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Aantal resultaten: 11( DE:"arbeidersbeweging" )


Breaking the chains : the struggle for gay and lesbian liberation and socialism  / by Susan Tyburn.

Toronto: Worker's Action Books, cop. 1979 - 36 p.: ill.
uitgave: Toronto : Worker's Action Books, cop. 1979 - 36 p.: ill.
  1. lhbti-beweging
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: Homo/lesbisch manifest.

signatuur: cat. (tybur/bre) k

Breaking the chains : the struggle for gay and lesbian liberation and socialism
cat. (tybur/bre) k

Homoseksualiteit en bevrijding  / 

Mario Mieli ; vert. [uit het Italiaans]: Thea Klok].Eindhoven: Roze Driehoek, [1988] - 310 p.
uitgave: Eindhoven: Roze Driehoek, [1988] - 310 p.
annotatie: Roofdr. van oorspr. Ned. uitg.: Amsterdam : De Arbeiderspers, 1982. - Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Elementi di critica omosessuale. - Turino : Einaudi, 1977.
samenvatting: Revolutionair pleidooi voor een dialectische synthese waardoor klassenstrijd, man-vrouw- en homo-hetero-tegenstellingen opgeheven zouden worden.

signatuur: cat. (mieli/hom/bev) 88 b

Homoseksualiteit en bevrijding
cat. (mieli/hom/bev) 88 b
Mario Mieli ; vert. [uit het Italiaans]: Thea Klok].

Homoseksualiteit & bevrijding  / 

door Mario Mieli ; vert. [uit het Italiaans]: Thea Klok.Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 1982 - 310 p.
uitgave: Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers, 1982 - 310 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Elementi di critica omosessuale. - Turino : Einaudi, 1977.
samenvatting: Revolutionair pleidooi voor een dialectische synthese waardoor klassenstrijd, man-vrouw- en homo-hetero-tegenstellingen opgeheven zouden worden.

signatuur: cat. (mieli/hom/bev) b

Homoseksualiteit & bevrijding
cat. (mieli/hom/bev) b
door Mario Mieli ; vert. [uit het Italiaans]: Thea Klok.

Homosexuality and liberation : elements of gay critique  / 

Mario Mieli ; transl. [from the Italian] by David Fernbach.London: Gay Men's Press, 1980 - 247 p.
uitgave: London: Gay Men's Press, 1980 - 247 p.
annotatie: Oorspr. titel en uitg.: Elementi di critica omosessuale. - Turino : Einaudi, 1977.
samenvatting: Revolutionair pleidooi voor een dialectische synthese waardoor klassenstrijd, man-vrouw- en homo-hetero-tegenstellingen opgeheven zouden worden.

signatuur: cat. (mieli/hom/lib) b

Homosexuality and liberation : elements of gay critique
cat. (mieli/hom/lib) b
Mario Mieli ; transl. [from the Italian] by David Fernbach.

Homosexuellenunterdrückung in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft  / Thorsten Graf, Mimi Steglitz.

Probleme des Klassenkampfs (PROKLA), 4 (1974) 4 (=16), p. 17-50
bron: Probleme des Klassenkampfs (PROKLA) jaargang: 4 (1974) 4 (=16) , p. 17-50

signatuur: ts.

Homosexuellenunterdrückung in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft
Thorsten Graf, Mimi Steglitz.
Probleme des Klassenkampfs (PROKLA)
4 (=16)

Towards a gay communism : elements of a homosexual critique  / 

Mario Mieli ; translated [from the italian] by David Fernbach with Evan Calder Williams ; introduction by Massimo Prearo ; foreword by Tim Dean.London: Pluto Press, 2017 - xxxviii, 269 p.
uitgave: London: Pluto Press, 2017 - xxxviii, 269 p.
annotatie: First published as Elementi di critica omosessuale. - Revised English translation.
samenvatting: First published in Italian in 1977, Mario Mieli's groundbreaking book is an early landmark of revolutionary queer theory - now available for the first time in a complete and unabridged English translation. Among the most important works ever to address the relationship between homosexuality, homophobia and capitalism, Mieli's essay continues to pose a radical challenge to today's dominant/mainstream queer theory and politics. With extraordinary prescience, Mieli exposes the efficiency with which capitalism co-opts 'perversions' which are then 'sold both wholesale and retail'. In his view, the liberation of homosexual desire requires the emancipation of sexuality from both patriarchal sex roles and capital. Drawing heavily upon Marx and psychoanalysis to arrive at a dazzlingly original vision, Towards a Gay Communism is a hitherto neglected classic that will be essential reading for all who seek to understand the true meaning of sexual liberation under capitalism today.

signatuur: cat. (mieli/tow) b

Towards a gay communism : elements of a homosexual critique
cat. (mieli/tow) b
Mario Mieli ; translated [from the italian] by David Fernbach with Evan Calder Williams ; introduction by Massimo Prearo ; foreword by Tim Dean.

