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Aantal resultaten: 5( DE:"ouderschapsverlof" )


Female same-sex couples act long-term financially rational?  / Marie Evertsson and Katarina Boye.

Sociologisk Forskning, 54 (2017) 4, p. 297-301
bron: Sociologisk Forskning jaargang: 54 (2017) 4 , p. 297-301
samenvatting: One of the challenges faced by the research on the gendered transition to parenthood is how to dismantle the interconnected nature of biology, gender and economic reasoning. We contribute to this aim by comparing division of parental leave in different-sex couples (DSC) and female same-sex couples(SSC). Motherhood identity formation appears to be strong in DSC as well as SSC. Net of this, gender is an important predictor of parental leave in DSC. To some extent, SSC seem to divide the leave in a more long-term financially rational way than DSC do.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (evert/boy/fem)

Female same-sex couples act long-term financially rational?
dgb artikelen (evert/boy/fem)
Marie Evertsson and Katarina Boye.
Sociologisk Forskning

The transition to parenthood and the division of parental leave in different-sex and female same-sex couples in Sweden  / Marie Evertsson and Katarina Boye.

European Sociological Review, 34 (2018) 5, p. 471-485
bron: European Sociological Review jaargang: 34 (2018) 5 , p. 471-485
samenvatting: Research on the division of paid and unpaid work at the transition to parenthood has rarely been able to separate the social construction of gender and motherhood/ fatherhood identities from labour market and financial factors. By bringing in female same-sex couples (SSC) and comparing how the transition to parenthood influences the division of parental leave in SSC and different-sex couples (DSC), we can isolate parents' gender as a predictor of the division of care from physiological and identityforming aspects linked to being a birth-mother (or her partner). Analysing Swedish register data for couples who had their first child in 2003-2011, results show that (i) the (birth) mother's leave uptake is higher than the partner's uptake for both SSC and DSC, providing support for identity formation and internalized norms linked to the child's need of its (birth) mother; (ii) birth-mothers in SSC on average take 7 weeks less parental leave than mothers in DSC, indicating that the partner's gender plays a role; and (iii) the (birth) mother's parental leave share is negatively related to her income but unrelated to her partner's income, suggesting that her labour market prospects are more important in the division of leave than any financial, family-utility maximization.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (evert/boy/tra)

The transition to parenthood and the division of parental leave in different-sex and female same-sex couples in Sweden
dgb artikelen (evert/boy/tra)
Marie Evertsson and Katarina Boye.
European Sociological Review

Comparing the availability of paid parental leave for same-sex and different-sex couples in 34 OECD countries  / Elizabeth Wong ... [et al.].

Journal of Social Policy (2019) 14 (sept), p. 1-21
bron: Journal of Social Policy (2019) 14 (sept), p. 1-21
samenvatting: Abstract: The availability of paid family leave has been widely researched in the context of a two parent household with one mother and one father, yet few studies have explored whether households with same-sex parents have access to equal benefits. Expanding on previous cross-country comparisons of parental leave policies, this study examines parental leave policies in 24OECD countries to compare the total duration of paid parental leave available to same-sex and different-sex parent families within a country. We find that same-sex female and differents ex couples receive equal durations of leave in the majority of countries. However, same-sex male couples often receive shorter durations of paid parental leave compared to both different-sex and same-sex female couples. In addition to addressing the implications of laws and policies surrounding same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption on parental leave availability, we highlight specific aspects of paid leave policies that may explain the unequal durations of paid leave between same-sex and different-sex couples.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (wong-e/jou)

Comparing the availability of paid parental leave for same-sex and different-sex couples in 34 OECD countries
dgb artikelen (wong-e/jou)
Elizabeth Wong ... [et al.].
Journal of Social Policy

Ouders van hetzelfde geslacht krijgen nog te maken met veel gedoe: "Heb jij ook recht of 'vaderschapsverlof'?"  / Yasmine Esser.

Volkskrant 27-07-2020
bron: Volkskrant 27-07-2020
samenvatting: Als je partner een kind krijgt, heb je sinds 1 juli recht op vijf weken aanvullend geboorteverlof. Voor koppels van hetzelfde geslacht en meeroudergezinnen is het regelen hiervan niet altijd makkelijk.

signatuur: full_text

Ouders van hetzelfde geslacht krijgen nog te maken met veel gedoe: "Heb jij ook recht of 'vaderschapsverlof'?"
Yasmine Esser.

Non-binaire Ryan is zwanger: 'Als ik de baby moet aangeven, word ik geregistreerd als moeder'  / Dianne Bleeker.

AD 08-12-2021
bron: AD 08-12-2021
samenvatting: Relaas van Ryan Ramharak (29), trans en non-binair, die zwanger is van diens partner David (31). Ryan ging voor lange tijd aan de testosteron, waardoor die baardgroei, een lagere stem en een hoekiger gezicht kreeg, maar behield de baarmoeder. Wat voor David betekende dat hij misschien toch vader kon worden via een biologische route. Ze krijgen vanuit hun eigen omgeving heel positieve reacties. Online en buiten hun sociale kring ligt dat anders. Op diens werk kon Ryan geen zwangerschapsverlof aanvragen, en een kraampakket bij de zorgverzekeraar lukte in eerste instantie ook niet.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (bleek/non)

Non-binaire Ryan is zwanger: 'Als ik de baby moet aangeven, word ik geregistreerd als moeder'
dgb artikelen (bleek/non)
Dianne Bleeker.


( DE:"ouderschapsverlof" )

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