Verlangen haben, sondern einem passionierten Arbeitsleben nachgehen. In einer ihrer Schriften bekennt sich Emma Trosse selbst zu dieser "Kategorie" der Sinnlichkeitslosen. Neben ihrer Publikationstätigkeit arbeitete sie als Lehrerin, teilweise auch als Leiterin in verschiedenen Schulen und Haushalten, später war sie Mitbegründerin und Leiterin eines Spezial-Sanatoriums für Menschen mit Zuckererkrankungen. Den Großteil ihres Lebens verbrachte sie in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, wo sie als "Heimatdichterin" bekannt ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag inspiziert erstmals Leben und Werk der gebürtigen Granseeerin.

signatuur: cat. art. (invert/jah) xiv b

dgb wo2

Transgressionen - Streifzüge durch Leben und Werk von Emma Trosse (1863-1949) : Erste Denkerin des Dritten Geschlechts der Homosexuellen und Sinnlichkeitslosen
cat. art. (invert/jah) xiv b dgb wo2
Christiane Leidinger.
In: Invertito, Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten: 14. Jahrgang, 2012. - p. 9-38.

Ace of (BDSM) clubs : Building asexual relationships through BDSM practice  / Lorca Jolene Sloan.

Sexualities, 18 (2015) 5/6 (sep), p. 548-563
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 18 (2015) 5/6 (sep), p. 548-563
samenvatting: Since the, 1990s, asexuality has gained prominence as an identity adopted by individuals who do not experience sexual attraction. Paradoxically, many asexual individuals form relationships through Bondage and Discipline, Domination and Submission, and Sadism and Masochism (BDSM) - acts conventionally assumed to involve sexual desire and pleasure. I interviewed 15 asexual individuals to illuminate why they participate in interactions where sexual attraction is often expected and expressed. I propose that BDSM helps these practitioners form non-sexual relationships by providing tools for navigating sexual expectations and redefining their behaviors as indicative of affections that do not stem from sexual desire.

signatuur: ts.

Ace of (BDSM) clubs : Building asexual relationships through BDSM practice
Lorca Jolene Sloan.

Vrouwenliefde zonder seks: Juliette en Jolanda zijn lesbisch en aseksueel  / Charlotte Jalvingh.

Zij aan Zij, 24 (2015) 6 (jul), p. 38-41
bron: Zij aan Zij jaargang: 24 (2015) 6 (jul), p. 38-41
samenvatting: Het verhaal van Juliette (35) en Jolanda (34). Beide zijn lesbisch en aseksueel.

signatuur: ts.

Vrouwenliefde zonder seks: Juliette en Jolanda zijn lesbisch en aseksueel
Charlotte Jalvingh.
Zij aan Zij

Kako se orijentisemo? : Studija o seksualnoj orijentaciji  / Aleksandar Stulhofer ... [et al].

Beograd: Deve, 2004 - 203 p.
uitgave: Beograd : Deve, 2004 - 203 p.
  1. informatievoorziening/technologie
  2. lhbt
signatuur: cat. (kako/ori) b

Kako se orijentisemo? : Studija o seksualnoj orijentaciji
cat. (kako/ori) b

Campus climate for students with diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities at the University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand  / Gareth J. Treharne ... [et al.].

Dunedin: Otago University, 2016 - v, 103 p.+ bijl.
uitgave: Dunedin : Otago University, 2016 - v, 103 p.+ bijl.
  1. onderwijs
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: This survey of University of Otago students commissioned by the Otago University Students? Association (OUSA) has revealed that harassment is experienced by one in four students who identify as lesbian/gay/ bisexual/pansexual, trans, asexual, questioning and/or queer(LGBTAQ).

signatuur: cat. (campu/cli)

dgb grijs

Campus climate for students with diverse sexual orientations and/or gender identities at the University of Otago, Aotearoa New Zealand
cat. (campu/cli)dgb grijs

Intersectionality and LGBT Activist Politics : Multiple Others in Croatia and Serbia  / 

Edited by Bojan Bilic and Sanja Kajinic.Basingstoke [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 - xxi, 232 p.
uitgave: Basingstoke [etc.]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 - xxi, 232 p.
samenvatting: This volume combines empirically oriented and theoretically grounded reflections upon various forms of LGBT activist engagement to examine how the notion of intersectionality enters the political context of contemporary Serbia and Croatia. By uncovering experiences of multiple oppression and voicing fear and frustration that accompany exclusionary practices, the contributions to this book seek to reinvigorate the critical potential of intersectionality, in order to generate the basis for wider political alliances and solidarities in the post-Yugoslav space. The authors, both activists and academics, challenge the systematic absence of discussions of (post-)Yugoslav LGBT activist initiatives in recent social science scholarship, and show how emancipatory politics of resistance can reshape what is possible to imagine as identity and community in post-war and post-socialist societies. This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the areas of history and politics of Yugoslavia and the post-Yugoslav states, as well as to those working in the fields of political sociology, European studies, social movements, gay and lesbian studies, gender studies, and queer theory and activism.

signatuur: cat. (intersec/lgb) b


Intersectionality and LGBT Activist Politics : Multiple Others in Croatia and Serbia
cat. (intersec/lgb) b ODE3
Edited by Bojan Bilic and Sanja Kajinic.

ASEXUally : On Being an Ally to the Asexual Community  / Stacy Anne Pinto.

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8 (2014) 4 (oct-dec), p. 331-343
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 8 (2014) 4 (oct-dec), p. 331-343
samenvatting: The development of allies is crucial to the asexual population. The asexual community is among the most under- researched and poorly understood sexual minority populations. Through discussion of basic information on asexuality, the distinction between asexuality and a diagnosable disorder, and ways that other identities intersect with asexuality, this article offers a foundation and model for asexual ally development. Based on the information presented, recommendations for counselor and counselor educator allies who are working with asexual identified, or potentially asexual individuals, are presented. Suggestions for future research on asexuality are also explored.

signatuur: ts.

ASEXUally : On Being an Ally to the Asexual Community
Stacy Anne Pinto.
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling

Examining Concordant and Discordant Sexual and Romantic Attraction in American Adults : Implications for Counselors  / Emily M. Lund ...[et al.]

Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 10 (2016) 4 (oct-dec), p. 211-226
bron: Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling jaargang: 10 (2016) 4 (oct-dec), p. 211-226
samenvatting: The present study examined self-reported sexual and romantic attractions in a sample of 414 American adults. Forty-four (10.6%) participants reported discordant sexual and romantic orientations. The most commonly reported type of discordant attraction was bisexual sexual attraction but romantic attraction to only one sex, followed by romantic attraction to both sexes but sexual attraction to either one or neither sex. There were no significant gender, age, or relationship status differences between individuals with concordant and discordant orientation. Implications for research and practice are discussed. (Copies available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15538605.2016.1233840)

signatuur: ts.

Examining Concordant and Discordant Sexual and Romantic Attraction in American Adults : Implications for Counselors
Emily M. Lund ...[et al.]
Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling


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