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Aantal resultaten: 6( DE:"2010-2020" )


Cancer Care for Transgender Patients : Systematic Literature Review  / Yulia Watters, Jennifer Harsh, Cheyenne Corbett.

International Journal of Transgenderism, 15 (2014) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 136-145
bron: International Journal of Transgenderism jaargang: 15 (2014) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 136-145
samenvatting: Objective: Transgender patients enter the health care system with a unique set of strengths and challenges. While facing a cancer diagnosis can be an overwhelming process for patients and their loved ones, questions have to be addressed and particular services have to be provided to create a supportive environment for members of the transgender community. The purpose of this article is to provide a systematic literature review of the existing research on cancer care for transgender patients. Method: Four electronic databases were searched, including PubMed, Wed of Science, CINAHL, and EMBASE. Overall, 23 articles published from 1968 to 2012 met the established criteria and were included in this study. Results: While biomedical components of cancer care for transgender patients, such as diagnostic and treatment strategies, were discussed, the review revealed an overall paucity of literature pertaining to the examined subject, exhibiting a particular lack in consideration of psychosocial and spiritual domains of care. Conclusion: Largely, researchers have focused on biomedical components of cancer care for transgender patients. To gain a deeper, and more inclusive understanding of how the transgender cancer patient population experiences care, further research is needed on psychosocial and spiritual aspects of the cancer experience. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Cancer Care for Transgender Patients : Systematic Literature Review
Yulia Watters, Jennifer Harsh, Cheyenne Corbett.
International Journal of Transgenderism

Where to from here? Blue passports, family, career - and Donald Trump  / Cheryl L. Nicholas.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 23 (2019) 1 (jan-mar), p. 119-139
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 23 (2019) 1 (jan-mar), p. 119-139
samenvatting: In this essay, we offer our stories of family and migration under a Donald Trump presidency. We are a lesbian couple; one of us is a citizen of the United States while the other is a citizen of a Muslim country. We use autoethnographic methods to explore and interrogate our 'messy and fabulous' journey of liminality; our journey of belonging and exclusion, where we grapple with issues related to sexuality, family, career, and citizenship. Our 'voices' are used both individually and in unison, to highlight our intersectional and relational selves. We intend this work to contribute to the many ways we can better understand and appreciate the bountiful and colorful vistas of lesbian families' migrant experiences.

signatuur: ts.

Where to from here? Blue passports, family, career - and Donald Trump
Cheryl L. Nicholas.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Lesbians in work settings : Identity, visibility, and strategy  / Julie A. Gedro.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 23 (2019) 2 (apr-jun), p. 141-143
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 23 (2019) 2 (apr-jun), p. 141-143
samenvatting: This is the foreward to this special issue of the Journal of Lesbian Studies on Lesbians in Work Settings: Identity, Visibility, and Strategy. The article briefly provides a context for the issue, and includes the proposed questions for consideration that were included in its call for papers. There is a need for continued research on lesbians in work settings, and this special issue contains articles that interrogate issues of lesbian presence, rights, access, identity, and visibility.

signatuur: ts.

Lesbians in work settings : Identity, visibility, and strategy
Julie A. Gedro.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

The Queer Archive in Fragments: Sunil Gupta's London Gay Switchboard  / Glyn Davis.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 27 (2021) 1 (jan), p. 121-140
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 27 (2021) 1 (jan), p. 121-140
samenvatting: The exhibition Slide/Tape was staged at Vivid Projects, Birmingham, England, from October 5 to November 16, 2013. Curated by Yasmeen BaigClifford and Mo White (2013: 2), the show attempted 'a fresh appraisal of an abandoned medium,' tapeslide, as it was used by artists across the 1970s and 1980s. As White (2007: 60) writes in her unpublished doctoral thesis, tapeslide was 'technically crude, cheap and eccentric': its technical assemblage usually consisted of one or two carousels of 35 mm slides with an accompanying audio cassette soundtrack. The progression of the slide images could be activated by hand or set to advance at a pace controlled by the cassette. Tapeslide's precarious form made it susceptible to disassembly, its material components easily scattered and lost. It was also materially delicate: individual images could be scratched or burned, and audio tapes might snap or unspool. The instability and ephemerality of the medium contributed, in significant part, to a notable paucity of critical attention from historians and theorists. As White writes (60 ? 61), "Tapeslide has not offered itself up to be collected, archived or even adequately documented making the task of providing an accurate retrieval of its history difficult. [As the artist Judith Higginbottom notes,] the unpredictable nature of tapeslide led to much of the original material not surviving and that which did is difficult to access in archives." The Vivid Projects exhibition included work by Black Audio Film Collective, Nina Danino, William Furlong, Sunil Gupta, Tina Keane, and Cordelia Swann. Gupta?s contribution consisted of ?fragments? ? the curators? term ? from his 1980 tapeslide project London Gay Switchboard. As the program for the exhibition noted of Gupta?s piece, ?The audio track remains missing, a reminder of the fragile nature of early slidetape work?

