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Queer Transgressions in Twentieth-Century Polish Fiction : Gender, Nation, Politics  / 

Jack J. B. Hutchens.London: Lexington, 2020 - 154 p.
uitgave: London: Lexington, 2020 - 154 p.
samenvatting: Throughout the twentieth century in Poland various ideologies attempted to keep queer voices silent - whether those ideologies were fascist, communist, Catholic, or neo-liberal. Despite these pressures, there existed a vibrant, transgressive trend within Polish literature that subverted such silencing. This book provides in-depth textual analyses of several of those texts, covering nearly every decade of the last century, and includes authors such as Witold Gombrowicz, Marian Pankowski, and Olga Tokarczuk, winner of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature. Jack J. B. Hutchens demonstrates the subversive power of each work, showing that through their transgressions they help to undermine nationalist and homophobic ideologies that are still at play in Poland today. Hutchens argues that the transgressive reading of Polish literature can challenge the many binaries on which conservative, heteronormative ideology depends in order to maintain its cultural hegemony.

signatuur: cat. (hutch/que) b

dgb wo2

Queer Transgressions in Twentieth-Century Polish Fiction : Gender, Nation, Politics
cat. (hutch/que) b dgb wo2
Jack J. B. Hutchens.


( ID:N310063 )

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