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Aantal resultaten: 12( DE:"polygamie" )


Tussen lust en last : een literatuuronderzoek naar genderopvattingen bij polygynie in West-Afrika  / Lys Bouma.

Amsterdam: UvA, vakgroep sociologie, 1991 - [21] bl.
uitgave: Amsterdam : UvA, vakgroep sociologie, 1991 - [21] bl.
  1. antropologie
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Kopie. - Diverse verklaringen voor polygynie (één man, getrouwd met twee vrouwen) een in West Afrika veel voorkomend verschijnsel, dat ondanks westerse invloeden nog steeds blijft voortbestaan en voor mannen en vrouwen last en lust is.

signatuur: cat. (bouma-l/lus) g

Tussen lust en last : een literatuuronderzoek naar genderopvattingen bij polygynie in West-Afrika
cat. (bouma-l/lus) g

Met z'n achten naar het stadhuis : het homohuwelijk voorbij  / Jaap Friso.

Homologie, 12 (1990) 5 (sep/okt), p. 12-13
bron: Homologie jaargang: 12 (1990) 5 (sep/okt), p. 12-13
samenvatting: De 'Jongeren Organisatie voor Vrijheid en Democratie' heeft in haar congres in juni een motie aangenomen, die voorziet in een wettelijke regeling, waarin mensen in alle mogelijke combinaties met elkaar moeten kunnen trouwen, ongeacht geslacht of aantal.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Met z'n achten naar het stadhuis : het homohuwelijk voorbij
ts. dgb periodieken
Jaap Friso.

Der anfang vom Ende : die Don Juan-Figur in der Sexualwissenschaft und der Psychoanalyse  / Rainer Herrn.

Mitteilungen der Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft (1996) 22/23 (Jun), p. 127-137
bron: Mitteilungen der Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft (1996) 22/23 (Jun), p. 127-137
samenvatting: Diverse opvattingen over Don Juan, polygamie en promiscuïteit in psycho-analytische theorieën en seksuologie waarbij homoseksualiteit ook een rol speelt.

signatuur: ts.

Der anfang vom Ende : die Don Juan-Figur in der Sexualwissenschaft und der Psychoanalyse
Rainer Herrn.
Mitteilungen der Magnus Hirschfeld Gesellschaft

Queering Natal : Settler Logics and the Disruptive Challenge of Zulu Polygamy  / T.J. Tallie.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 19 (2013) 2, p. 167-189
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 19 (2013) 2 , p. 167-189
samenvatting: The media coverage of President Jacob Zuma and the "problem" of his foreign and potentially threatening polygamy reveals the long-extant gendered and raced fault lines of the presumably postcolonial relationship between Britain and South Africa. The discourses in the British press that marked Zuma as a "buffoon," "barbaric," and less civilized than his "distinctly monogamous" hosts can be traced to nineteenth-century settler colonial regimes and their violent attempts at reordering the lands and peoples they sought to occupy and replace. The arrival of British settlers in the nineteenth-century colony of Natal brought them into conflict with the Zulu peoples they sought to supplant and exploit. A reading of emigrant letters, missionary pamphlets, and newspaper correspondence reveals that the persistence of the practice of isithembu (polygamy) and ilobolo (the ritual exchange of cattle upon marriage) among Zulus in the face of British attempts to control their social and political formations challenged the very heart of the settler project. As British settlers sought to create and define a "modern" sexuality predicated on a heteronormative family unit, polygamy became the flashpoint in a biopolitical battle between colonists and indigenous peoples in Natal. For settlers, polygamy failed at being properly heteronormative, instead indicating an overweening hyper-heterosexuality in Zulu men. As a result, to white observers, polygamy presented a dangerous and disruptive challenge to the gendered, raced, and sexual order they wished to construct - in short, it became queer. The destabilizing queer potential of indigenous polygamy to the settler project reveals the assumptions about sexuality, civilization, and conjugality that underwrite colonial aspiration and postimperial anxieties.

signatuur: ts.

