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L'atelier du peintre : roman  / 

Patrick Grainville.Paris: Seuil, 1988 - 394 p.
uitgave: Paris: Seuil, 1988 - 394 p.
samenvatting: Dans un atelier de verre de Los Angeles, à Venice, Le Virginal est un peintre qui réunit autour de lui un groupe d’élèves. Ces derniers sont des délinquants en voie de réinsertion que le peintre soumet à rude épreuve. Au lieu de les laisser faire des fresques des rues, il leur impose de peindre le célèbre et mystérieux tableau de Jan van Eyck : Les Époux Arnolfini. L’atelier s’organise en deux espaces Sodome et Gomorrhe. Une compétition cruelle oppose les apprentis du maître, les haines éclatent, les amours voraces, les jalousies, les complots. Le Virginal entraîne ses élèves tantôt dans le Désert des Mojaves ou sur le Pacifique.

signatuur: cat. (grain/ate) fb

L'atelier du peintre : roman
cat. (grain/ate) fb
Patrick Grainville.

Body Image and Eating Disturbance in Gay and Bisexual Men: A Review  / Alicia Bosley.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 7 (2011) 5 (oct-dec), p. 457-469
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 7 (2011) 5 (oct-dec), p. 457-469
samenvatting: Gay and bisexual men have been consistently found to show more symptoms of eating disorders than heterosexual men. Males suffering from these disturbances often hesitate to seek help because of the stigma associated with being a male with an eating disorder, and men and boys with eating disorders may not present stereotypical disordered eating behaviors. Thus, these disorders in men are easily missed by clinicians. Knowledge is limited about gay and bisexual men struggling with these issues. Theories regarding such problems in these populations have evolved over time, with most experts currently agreeing that these disorders are a result of multiple factors. Body dissatisfaction appears to be the critical variable that creates vulnerability to disordered eating in homosexual men. Risk factors for the development of body-image problems and eating disorders have been identified and are included. Indications for clinicians are included in this review. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Body Image and Eating Disturbance in Gay and Bisexual Men: A Review
Alicia Bosley.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

Een wereld van verschil : seksuele gezondheid van LHBT's in Nederland 2013  / Onder redactie van Hanneke de Graaf, Bouko H.W. Bakker en Ciel Wijsen ;

[Delft]: Eburon, 2014 - 217 p.
uitgave: [Delft] : Eburon, 2014 - 217 p.
  1. gezondheid
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Eerste Nederlandse onderzoek naar de seksuele gezondheid van lesbische vrouwen, homoseksuele mannen, biseksuele mannen en vrouwen en transgenders. Onder bijna 5000 LHBT's zijn gegevens verzameld over seksuele aantrekking, seksueel gedrag, seksuele problemen en seksueel geweld.

signatuur: cat. (graaf-h/bak)

dgb grijs

Een wereld van verschil : seksuele gezondheid van LHBT's in Nederland 2013
cat. (graaf-h/bak)dgb grijs

Karma Eaters: The Politics of Food and Fat in Women's Land Communities in the United States  / Keridwen N. Luis.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 16 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 108-134
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 16 (2012) 1 (jan-mar), p. 108-134
samenvatting: Why is thinness so important among women who have largely rejected mainstream definitions of femininity? The idea of health has great cultural power and has come to symbolize not simply bodily but also spiritual, social, and moral well-being. These ideas permeate U.S. culture, and in women's land communities, the virtue of hunger and the morality of health take on differently inflected but no less potent meanings. Ironically, in a context where women reject many gender restrictions - restrictions increasingly, as Sandra Bartky notes, focused on the female body - the importance of the thin (and thus properly feminine) body persists through the symbolism of health and virtue. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Karma Eaters: The Politics of Food and Fat in Women's Land Communities in the United States
Keridwen N. Luis.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Körper- und Geschlechtserleben bei Personen mit kompletter Androgeninsensitivität  / Franziska Brunner ... [et al.].

Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 25 (2012) 1 (März), p. 26-48
bron: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung jaargang: 25 (2012) 1 (März), p. 26-48
samenvatting: Körper und Geschlecht werden nur selten getrennt voneinander betrachtet. Aus einem weiblichen Körper soll ein Geschlechtserleben als Frau resultieren, aus einem männlichen Körper ein Erleben als Mann. Dass in der Natur neben eindeutig weiblichen oder männlichen Körpern eine Vielzahl von andersartigen körperlichen (somatosexuellen) Entwicklungen, die als Intersexualität oder Störung der Geschlechtsentwicklung (engl.: Disorder of Sex Development, DSD) bezeichnet werden, vorkommen, wird hierbei außer Acht gelassen. Es herrscht auch kein Konsens darüber, welches Geschlechtserleben bei einem nicht eindeutig weiblichen oder männlichen Körper zu erwarten wäre. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, das Körper- und Geschlechtserleben von Personen mit komplettem Androgeninsensitivitätssyndrom (CAIS), einer Form von Intersexualität bei 46,XY Karyotyp und weiblichem Phänotyp, näher zu betrachten. Neben einem Überblick über den aktuellen Forschungsstand werden Ergebnisse der Hamburger Studie zur Intersexualität zu 13 Personen mit CAIS dargestellt. Hinsichtlich des Körper- und Geschlechtserlebens wird berichtet, in welchen Bereichen sich die Studienteilnehmenden von anderen Frauen unterscheiden. Diskutiert wird, welche Faktoren für eine Unzufriedenheit mit dem Körper ausschlaggebend sein könnten. In zukünftigen Studien sollte untersucht werden, ob ein Leben in einer anderen als der weiblichen Geschlechtsrolle bei bestimmten Individuen mit CAIS zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit führen würde.

signatuur: ts.