Love's Next Meeting : The Forgotten History of Homosexuality and the Left in American Culture  / 

Aaron Lecklider.Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2021 - 354 p.: ill.
uitgave: Oakland, CA: University of California Press, 2021 - 354 p.: ill.
samenvatting: How queerness and radical politics intersected-earlier than you thought. Well before Stonewall, a broad cross section of sexual dissidents took advantage of their space on the margins of American society to throw themselves into leftist campaigns. Sensitive already to sexual marginalization, they also saw how class inequality was exacerbated by the Great Depression, witnessing the terrible bread lines and bread riots of the era. They participated in radical labor organizing, sympathized like many with the early prewar Soviet Union, contributed to the Republicans in the Spanish Civil War, opposed US police and state harassment, fought racial discrimination, and aligned themselves with the dispossessed. Whether they were themselves straight, gay, or otherwise queer, they brought sexual dissidence and radicalism into conversation at the height of the Left's influence on American culture. Combining rich archival research with inventive analysis of art and literature, Love?s Next Meeting explores the relationship between homosexuality and the Left in American culture between 1920 and 1960. Aaron S. Lecklider uncovers a lively cast of individuals and dynamic expressive works, revealing remarkably progressive engagement with homosexuality among radicals, workers, and the poor. Leftists connected sexual dissidence with radical gender politics, antiracism, and challenges to censorship and obscenity laws through the 1920s and 1930s. In the process, a wide array of activists, organizers, artists, and writers laid the foundation for a radical movement through which homosexual lives and experiences were given shape and new political identities were forged. Love's Next Meeting cuts to the heart of some of the biggest questions in American history: questions about socialism, about sexuality, about the supposed clash still making headlines today between leftist politics and identity politics. What emerges is a dramatic, sexually vibrant story of the shared struggles for liberation across the twentieth century.

signatuur: cat. (leckl/lov) b

Love's Next Meeting : The Forgotten History of Homosexuality and the Left in American Culture
cat. (leckl/lov) b
Aaron Lecklider.

Elementi di critica omosessuale  / 

Mario Mieli ; a cura di Paola Mieli e Gianni Rossi Barilli ; in appendice i testi di Tim Dean, Teresa de Lauretis, David Jacobson, Christopher Lane, Claude Rabant e Simonetta Spinelli.Milano: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2017 - 325, [3] p.
uitgave: Milano: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, 2017 - 325, [3] p.
annotatie: First edition published by G. Einaudi, Torino, 1977.- This edition was originally published by "Campi del sapere", November 2002. Subsequently published by "Universale Economica"--SAGGI, November 2017.- 5th printing, 2022.
samenvatting: La proposta di Mieli, illustrata nel libro e sperimentata in prima persona con coerenza estrema, è un'utopia da vivere, partendo dal presupposto che la liberazione dell'eros nelle sue forme neglette e represse è il solo serio antidoto al predominio mortifero della Norma e del capitalismo. Si tratta, dice Mieli, di aprire una breccia nella psiche mutilata dalla dittatura della normalità per lasciar emergere la transessualità sepolta in ciascuno di noi, "l'ermafroditismo originario e profondo di ogni individuo". Questa opera di liberazione è alla base di un percorso di dissolvimento e ricomposizione dell'identità umana che mira al conseguimento di una nuova soggettività androgina e pansessuale. Temi di questo genere fanno di Mieli un anticipatore di molte riflessioni successive che, a partire dagli anni ottanta, hanno rimesso in gioco le categorie della sessualità in nome di una visione creativa dei concetti di genere e identità sessuale.

signatuur: cat. (mieli/ele) b


Elementi di critica omosessuale
cat. (mieli/ele) b ODE3
Mario Mieli ; a cura di Paola Mieli e Gianni Rossi Barilli ; in appendice i testi di Tim Dean, Teresa de Lauretis, David Jacobson, Christopher Lane, Claude Rabant e Simonetta Spinelli.

Feminist Antifascism: Counterpublics of the Common  / 

Ewa Majewska.London [etc.]: Verso, 2021 - [191] p.
uitgave: London [etc.]: Verso, 2021 - [191] p.
annotatie: This book was written as a part of the project "Early Solidarnosc and the Black Protests in Theories of Counterpublics and the Subaltern," financed by the Polish National Council of Science.
samenvatting: An incisive theoretical manifesto arguing that feminism is the only route to an antifascist global future. In this work, Polish feminist philosopher Ewa Majewska maps the creation of feminist counterpublics around the world - spaces of protest and ideas, community and common struggle, that can challenge the emergence of fascist states as well as Western democratic "public spheres" populated by atomized, individual subjects. Drawing from Eastern Europe and the Global South, Majewska describes the mass labor movement of Poland's Solidarnosc in 1980 and contemporary feminist movements across Poland and South America, arguing that it is outside of the West that we can see the most promising left futures. Majewska argues for the creation of a feminist public - a politics and a world held in common - and outlines the tactics this political goal demands, arguing for a feminist political theory that does not reproduce the same forms of domination it seeks to overcome.

signatuur: cat. (majew/fem)

dgb studieboeken

Feminist Antifascism: Counterpublics of the Common
cat. (majew/fem) dgb studieboeken
Ewa Majewska.

Pen 'Lavender Caucus'

ca. 1990-2020. - M02461
beschrijving: Geel-zwarte pen met een paarse logo en de tekst 'Lavender Caucus : another shade of purple' in paarse letters. Lavender Caucus is de LGBTIQ-groep van de Service Employees International Union (SEIU) met als doel een open en respectvolle communicatie tussen de LGBTIQ-gemeenschap en de vakbondsbeweging te bevorderen.
trefwoord: seiu - lavender caucus
organisatie: Lavender Caucus
land: usa

Pen 'Lavender Caucus'


( DE:"arbeidersbeweging" )

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