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (davis/que)

The Queer Archive in Fragments: Sunil Gupta's London Gay Switchboard
ts. dgb artikelen (davis/que)
Glyn Davis.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Legalize My Sex : Uber die Supreme Court-Entscheidung zur Legalisierung von Homosexualitat in Indien  / Stefan Donath.

samenvatting: Am 6. September 2018 verkündete der Oberste Gerichtshof in Indien nach monatelangen Beratungen ein richtungsweisendes Urteil. Einstimmung urteilten die Richter, dass Paragraf 377 des Indischen Strafgesetzbuches, der gleichgeschlechtlichen Sex zwischen Männern und Frauen, auch wenn er einvernehmlich erfolgte, unter Strafe stellte, verfassungswidrig ist. Damit kippte der Supreme Court ein über 157 Jahre altes Gesetz aus der Kolonialzeit, das homosexuelle Handlungen kriminalisierte. Während der Verkündigung des Urteils erklärte Dipak Misra, Oberster Richter Indiens, dass die Kriminalisierung von homosexuellen Sex irrational und nicht zu rechtfertigen sei. Er fügte hinzu, dass die LGBTIQ+ Communty die gleichen Rechte wie alle anderen Bürger*innen habe. In Indien, einem der bevölkerungsreichsten Länder der Erde, bedeutete die Urteilsverkündigung nicht weniger, als dass es für knapp 1,4 Milliarden Menschen zu einer massieven Ausweitung von Freiheitsrechten kam.

signatuur: cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b

Legalize My Sex : Uber die Supreme Court-Entscheidung zur Legalisierung von Homosexualitat in Indien
cat. art. (jahrb/sex) 2020 b
Stefan Donath.
In: Jahrbuch Sexualitäten 2020 / Hrsg. Jan Feddersen ... [et al.]. - Göttingen : Wallstein, 2020. - p. 64-90.

L'adoption de la « loi trans* » du 25 juin 2017 : De la stérilisation et la psychiatrisation à l?autodétermination  / Dimitri Tomsej, David Paternotte.

Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 20 (2021) 2505, p. 5-50
bron: Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP jaargang: 20 (2021) 2505 , p. 5-50
samenvatting: Les personnes transgenres (ou « trans* ») sont les personnes qui ne s'identifient pas au sexe/genre (homme ou femme) qui leur a été assigné à la naissance. En Belgique, les droits de ces personnes ont connu diverses avancées notables en matière de modification de l'enregistrement du sexe dans les actes de l'état civil. La loi du 10 mai 2007 a mis fin au vide juridique qui prévalait jusqu'alors. Cependant, elle a conditionné le changement d'état civil à une approbation psychiatrique, au recours à une chirurgie génitale stérilisante et au suivi d'un traitement hormonal de substitution. La loi du 25 juin 2017 a aboli ces éléments, sans toutefois satisfaire pleinement les associations de défense des droits des personnes trans*. C'est à leur demande que, deux ans plus tard, la Cour constitutionnelle a estimé que le législateur doit rendre le changement d'état civil révocable et supprimer l'alternative binaire relative à l?enregistrement de la mention du genre. Ce Courrier hebdomadaire étudie le processus d'adoption de la loi de 2017 et tente notamment de comprendre comment, de manière contre-intuitive, celle-ci a été proposée par un gouvernement fédéral de centre-droit. Pour ce faire, il se penche sur les développements internationaux, les mobilisations de la société civile et l'action des décideurs politiques.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (tomse/ado)

L'adoption de la « loi trans* » du 25 juin 2017 : De la stérilisation et la psychiatrisation à l?autodétermination
dgb artikelen (tomse/ado)
Dimitri Tomsej, David Paternotte.
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP


( DE:"2010-2020" )

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