Queering Natal : Settler Logics and the Disruptive Challenge of Zulu Polygamy
T.J. Tallie.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies

Bisexuality, Slippery Slopes, and Multipartner Marriage  / Christian Klesse.

Journal of Bisexuality, 18 (2018) 1, p. 35-53
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 18 (2018) 1 , p. 35-53
samenvatting: This article explores the position of polyamory in slippery slope arguments directed against the campaign for same-sex marriage rights in the United States. In the rhetoric of right-wing opponents granting same-sex marriage rights is seen as the first step on a long spiral downwards toward moral decay, which will successively normalize a whole range of problematic and 'unwanted' practices. Polygamy and, in its close proximity, polyamory are usually the first items on a list that may also include adultery, adult incest, bestiality, and pedophilia. The article highlights the mobilization of racist and nationalist tropes at the heart of antipolygamy sentiments and considers the impact of this legacy for poly politics. Concentrating on the analysis of essays published by the Conservative journalist Stanley Kurtz, the article explores the connection between bisexuality and polyamory in some slippery slope arguments. slippery slope arguments have been a constant feature of the debates about same-sex marriage rights in the United States. Their relative prominence and strong hold within the public imagination have also affected the discourses deployed by poly activists, resulting in common disassociations from polygamy and an a reluctance to engage with questions regarding the legal recognition of multipartner relationships at all. Understanding the slippery slope dynamic is important for grasping the conditionality that contributes to the persisting hostilities against polyamory, polygamy, and LGBTQ intimacies and that shapes social movement politics.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (kless/bis)

Bisexuality, Slippery Slopes, and Multipartner Marriage
ts. dgb artikelen (kless/bis)
Christian Klesse.
Journal of Bisexuality

"How Could any One Relationship Ever Possibly be Fulfilling?" : Bisexuality, Nonmonogamy, and the Visualization of Desire in the Cinema of Gregg Araki  / Jacob Engelberg.

Journal of Bisexuality, 18 (2018) 1, p. 102-117
bron: Journal of Bisexuality jaargang: 18 (2018) 1 , p. 102-117
samenvatting: The cinematic oeuvre of Gregg Araki is populated with invocations of bisexuality. Many of Araki's characters desire people of more than one gender and their desires are routinely represented in ways that resist the trend of bisexual erasure within media. This article examines the techniques through which bisexuality is thus rendered intelligible within a fatalistically monosexist signifying economy. This article argues that Araki's cinema often visualizes bisexuality within this economy by yoking bisexual desire to visual representations of nonmonogamy. Although these representations render some images of bisexual desire visible, they also preclude others from visibility and buttress bisexual stereotypes related to fulfilment, infidelity, and excess. Although the yearning for representation, like many of Araki's characters, may be inexorably doomed, this article concludes that the techniques through which Araki invokes bisexuality are indicative of the manifold ways in which monosexuality's sovereignty in the visual thwarts bisexuality's cinematic intelligibility.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (engelb/how)

"How Could any One Relationship Ever Possibly be Fulfilling?" : Bisexuality, Nonmonogamy, and the Visualization of Desire in the Cinema of Gregg Araki
ts. dgb artikelen (engelb/how)
Jacob Engelberg.
Journal of Bisexuality

Nashville statement : A coalition for biblical sexuality

Nashville, TN: Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 2017 - 8 p.
uitgave: Nashville, TN : Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 2017 - 8 p.
  1. christendom
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: The Nashville Statement is an evangelical Christian statement of faith relating to human sexuality and gender roles authored by the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) in Nashville, Tennessee. The Statement expresses support for an opposite-sex definition of marriage, for faithfulness within marriage, for chastity outside marriage, and for a link between biological sex and "self-conception as male and female." The Statement sets forth the signatories' opposition to LGBT sexuality, same-sex marriage, polygamy, polyamory, adultery, and fornication. It was criticized by egalitarian Christians and LGBT campaigners, as well as by several conservative religious figures.

signatuur: cat. (nashv/sta)

dgb grijs

Nashville statement : A coalition for biblical sexuality
cat. (nashv/sta)dgb grijs

Nashville Statement : Een gezamenlijke verklaring over Bijbelse seksualiteit.

