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Aantal resultaten: 20( DE:"bloggers" )


Raunch versus prude: contemporary sex blogs and erotic memoirs by women  / Kaye Mitchell.

Psychology and Sexuality, 3 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 12-25
bron: Psychology and Sexuality jaargang: 3 (2012) 1 (jan), p. 12-25
samenvatting: This article analyses two contemporary erotic memoirs by women, Belle de Jour's Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl and Abby Lee's Girl with a One-Track Mind, both of which began life as blogs. Situating them, briefly, in relation to previous erotic memoirs and fiction by women, I examine their transition from blog to book and consider the impact of new digital technologies upon female sexual self-narration. I examine the texts in the light of recent popular feminist writings on the sexualisation of girls and young women, and analyse both the books and original blogs' engagement with feminism, and their treatment of romance, lesbianism and the regulations governing female sexual conduct. This article evaluates the extent to which the boom in women's erotic memoirs (in book or blog form) is symptomatic of a persisting belief in sexuality as the truth of identity. Sexuality, as it is figured here, is still being positioned as 'the secret', as the essence or core of subjectivity, which perhaps explains why the memoir, as an attempt to communicate and constitute a 'self' through writing, has for women increasingly become the erotic memoir. This article concludes by asking to what extent this is both an undervaluation and an overvaluation of sexuality for women. [Copies are available at http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=g935967544 ]

signatuur: ts.

Raunch versus prude: contemporary sex blogs and erotic memoirs by women
Kaye Mitchell.
Psychology and Sexuality

Marcel 'vlogt' over zijn leven met hiv  / Peter J. Smit.

Hiv Nieuws (2014) 148 (mei/jun), p. 18-20
bron: Hiv Nieuws (2014) 148 (mei/jun), p. 18-20
samenvatting: Marcel liep op zijn 20ste hiv op. Het heeft zijn leven aangrijpend veranderd. Van ambtenaar is hij nu videoblogger geworden. In zijn 'vlogs' vertelt hij over zijn leven met hiv en zijn worstelingen daarbij. Hij is bovendien 'posterboy' voor een grote MSM hiv-preventiecampagne.

signatuur: ts.

Marcel 'vlogt' over zijn leven met hiv
Peter J. Smit.
Hiv Nieuws

Remediating Politics: Brand(ed) New Sexualities and Real Bodies Online  / Aristea Fotopoulou.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 253-266
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 17 (2013) 3-4 (jul-dec), p. 253-266
samenvatting: This article suggests that, in a world emerging in and through mediation, branded sex bloggers and portals become (re)mediators of queer and feminist politics. It examines the websites of two porn production companies, Nofauxxx and Furry Girl, and analyses how they respond to older media forms, re-articulate long-standing debates about pornography in new mediated environments, and re-signify the pornographic object. Key in this process is the circulation of 'authenticity', 'real bodies' and 'diversity' discourses. Through this circulation, sex blogger/brand portals mediate models of queer and feminist political engagement entrenched with notions of digital networks and free markets more generally. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10894160.2013.731865 ]

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (fotop/rem)

Remediating Politics: Brand(ed) New Sexualities and Real Bodies Online
ts. dgb artikelen (fotop/rem)
Aristea Fotopoulou.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Tranimalities  / eds. Eva Hayward and Jami Weinstein.

Transgender Studies Quarterly, 2 (2015) 2 (may)
bron: Transgender Studies Quarterly jaargang: 2 (2015) 2 (may)
samenvatting: Contents: - General editors' introduction / S. Stryker and P. Currah. - p. 189-194. - Introduction: Tranimalities in the age of trans*life / Eva Hayward and Jami Weinstein. p. 195-208. - Animal techne: transing posthumanism / Camilla Nurka. - p. 209-226. - What is it like to be a human? / Claire Colebrook. - p. 227-243. - Species panic: human continuums, trans andys, and cyberotic triangles in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / David Huebert. p. 244-260 - Alligator earrings and the fishhook in the face: Tragicomedy, transcorporeality, and animal drag. p. 261-279. - My distributed tranimalities @sltranimal.blogspot.com / Kate King. - p. 280-296. - Transfiguring the antroposcene: Stochastic reimaginings of human-beaver worlds / Cleo Woelfle-Erskine and July Cole. -p. 297-316. - Tranimacies : an interview with Mel Y. Chen. - p. 317-323. ARTS & CULTURE - They look back: the animalization and self-articulation of trans genitalia / Paige M. johnson. p. 324-329. - GI's anatomy: drawing sex, drawing gender, drawing bodies / Anna McNay and Jay Stewart. - p. 330-335. - Notes toward a possible trajectory of posthuman transition centered on the asteroid Bel / Margaret Trauth and Kincaid. - p. 336-340. - Artist statement: visible monstrosity as empowerment / Anthony Clair Wagner. - p. 341-344. NEW MEDIA - The tracks of my tears: Trans* affects, resonance, and Pit Bulls and Parolees / Harlan Weaver. - p. 345-352.

signatuur: ts.

eds. Eva Hayward and Jami Weinstein.
Transgender Studies Quarterly

Ik wist niet wanneer het feest voorbij was  / Ejay de Wit.

