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Number of results: 3( AU:LITTEL )


'Minority consciousness gone mad?' : Exclusion, inclusion and self-organisation of disabled LGBTI people in the Dutch and British LGBT+ and disability movements, in the late twentieth century  / Nina Littel.

Leiden: Universiteit Leiden, 2019 - 129
edition: Leiden : Universiteit Leiden, 2019 - 129
  1. gehandicapten
  2. lhbti
resume: Calls for attention to the existence of disabled lesbians and gays began to emerge during the 1970s, challenging the normative gay identity: these calls increased in amount and urgency throughout the following two decades. The problems disabled LGBTI people identified were two-sided: homophobia in the existing disability organisations and communities; and ableism and inaccessibility within existing lesbian and gay organisations and communities. Thus, disabled lesbian and gay groups were set up to combat these exclusions. These groups were meant to create a space of their own, to meet, share experiences and educate each other. Their experiences of exclusion, and their subsequent self-organisation, is the main focus of this thesis. This thesis seeks to answer how disabled LGBTI people navigated both LGBTI and disabled spheres, and how and why they created or used disabled LGBTI spheres or content, in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands throughout the 1970s, 80s and 90s.

signature: cat. (litte/min)

dgb grijs

'Minority consciousness gone mad?' : Exclusion, inclusion and self-organisation of disabled LGBTI people in the Dutch and British LGBT+ and disability movements, in the late twentieth century
cat. (litte/min)dgb grijs

Playing the game of lesbian imagination: radical lesbian feminist organising in the Dutch Lesbian Nation  / Nina Littel.

Women's History review (2021) (16 jul), p. 1-21
source: Women's History review (2021)(16 jul), p. 1-21
resume: In 1976, a small group of lesbian feminists in Amsterdam named themselves after Jill Johnston's Lesbian Nation: The Feminist Solution (1973) and imagined a separate lesbian society, free from heteropatriarchal oppression. Despite naming themselves after Johnston, Lesbian Nation's main aim was inspired by French feminist theorist Monique Wittig: to subvert the existing symbolic order, and create a new one in its wake. Based on archival research and interviews, this article shows how Lesbian Nation combined both lesbian separatist and cultural feminist tendencies, by experimenting with lesbian identity and creating a women's culture. Discussing the similarities and differences between Lesbian Nation and its predecessor, Paarse September, this article illustrates how lesbian organising evolved in the Netherlands. More broadly, this article adds to lesbian feminist historiography, showing how a small group shaped their own lesbian feminist ideology - and brought this into practice - on a local scale.

signature: cat. (litte/pla)

dgb artikelen

Playing the game of lesbian imagination: radical lesbian feminist organising in the Dutch Lesbian Nation
cat. (litte/pla) dgb artikelen
Nina Littel.
Women's History review
(16 jul)

Patriarchale concessies, olifantenpaadjs, en bewustwordingsmechanismen : De ideologische achtergrond van catalogisering in Nederlandse lhbt+ -archieven  / Noah Littel.

Historica, 45 (2022) 2, p. 22-28
source: Historica year: 45 (2022) 2 , p. 22-28
resume: In de late jaren zeventig en de vroege jaren tachtig van de twintigste eeuw werden er in Nederland documentatiecentra en archieven voor homo en lesbische geschiedenis opgericht. Om te zorgen dat de geschiedenis van de florerende lhbt+-beweging niet alleen bewaard werd, maar ook toegankelijk was, waren deze instellingen niet alleen bezig met het verzamelen van materiaal, maar ook met het documenteren hiervan. Het bouwen van een trefwoordenlijst of thesaurus wordt vaak gezien als een puur technisch proces, maar achter het catalogiseren van de collectie vonden veel ideologische discussies plaats. Door de gesprekken en overwegingen die plaatsvonden in de ontwikkeling van de catalogi en thesauri van Nederlandse lhbt+-archieven te analyseren, geeft dit artikel inzicht in de ideologische achtergrond van een technisch archiefproces.

signature: ts.

dgb artikelen (roele/gen)

Patriarchale concessies, olifantenpaadjs, en bewustwordingsmechanismen : De ideologische achtergrond van catalogisering in Nederlandse lhbt+ -archieven
ts. dgb artikelen (roele/gen)
Noah Littel.



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