[S.l: s.n], 2019 - 12 p.
uitgave: [S.l : s.n], 2019 - 12 p.
  1. christendom
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: De Nashvilleverklaring (Nashville Statement) is een in 2017 in de Verenigde Staten opgesteld document over het christelijk geloof, huwelijk en seksualiteit. Met deze verklaring wilden de ondertekenaars een eenduidig christelijk geluid laten horen rond thema's als homoseksualiteit, genderneutraliteit en transgenderisme. De ondertekenaars spreken zich uit tegen lgbt-seksualiteit, het homohuwelijk, polygamie, polyamorie, overspel en onkuisheid. De eerste ondertekenaars van de Amerikaanse versie waren 150 voornamelijk conservatieve evangelicale leiders. In januari 2019 werd een Nederlandstalige versie van de Nashvilleverklaring gepresenteerd. Deze was opgesteld door een werkgroep bestaande uit vertegenwoordigers van de reformatorische stroming binnen het protestantisme. Er was een nawoord aan toegevoegd dat pleit voor pastorale zorg voor leden van de lgtb-gemeenschap en schuld belijdt voor de manier waarop christenen met hen zijn omgegaan. De eerste ondertekenaars van de verklaring waren ongeveer 250 Nederlandse orthodox-protestantse voorgangers en prominenten. In Amerika en in Nederland kreeg de verklaring bijval, vooral uit conservatief-christelijke hoek, en kritiek. Ook vanuit sommige conservatieve kerkgenootschappen werd aangegeven dat men de toon van de tekst te weinig pastoraal en te veroordelend vond. Vanuit de bredere samenleving kwam de kritiek dat de verklaring transfoob en homofoob zou zijn.

signatuur: cat. (nashv/sta/ned)

dgb grijs

Nashville Statement : Een gezamenlijke verklaring over Bijbelse seksualiteit.
cat. (nashv/sta/ned)dgb grijs

Come out, come out, whoever you are  / 

Abigail C. Saguy.New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xiv, 177 p.: ill.
uitgave: New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2020 - xiv, 177 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 157-169.
samenvatting: While people used to conceal the fact that they were gay or lesbian to protect themselves from stigma and discrimination, it is now commonplace for people to "come out" and encourage others to do so as well. Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are systematically examines how coming out has moved beyond gay and lesbian rights groups and how different groups wrestle with the politics of coming out in their efforts to resist stigma and enact social change. It shows how different experiences and disparate risks of disclosure shape these groups' collective strategies. Through scores of interviews with LGBTQ+ people, undocumented immigrant youth, fat acceptance activists, Mormon fundamentalist polygamists, and sexual harassment lawyers and activists in the era of the #MeToo movement, Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are explains why so many different groups gravitate toward the term coming out. By focusing on the personal and political resonance of coming out, it provides a novel way to understand how identity politics work in America today.

signatuur: cat. (saguy/com) b


Come out, come out, whoever you are
cat. (saguy/com) b ODE3
Abigail C. Saguy.

The Problem of Trans-Figuration: Gender, the Jesuits, and the Ojibwe in Louise Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse  / Lydia R. Cooper.

GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 26 (2020) 4 (oct), p. 621-647
bron: GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies jaargang: 26 (2020) 4 (oct), p. 621-647
samenvatting: Two-Spirit and specific indigenous non-binary and nonmonogamous or heterosexual identities, kinships, and community structures are fully distinct from EuroWestern LGBTQ+ identities - and to blur the lines is to reenact histories of colonial erasure, no matter how well-meaning the intent. In this article, Cooper argues that Louise Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse (2001) offers a helpful model for navigating the needs of inclusivity as well as particularity in studying complex spiritual and gendered identities and experiences.

signatuur: ts.

The Problem of Trans-Figuration: Gender, the Jesuits, and the Ojibwe in Louise Erdrich's The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse
Lydia R. Cooper.
GLQ : A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies


( DE:"polygamie" )

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