Hiv Nieuws (2015) 152 (jan/feb), p. 4-6
bron: Hiv Nieuws (2015) 152 (jan/feb), p. 4-6
samenvatting: Onder de naam My Fabulous Disease blogt Mark S. King over zijn leven met hiv waarvoor hij in 2014 een award ontving. Hij is hiv positief en was decennia lang verslaafd aan de drug crystal meth en seks. Met veel vallen en opstaan heeft hij zijn leven uitgemest.

signatuur: ts.

Ik wist niet wanneer het feest voorbij was
Ejay de Wit.
Hiv Nieuws

Generation YouTube  / Boyd van Hoeij.

Winq / GK (2015) 68 (mar/apr), p. 30-35
bron: Winq / GK (2015) 68 (mar/apr), p. 30-35
samenvatting: Winq/GK ging in Los Angeles op bezoek bij vier populaire gay Youtube-sterren, oftewel vloggers, die samen goed zijn voor meer dan 600 miljoen views: Tyler Oakley, Davey Wavey en het koppel Will en RJ. Over vertier en voorbeeldfuncties.

signatuur: ts.

Generation YouTube
Boyd van Hoeij.
Winq / GK

Un blogueur dans le débat sur le mariage pour tous : construction d'une autorité identitaire et diffusion catholique d'une dénonciation.  / Josselin Tricou.

samenvatting: En France, la controverse autour du projet de loi sur l' élargement du mariage aux personnes de même sexe a été l'occasion d'une réaffirmation catholique dans l'espace public. Cette étude de cas vise à documenter une des modalités de cette réaffirmation, en privilégiant une approche en termes de mobilisation complémentaire des approches typoligiques priviligiées en sociologie du catholicime contemporain. En effet, cet article décrira la carrière "d'entrepreneur identitaire" du blogueur catholique francais Koztoujours et sa consécration à l'occasion de la contre-mobilisation face ce projet de loi.

signatuur: cat. art. (habem/gen) b

Un blogueur dans le débat sur le mariage pour tous : construction d'une autorité identitaire et diffusion catholique d'une dénonciation.
cat. art. (habem/gen) b
Josselin Tricou.
In: Habemus gender! : Déconstruction d'úne riposte religieuse. - Bruxelles : Université de Bruxelles, 2015. - p. 109-129.

Zij en werk : "Dirigeren is het moooiste wat er is" : "Lesbische vrouwen worden meer zichtbaar, in al hun diversiteit"  / Marije Rispens.

Zij aan Zij, 24 (2015) 4 (apr), p. 41-45
bron: Zij aan Zij jaargang: 24 (2015) 4 (apr), p. 41-45
samenvatting: Lesbische dirigent van Gay & Lesbian Galakoor Yt Nicolai en de eerste Nederlandse lesbische YouTube en bloggerkoppel Scarlet Hemkes en Joyce Everink vetellen hier hun verhaal over hun werk.

signatuur: ts.

Zij en werk : "Dirigeren is het moooiste wat er is" : "Lesbische vrouwen worden meer zichtbaar, in al hun diversiteit"
Marije Rispens.
Zij aan Zij

Lesbian Mommy Blogging in Canada : Documenting Subtle Homophobia in Canadian Society and Building Community Online  / Andrea Hunter.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 19 (2015) 2 (apr-jun), p. 212-229
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 19 (2015) 2 (apr-jun), p. 212-229
samenvatting: This article analyzes how lesbian mommy bloggers in Canada are using their blogs as forums for self-expression and a means to form community, as they record their unique experiences as queer parents. Further, it argues that lesbian mommy blogging is documenting a subtle form of homophobia that exists in Canada in terms of social acceptance. Although there is legal acceptance of queer families, society has not necessarily caught up with the law. These blogs show that lesbian parents in Canada still struggle with issues of equality, including difficulties being ?out,? invisibility, and having to advocate for the non-birth parent. [ Copies are available at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/10894160.2015.969077 ]

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (hunte-a/les)

Lesbian Mommy Blogging in Canada : Documenting Subtle Homophobia in Canadian Society and Building Community Online
ts. dgb artikelen (hunte-a/les)
Andrea Hunter.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Fashion and design edition.

Winq / GK (2015) 71 (sep/okt), p. 36-137
bron: Winq / GK (2015) 71 (sep/okt), p. 36-137
samenvatting: Inhoud: - Tom Ford: "Call Me Tom" / Dan Rookwood - p. 36-41. - Michiel de Zeeuw: Niet zomaar wat stofjes en spulletjes / Edwin Reinerie - p. 42-46. - Marcel Wanders: Genie of prullen-poeper?: Ontwerpen met lichtsnelheid / Hans van Willigenburg - p. 50-52 - Work in Progress / Robbert Blokland - p. 57-63. - Rule the Runway / Emiel Brinkhuis - 71-75. - Blogger Patrick Ingram: Een positief geluid / Rick Mom - p. 80-82. - Great Migrations: Hoe mode de crisis overleeft / Michou Basu - p.116-119. - Heren: dames eerst / Wijnand van den Brink - p.132-137.

signatuur: ts.

Fashion and design edition.
Winq / GK


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