Körper- und Geschlechtserleben bei Personen mit kompletter Androgeninsensitivität
Franziska Brunner ... [et al.].
Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung

"Muscles Magazine" et l'histoire queer du mouvement de culture physique en Belgique  / Simon Schepers.

Ondraaglijk Besef (2011) 17 (dec), p. 5-9
bron: Ondraaglijk Besef (2011) 17 (dec), p. 5-9

signatuur: ts.

"Muscles Magazine" et l'histoire queer du mouvement de culture physique en Belgique
Simon Schepers.
Ondraaglijk Besef

Factors associated with a drive for muscularity among gay and bisexual men  / David J. Brennan, Shelley L. Craig, Dwight E.A. Thompson.

Culture, Health and Sexuality, 14 (2012) 1, p. 1-15
bron: Culture, Health and Sexuality jaargang: 14 (2012) 1 , p. 1-15
samenvatting: Among gay and bisexual men, body dissatisfaction can manifest itself in the form of a desire for increased muscularity. Possibly in response to homophobia, the socio-sexual culture of gay and bisexual men privileges muscularity and may help to perpetuate a sense of body dissatisfaction. Little is known about factors associated with a drive for muscularity among gay and bisexual men. This study recruited participants (n = 400) at Toronto's 2008 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender festival to provide data used to examine the relationship between a drive for muscularity and demographics (age, race, education, HIV status), psychological factors (depression, disordered eating, internalised homophobia, substance use), body mass, a history of childhood sexual abuse and sexual risk. Multivariate analyses revealed that a drive for muscularity was associated with age, disordered eating, depression, sexual risk and internalised homonegativity. These findings can be used to advance the health and wellbeing of gay and bisexual men, particularly interventions designed to mitigate the effects of internalised homonegativity and policies aimed at reducing homophobia.

signatuur: dgb artikelen, map culture, health and sexuality (brenn/cra)

Factors associated with a drive for muscularity among gay and bisexual men
dgb artikelen, map culture, health and sexuality (brenn/cra)
David J. Brennan, Shelley L. Craig, Dwight E.A. Thompson.
Culture, Health and Sexuality

Making Meaningful Bodies: Physical Appearance in Colonial Writings  / Sharon Block.

Early American Studies, 12 (2014) 3 (Fall), p. 524-547
bron: Early American Studies jaargang: 12 (2014) 3 (Fall), p. 524-547
samenvatting: Through a close reading of eighteenth-century personal writings and a comprehensive analysis of thousands of runaway advertisements, this essay moves beyond studies of assumed or symbolic notions of 'the body' to understand how colonists described physical appearance in daily life. What physical features marked sex or race classifications, and how do they differ from our assumed physicalities of these bodily divisions? Analyzing specific representations of eighteenth-century bodies instead of our assumed categorizations allows me to question naturalized and essentialized notions of male and female. I argue that physical descriptions produced intertwined racial and gender boundaries, not by seeing opposing characteristics in the people around them, but by constructing incompatible terms of evaluation. In other words, colonists divided bodies by asking incompatible questions, not by expecting opposing answers. Colonial Americans reflected, and made reality, their own judgments under the guise of describing the people around them.

signatuur: cat. art. (beyon/bin) b

Making Meaningful Bodies: Physical Appearance in Colonial Writings
cat. art. (beyon/bin) b
Sharon Block.
Early American Studies

Sexuality and the ethics of body modification : Theorizing the situated relationships among gender, sexuality and the body  / Jaye Cee Whitehead.

Sexualities, 16 (2013) 3/4 (jun), p. 383-400
bron: Sexualities jaargang: 16 (2013) 3/4 (jun), p. 383-400
samenvatting: Drawing from our qualitative, in-depth interviews of 35 professionals who write referral letters for 'gender transition', we explore how practitioners? decisions to approve, delay or refuse access to body modifications speak to the centrality of normative concepts of sexuality and the social function of bodies in the cultural politics of gender identity. We argue that practitioners construct what we call an ethic of body modification that tends toward reducing the body to its symbolic function as a representation of the subject?s true gender and a basis for sexual identity. We also discuss the views of a minority of practitioners who resist this tendency by creating an alternative path for body modification independent from identity claims. We conclude by discussing the cultural/political implications of pseudo-scientific discourses that assume gender identity is natural, stable and universal, whereas bodies are flexible and malleable social representations.

signatuur: ts.

Sexuality and the ethics of body modification : Theorizing the situated relationships among gender, sexuality and the body
Jaye Cee Whitehead.

The Relationships Between Sense of Belonging to the Gay Community, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and Self-Esteem Among Australian Gay Men  / Pantea Kousari-Rad, Suzanne McLaren.

Journal of Homosexuality, 60 (2013) 6 (jun), p. 927-943
bron: Journal of Homosexuality jaargang: 60 (2013) 6 (jun), p. 927-943
samenvatting: Body image dissatisfaction has been linked to belonging to the gay community and poor self-esteem among gay men. This study was designed to explore the applicability of a moderation model and a mediation model in explaining the relations between sense of belonging to the gay community, body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem among 90 self-identified Australian gay men. Participants completed the psychological subscale of the Sense of Belonging Instrument, the Body Satisfaction Scale, and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Results supported the moderation model; the relation between body image dissatisfaction and self-esteem was found to be statistically significant only at average and high levels of belonging to the gay community. The mediation model was also supported; body image dissatisfaction partially mediated the sense of belonging - self-esteem relation. Educating gay men and health professionals about the possible negative outcomes of ?belonging? to an appearance-oriented community is important. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00918369.2013.774866#abstract ]

signatuur: ts.

The Relationships Between Sense of Belonging to the Gay Community, Body Image Dissatisfaction, and Self-Esteem Among Australian Gay Men
Pantea Kousari-Rad, Suzanne McLaren.
Journal of Homosexuality


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